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[楼主] ZZ 2008-10-17 00:33:35
2008 POWER 100

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达明.赫斯特凭借自己的艺术公司Science 荣获本届榜首。

欧洲艺术界享有较高威望的英国《艺术观察》(Art Review)杂志每年评选的“影响力100”即100位最有影响力的当代艺术人物排名榜昨天新鲜出炉,刚刚创下个人拍卖价格纪录的英国当代艺术家达明·赫斯特赫然位列榜首,华裔当代艺术家艾未未名列第47位,华裔艺术家蔡国强名列第69位,2003年,蔡国强在“影响力100”榜单中位列第92位。“影响力100”是对全球艺术世界中各种代表性力量的年度盘点,其范围涉及艺术家、建筑师、博物馆美术馆馆长、艺术批评家、策展人、拍卖收藏机构等,基本涵盖了当下艺术圈中的各种参与角色。尽管位列前十名的影响力人物中只有两位艺术家,其余为一位策展人,五位美术馆博物馆负责人,两位收藏家,但拔得头筹的达明·赫斯特比他的主要购买方——财大气粗的美国人、盖高山画廊主持人、位列第二的拉里·盖高山,位列第六的白色立方画廊主人杰·乔普林,还有泰特美术馆负责人——第四名的尼古拉斯·赛罗塔都要风光。赫斯特被评论普遍认为“具有极大的影响力,对于博物馆负责人、收藏家和艺术商人都是如此,因为他所拥有的巨大财富、艺术影响力、文化突破性,使他当之无愧地成为现当代艺术家中家喻户晓的人物”。




来源 : 《东方早报》

The 2008 Power 100

Read a full report on the list here.

01. Science (Damien Hirst)
02. Larry Gagosian
03. Kathy Halbreich
04. Sir Nicholas Serota
05. Iwan Wirth
06. Jay Jopling
07. David Zwirner
08. François Pinault
09. Jasper Johns
10. Eli Broad

11. Jeff Koons
12. Steven A. Cohen
13. Daniel Birnbaum
14. Charles Saatchi
15. Brett Gorvy & Amy Cappellazzo
16. Tobias Meyer & Cheyenne Westphal
17. Marian Goodman
18. Gerhard Richter
19. Richard Prince
20. Dominique Lévy & Robert Mnuchin
21. Michael Govan
22. Marc Glimcher
23. Annette Schönholzer, Marc Spiegler
24. Alfred Pacquement
25. Matthew Slotover & Amanda Sharp
26. Barbara Gladstone
27. Matthew Marks
28. Takashi Murakami
29. Agnes Gund
30. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan
31. Dakis Joannou
32. Bernard Arnault
33. Richard Serra
34. Sadie Coles
35. Julia Peyton-Jones & Hans Ulrich Obrist
36. Donna De Salvo
37. Simon de Pury
38. Don & Mera Rubell
39. Ann Philbin
40. Paul Schimmel
41. Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
42. Michael Ringier
43. Jose, Alberto & David Mugrabi
44. Chris Kennedy
45. Bruce Nauman
46. Cy Twombly
47. Ai Weiwei 艾未未
48. Tim Blum & Jeff Poe
49. Andreas Gursky
50. Olafur Eliasson
51. Harry Blain & Graham Southern
52. Jeff Wall
53. Peter Doig
54. Roman Abramovich & Daria Zhukova
55. Bruno Brunnet, Nicole Hackert, Philipp Haverkampf
56. Marlene Dumas
57. Gavin Brown
58. Victoria Miro
59. Mitchell Rales
60. Yvon Lambert
61. Mike Kelley
62. Paul McCarthy
63. Banksy
64. Emmanuel Perrotin
65. William Acquavella
66 .Lucian Freud
67. Victor Pinchuk
68. Maurizio Cattelan
69. Cai Guo Qiang 蔡国强
70. Maureen Paley
71. Roberta Smith
72. Peter Schjeldahl
73. Thelma Golden
74. Ralph Rugoff
75. Robert Gober
76. Iwona Blazwick
77. Richard Armstrong
78. Massimiliano Gioni
79. Jerry Saltz
80. Reena Spaulings/Bernadette Corporation
81. Louise Bourgeois
82. Cindy Sherman
83. Okwui Enwezor
84. Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn
85. Shaun Caley Regen
86. Liam Gillick
87. Miuccia Prada
88. John Baldessari
89. Francesca von Habsburg
90. Christian Boros
91. Nicholas Logsdail
92. Subodh Gupta
93. The Long March Project 长征计划
94. Paula Cooper
95. Peter Nagy
96. Casey Reas
97. Anita & Poju Zabludowicz
98. Guy & Myriam Ullens 尤轮斯
99. Laurent Le Bon
100. Thomas Kinkade

