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[楼主] 藏金阁 2007-11-29 08:27:12

策展人: 王伟毅
参展艺术家:莫毅 王伟毅 施新 张锰



Under the big changing of social form in China,it is the supreme highlight during the development of contemporary world’s culture and art. Historical,others’,selves; tragedy, comedy,absurd play complect together,hard to explain everything.
Nowadays in the so rumbustious world,four artists can record these photos with a dispassionate attitude which are making people feel deep sorrow to their hearts,of course it is the works that they made it by their own,but more fortunate will leave to watchers,they discover much more inside the surface.
So much incalculable obfuscations in urbanism,but true artist will not settle for common popular prejudice,they keep asking,keep recording,keep discovering,individual thinkings and opinions will be revealed from images and videos. Their public tastes are different from the most mainly photographers’,and also unlike some van artists whom express theirselves in unreasonable, catharsisable ways.
They are trying to let the truth reveal by it self during the course of discovering.let it express itself and let the works undercover personal feelings and opinions.It bases from the facts as well as respect peoplo’s thinker.If we attempt to find out the common ground of these four artists then it must be sapiential,specific voices coming from new human cultures.However this is also the most missing part of art region which people living in the after modern times most needed.
When man be perplexed,the most difficult and one in a thousand ability is sit tight,and only this kind of persistent can approach the truth and fact.In the noisy world,it still exsit a thing which can touch our hearts in case,so…what it is?The man who question it closely will get good fortune.
Not only the vanish of the spirites of humancultue will come to an end and also the wakers are not just nothing more than several scholars.And the show of these four craftsmen’s art work will be the demonstration.

[沙发:1楼] 百一 2007-11-30 03:01:56