尤伦斯‘85新潮 第二波攻势到!丛书出版讨论会 发言全文!!
发起人:velvetgolden  回复数:2   浏览数:2760   最后更新:2008/02/22 01:43:30 by velvetgolden
[楼主] redfoxfeng 2008-02-21 17:55:47

展览日期:2008年2月23日 – 3月16日

策 展 人:哈罗•施密特  汤马克•文特兰
艺 术 家: 因苟•赖 (德国)、贺立努•郝森(冰岛)、卡特佳•达瓦(英国)、亚历山大•斯坦格(德国)、福尔克•思科雷内尔(德国)、伊斯肯德•耶迪勒(波兰)、马丁•赞特(捷克)、阿加塔•米科斯卡(波兰)、安德赞格•佩普隆斯基(波兰)、埃洛迪•保特里(法国)、玛莎•高德凡娜娅(俄罗斯)、罗杰•保尔克(英国)、马特乌斯•派克(波兰)、诺姆•布拉斯拉乌斯基(以色列)、简•托米克(爱莎尼亚)、伊娃•斯特拉姆(瑞典)、娜蒂亚•福丽娜•马金(德国)、尼娜•科瓦查娃+瓦伦丁•斯蒂芬诺夫(法国)、厄斯拉•纽格保尔(德国)、克莱门斯•福尔特勒(奥地利)、安娜•克林扎克(波兰)




European Attitude
Presented by:  Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art
Dates: 23 February – 16 March 2008
Venue: Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art
                    (No.28, Lane 199 Fangdian Road, Shanghai, China)
Opening Reception:23 February, 2008 (Saturday), 4pm

Artistic Director:    Shen Qibin
Academic Director: Binghui Huangfu
Curators:            Harro Schmidt & Tomek Wendland
Project Manager:  Chen Shuxia

Artists:    Ingo Lie (Germany), Hlynur Hallsson (Iceland), Katja Davar (England), Alexander Steig (Germany), Volker Schreiner (Germany), Iskender Yediler (Turkey), Martin Zet (Czech Republic), Agata Michowska (Poland), Andrzej Peplonski (Poland), Elodie Boutry (France), Masha Godovannaya (Russia), Roger Bourke (England), Mateusz Pek (Poland), Noam Braslawsky (Israel), Jaan Toomik (Estonia), Eva Stenram (Sweden), Nadja Verena Marcin (Germany), Nina Kovatcheva & Valentin Stefanoff (France), Ursula Neugebauer (Germany), Clemens Fuertler (Austria), Anna Klimczak (Poland)

Co-curated by renowned curators Harro Schmidt and Tomek Wendland, group exhibition European Attitude will be launched at Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art on 23rd, Feb. 2008. In contrast to the finale exhibition of last year’s Soft Power: Asian Attitude, which focuses on the values of the East, European Attitude focuses on the Europe in the eyes of Western artists. It displays cultural values of different countries and regions in Europe within the framework of EU.

Europe is an expanding entity both constitutionally and attitudinally. Europe is unified by common capitalistic desires and market forces, and yet divided by blindness to the complexities of regional history and resulting financial and social poverty. To set conforming criteria for countries wishing to enter the European Union, cultural production plays an important role in its exploration of heterogeneity and through a localised response to differing experiences of modernism. Artists increasingly play the role of the instigator and narrator of social relationships and encounters, assessing the ways in which we live and work, and the circumstances around us that impact on this. Therefore we present the cutting edge practice of 22 artists from 12 different European countries to initiate the discussion on identity of artists within the global political circumstances.

Interestingly, European Attitude and Soft Power: Asian Attitude were two parts of the group exhibition Asia-Europe: Mediation which was exhibited at the National Gallery of Poland last year. Two exhibitions with different attitudes presented the different perspectives of the East and the West and the cultural difference behind. The European media highly appreciated the exhibition, which helped the two exhibitions to win warm reverberation and achieve great success.


[沙发:1楼] guest 2008-02-21 17:25:18