[沙发:1楼] guest 2008-10-17 01:03:59
[板凳:2楼] guest 2008-10-17 01:17:40

2008 Rank
 Artist British
 Larry Gagosian
 Gallerist American
 Kathy Halbreich
 Curator American
 Sir Nicholas Serota
 Museum Director British
 Iwan Wirth
 Gallerist Swiss
 Jay Jopling
 Gallerist British
 David Zwirner
 Gallerist German
 François Pinault
 Collector French
 Jasper Johns
 Artist American
 Eli Broad
 Collector American
 Jeff Koons
 Artist American
 Steven A. Cohen
 Collector American
 Daniel Birnbaum
 Curator Swedish
 Charles Saatchi
 Collector British
 Brett Gorvy & Amy Cappellazzo
 Auction house British, American
 Tobias Meyer & Cheyenne Westphal
 Auction house German, German
 Marian Goodman
 Gallerist American
 Gerhard Richter
 Artist German
 Richard Prince
 Artist American
 Dominique Lévy & Robert Mnuchin
 Gallerist American, American
 Michael Govan
 Museum Director American
 Marc Glimcher
 Gallerist American
 Annette Schönholzer, Marc Spiegler
 Art fair Swiss, American 
 Alfred Pacquement
 Museum director French
 Matthew Slotover & Amanda Sharp
 Art fair British, British
 Barbara Gladstone
 Gallerist American
 Matthew Marks
 Gallerist American
 Takashi Murakami
 Artist Japanese
 Agnes Gund
 Collector American
 Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan
 Sheikh UAE
 Dakis Joannou
 Collector Greek
 Bernard Arnault
 Collector French
 Richard Serra
 Artist American
 Sadie Coles
 Gallerist British
 Julia Peyton-Jones & Hans Ulrich Obrist
 Curator British, Swiss
 Donna De Salvo
 Curator American
 Simon de Pury
 Auction house Swiss
 Don & Mera Rubell
 Collector American, American
 Ann Philbin
 Curator American
 Paul Schimmel
 Curator American
 Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
 Collector Venezuelan
 Michael Ringier
 Collector Swiss
 Jose, Alberto & David Mugrabi
 Collector American, American, American
 Chris Kennedy
 Art fair American
 Bruce Nauman
 Artist American
 Cy Twombly
 Artist American

 Ai Weiwei

 Artist Chinese 
 Tim Blum & Jeff Poe
 Gallerist American, American
[地板:3楼] guest 2008-10-17 01:19:28

第47的艾未未(去年是68), 第69位蔡国强, 长征计划(以集体名义进入) 排名是93,第98位尤伦斯夫妇(去年是97位).

去年上榜的还有劳伦斯(91)和张晓刚(86), 今年不再上榜.

