Face — 張志成個展
发起人:gggguest  回复数:0   浏览数:2265   最后更新:2007/12/11 05:04:21 by
[楼主] wood 2007-12-11 05:04:21
[沙发:1楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:00:49
程然  光源 黑白录象,hi8格式,5分钟02秒 2005
Light Souree  Video/HI8/Black&White/5’02" 2005

[板凳:2楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:02:40
黄小鹏  GUESS LOVE EVERYDAY / 每天猜测爱  Video/录像. 3’01”2007.

流行音乐是最容易被接受,也是误解最多的东西方交流形式.这是我正在做的流行文化与现实生活关系的计划卡啦OK mv 之二, 利用快译软件重复地翻译中外流行曲,一直到它们和影像荒谬地结为一体。。。其中街边抢劫情景的录像来源于po.lice提供给法庭的证据
[地板:3楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:08:33
迈克尔。李宏辉  一次心理实验  数字录像  5分钟 2004
Michael Lee Hong Hwe    A Psychotectonic Experiment  Video | Digital | 5min | 2004

How can a neurotic become psychotic? I address this question through a combination of approaches: first self-portrait photography, then cutout method, then installation of the cutouts at various points at home, and finally, videography. The outcome is a series of vignettes of miniatures of my image seeking adventures in an alien landscape.
[4楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:11:03
李牧  生日快乐  录像  6分钟  2006
Li Mu  Happy Birthday    video  6min  2006

Pitching cake with each other at birthday party is the most common scene—sweet,frolic,hurt,happiness or endurance?
[5楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:13:53
吕滢 七日  录像  2006
Lv Ying  Seven Days  video  2006

According to the Bible, God created universe and creatures in seven days. God created man and woman, and after that human and all animals increase gradually in number.
There are different colors, different nations, and different languages in our world. But in these more “same” world, man and woman keep their obviously characters, and will not affected by the “same” trend.
In humanly world, man and woman as a balanced power exist. They are in depending on each other, and to be confined each other either. They construct the basic unit in our human life. They will not be assimilated each other or become one’s mirror, because they are very different from their creature characters. In some sense, they are holly opposite to each other. But in real world, they are impossible apart; they have to living together and create together, so they always in these situations. Opposite accompany identical.
A span of daily life, the two units construct the human world.
[6楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:15:41
马秋莎 一部美丽电影  多屏录像 10’22” 2007
Ma Qiusha    a beautiful film  Video(3-4)  10’22” 2007
[7楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:18:49
那颖禹 风搅雪 /录像/标准DV转DVD/PAL制式/33分51秒/彩色/2005
Na Yingyu  snow into the wind1/video/PAL/DV trans to DVD/33min51sec/color//2005




As vol.1 and vol.2 of the video series Random Combing of Chinese Oral Literature, the video work Snow Into The Wind finished in Feb 2005 at Majie village, Baofeng county of Henan Province, and the Reliquary finished in Aug 2005 at Lianzhou city of Guangdong Province.
The project intend to aim the video camera at the Chinese fork oral literature as the intangible cultural heritage in 2 or 3 location which will be chosen at random annually.
With the result that a series of “Structure”text put the oral literature down for the narrative subjects, and the local intricate intangible cultural heritage: dance, game, fable, religious ceremonies, custom, handicraft, architecture and arithmetic etc, have been represented as objects or beholders.Frequently, these intricacies are undistinguishable between subject and object. They are apt to break the Subject-object Dichotomy, be self-confused, pull narratives back to the subject rapidly, or go their own way, letting the chips fall where they may, reversing the position of subject and object when they get the run upon.
Ultimately, the finished works become a series of personalized videos accompanied with instantaneous carnival in manner of being obsessed by subject, emphasizing the structure and restraining the narratives.
[8楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:20:54
彭韫《镜中人》 短片 3分26秒 2005年

From one body to another ,the change of focus brings to us :a lizard with a broken leg , a woman with two identities,procreation, bind. Inside and outside of the mirror ,after ,is it another wait?
[9楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:22:51
Sheng Jianfeng  Dialogue,2007,Performance/video,3′19″
I yell at a decibel machine hysterically,a series of chirps,with unknown tones,till i am voiceless.
[10楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:25:21
王丹  在我姥姥家 录像  2007

Making art with digital camera recorders and digital cameras taday are as natural as writers using pens or artists using brushes. Make artworks as if the act of creating is a basic function in life that must be done,rather than making something that are firstly conceptually works of art before they are actually created.
[11楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:27:03
温京博 《风》录像  2005

I followed the winter of cold wind angle of view I was marching alone, to express a person who was back away from his hometown with a feeling of homesickness, I was beginning to think the feeling and mood of Germany.
[12楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:28:51
张墨柳 《未完成》录像  2005-2007


"Unfinished" is a series video, which is composed of a number of short pieces. Each piece is a moment. The work deals with life. I prefer to consider it as a part of my normal life, other than a piece of "art". They are all about my real life- the place I live, where I have been to, and what I have done...The work  will be continued as my life is going on. I named it "unfinished" because I can never predict the time my life end up.
[13楼] wood 2007-12-11 09:30:12
《邂逅》——rencountre 时长2’53” 2005年


A naughty fatty boy find a tall torpor with dark glasses man whose semblance look like a blind in a scruffy bus stop when he waiting for the bus. The fatty boy want use a banana skin to make the “blind” tall guy tumble by throw the banana skin to the tall guy after he try the eyesight of the tall guy. Then the tall guy prod at the fatty boy’s eyeball turn him to a real blind.
[14楼] guest 2007-12-11 16:58:42
[15楼] guest 2007-12-11 17:02:24
[16楼] guest 2007-12-11 18:03:24
[quote]引用第15楼guest于2007-12-12 01:02发表的  :
[17楼] guest 2007-12-11 18:33:02
[quote]引用第15楼guest于2007-12-12 01:02发表的  :
[18楼] wood 2007-12-14 07:01:58
[19楼] guest 2007-12-20 06:22:32