musical graffiti FLUXUS please participate
发起人:exigently  回复数:1   浏览数:5045   最后更新:2011/12/18 10:46:47 by Stevenj
[楼主] exigently 2010-04-14 15:28:40
musical staffs appear on walls throughout the city, inviting passersby to add their notes.
at the end we'll harvest the notes and perform the song

you can be involved in many ways.
to draw a note on the staffs around town.
to perform and compose the song with us
to participate in any new way you can think of.
we are open to all ideas.

this week we are at moganshan lu. peek around the graffiti wall near the 50 moganshan galleries.

please visit our site to learn and see.