[4楼] guest 2008-10-17 10:58:40
artbaba guest集体 鼎长征集体!
[5楼] 老男孩 2008-10-17 11:21:41
[6楼] guest 2008-10-20 01:28:23
[7楼] 嘿乐乐 2008-10-20 12:52:30

01. Science (Damien Hirst)!
02. Larry Gagosian
03. Kathy Halbreich !新~
04. Sir Nicholas Serota
05. Iwan Wirth!新~
06. Jay Jopling
07. David Zwirner
08. François Pinault
09. Jasper Johns !新~
10. Eli Broad

01. François Pinault (1) Gucci 和拍卖公司 Christies 的老板,他收藏的2000件当代艺术作品目前放置在自己私人的威尼斯画廊内。
02. Larry Gagosian (2) 画商,在世界上拥有5间 Gagosian 画廊。
03. Sir Nicholas Serota (3) 泰特当代美术馆的馆长。
04. Glenn D. Lowry (4) 纽约现代美术馆 MOMA的馆长。落榜~
05. Eli Broad (6) 收藏家
06. Damien Hirst (11) 英国艺术家
07. Charles Saatchi (7) 收藏家兼画廊老板。落榜~
08. Jay Jopling (19) 英国画商
09. Steven A. Cohen (32) 美国收藏家 落榜~
10. David Zwirner (16) 美国画商 落榜~
[8楼] 嘿乐乐 2008-10-20 13:23:27

Kathy Halbreich

前10名单里的唯一女性,权利亚于赫斯特和Larry Gagosian。她是前任美国明尼阿波利斯Walker艺术中心总监,去年刚上任为MOMA助理总监,负责管理协调各策展人的工作项目并参与决策全馆的艺术走向。

Iwan wirth
38岁的瑞士画商Iwan wirth,画廊Hauser & Wirth是他和老婆Manuela以及其丈母娘Ursula Hauser共同在1992年瑞士成立的。目前在纽约、苏黎世和伦敦设有分布,其中伦敦就有三家。势利范围与Jay Japling的白立方体Larry Gagosian的高古轩并行。

[9楼] guest 2008-10-20 15:30:33

The 2008 Power 100

01. Science (Damien Hirst) 废话 05年也是他第一
02. Larry Gagosian 正常
03. Kathy Halbreich 历史上第一个进前十的女的 moma副馆长
04. Sir Nicholas Serota 泰特馆长
05. Iwan Wirth 画廊家
06. Jay Jopling 画廊家
07. David Zwirner 画廊家
08. François Pinault 哦哦
09. Jasper Johns 有大都会的背景,从来就一直在前十里
10. Eli Broad
11. Jeff Koons 掉了一点好像
12. Steven A. Cohen
13. Daniel Birnbaum 策展人 2008威尼斯
14. Charles Saatchi
15. Brett Gorvy & Amy Cappellazzo
16. Tobias Meyer & Cheyenne Westphal 苏富比的台柱子
17. Marian Goodman 画廊家
18. Gerhard Richter
19. Richard Prince
20. Dominique Lévy & Robert Mnuchin
21. Michael Govan
22. Marc Glimcher
23. Annette Schönholzer, Marc Spiegler
24. Alfred Pacquement
25. Matthew Slotover & Amanda Sharp
26. Barbara Gladstone 画廊家
27. Matthew Marks
28. Takashi Murakami 哎哟艺术家
29. Agnes Gund
30. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan
31. Dakis Joannou
32. Bernard Arnault
33. Richard Serra
34. Sadie Coles
35. Julia Peyton-Jones & Hans Ulrich Obrist 从个人变双飞了~
36. Donna De Salvo
37. Simon de Pury
38. Don & Mera Rubell
39. Ann Philbin
40. Paul Schimmel
41. Patricia Phelps de Cisneros
42. Michael Ringier
43. Jose, Alberto & David Mugrabi
44. Chris Kennedy
45. Bruce Nauman
46. Cy Twombly
47. Ai Weiwei 嗯嗯嗯嗯嗯
48. Tim Blum & Jeff Poe
49. Andreas Gursky
50. Olafur Eliasson
51. Harry Blain & Graham Southern
52. Jeff Wall 还没过气呀?
53. Peter Doig
54. Roman Abramovich & Daria Zhukova 收藏家
55. Bruno Brunnet, Nicole Hackert, Philipp Haverkampf
56. Marlene Dumas
57. Gavin Brown
58. Victoria Miro 画廊家
59. Mitchell Rales
60. Yvon Lambert 画廊家
61. Mike Kelley 艺术家,上双有哦
62. Paul McCarthy 女儿呢?
63. Banksy 艺术家
64. Emmanuel Perrotin
65. William Acquavella
66 .Lucian Freud 也是处女上榜
67. Victor Pinchuk
68. Maurizio Cattelan
69. Cai Guo Qiang 霍霍霍霍霍!!!!
70. Maureen Paley
71. Roberta Smith
72. Peter Schjeldahl
73. Thelma Golden
74. Ralph Rugoff
75. Robert Gober
76. Iwona Blazwick
77. Richard Armstrong
78. Massimiliano Gioni
79. Jerry Saltz
80. Reena Spaulings/Bernadette Corporation
81. Louise Bourgeois
82. Cindy Sherman
83. Okwui Enwezor
84. Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn
85. Shaun Caley Regen
86. Liam Gillick 艺术家
87. Miuccia Prada 无语
88. John Baldessari 艺术家
89. Francesca von Habsburg 收藏家
90. Christian Boros 收藏家
91. Nicholas Logsdail 艺术家,降了
92. Subodh Gupta 艺术家,前段时间在常青画廊展出过
93. The Long March Project 哟哟哟哟哟哟!!!!!处女上榜!
94. Paula Cooper 画廊家
95. Peter Nagy 画廊家,美国人在印度。
96. Casey Reas 艺术家
97. Anita & Poju Zabludowicz 收藏家
98. Guy & Myriam Ullens 降了一点~~
99. Laurent Le Bon 蓬皮杜的策展人
100. Thomas Kinkade 艺术家

