发起人:grd  回复数:27   浏览数:2847   最后更新:2007/09/07 07:45:30 by
[楼主] 老董 2007-09-06 08:34:50
展览地点:新波画廊    上海莫干山路97号
  China's contemporary art is with the brand-new independent stage of appearance.Just as France of the thirties of last century and cultural revolution of U.S.A. of the sixties. If Renaissance art pays close attention to humanity, Impressionist art pays close attention to naturally, Modern art pays close attention to being aesthstic, So contemporary art pays close attention to the society.The contemporary social material overflows,Split up rich or poorly, Culture is barren.Terrified, Burnt and dry, It is all symptoms that contemporary people can't get rid of that worried to wait a moment.The artist is the sensitive one, And ones that can often be perceived and happened and happened catch them sharply.In China's contemporary artistic linguistic context; Young artist Liang Feng's artistic language seems a bit different and out of the common, His rival is infatuated, It is what ordinary persons can't imagine to be fanatic and persistent. Hands are the most important tool of humanbeing evolution,All modern civilization is all realized with hands,Hands hope,It is the right of words, It is the productivity, Hands are a intelligent symbol.Hands have become the image symbol of the roof beam with characterized peak,Have become his expression happiness,Xuan lets out the emotion,Hide the anxious mask.Though we saw the all the time obscure sex from ancient times to the present clearly behind the mask, But is not this current society's undisguised portrayal?We saw the inflation of the city desire in his picture,Decadent fan's feeling, That resentfulness with sad feeling while experiencing that dark and dark at the same time, The atmospheres of ferocious agony and paganism with uncanny color and worship to the motive power of reproduction. His picture is in bright gay color and gorgeous, It is strong to compare with, Reveal directly out a kind of unrestrained breath without bunch.Picture heartily, Overstate the huge hands out of shape, Big mouth smiling unprincipledly, Confused fight scene, Whether no matter the society about politics or human one, Lin Lin who hints obliquely at out, always is always thought-provoking, Especially the artist compels admiration by humorous and humorous irony. Picture of him give feeling of somebody unique a plural one of shock and with black humour. Liang Feng is undoubtedly a sharp the sensitive one.
  Wish Liang Feng's " hands " can win everybody's concern, Gain everybody's laugh, Win everybody's approval and respect!
[沙发:1楼] 老董 2007-09-06 11:06:02
[板凳:2楼] 少半边 2007-09-06 12:41:03
[s:325] 马桶都更了N次新换了N次代 还YIN [s:327]
[地板:3楼] guest 2007-09-07 05:46:17