[10楼] guest 2008-10-22 12:33:21

[11楼] guest 2008-10-22 14:50:37

[12楼] guest 2008-10-22 22:02:15
恨国家的老艾, 爱国的老蔡, 无爱无恨的老卢, 雷死人了. 国际上是这么看中国的权力分布的?
[13楼] guest 2008-10-22 22:59:34
我们再假装也没有用, 长征在国际上就是中国最有影响力的一个事, 关键是我们自己到底怎么看长征? 权力榜是表面的事儿, 说长征没有权力是骗自己, 可是长征的重要性到底在哪里?
[14楼] guest 2008-10-22 23:07:55
卢, 蔡, 艾, 全是骗得了老外, 骗不了中国人, 看看龙大夫对他们的多针见血的批评吧!
[15楼] guest 2008-10-22 23:46:42

[16楼] guest 2008-10-23 04:23:16
[17楼] guest 2008-10-23 04:36:40
96. Casey Reas 都上榜了
[18楼] guest 2008-10-23 10:41:54

[19楼] guest 2008-10-23 11:01:05

[quote]引用第18楼guest于2008-10-23 10:41:55发表的:



[20楼] guest 2008-10-23 11:04:05
严禁炒作, 为什么专在这里说长征? 说说艾尾尾和菜烟火嘛, 都是什么东西啊?
[21楼] guest 2008-10-24 10:33:19
不会吧, 尤伦斯才98名, 长征混到93?
[22楼] guest 2008-10-24 13:44:23
[23楼] guest 2008-10-24 14:59:02
[24楼] guest 2008-10-24 22:38:46

[quote]引用第22楼guest于2008-10-24 13:44:23发表的:

那太惊喜了, 艾维维比老蔡有钱, 老卢比老尤有钱.

[25楼] guest 2008-10-24 22:56:12
[26楼] guest 2008-10-25 11:17:47

Art Review monthly magazine has published its Power 100 list for 2008. Produced annually since 2001 it is a ranking of the most influential participants in the art world and includes artists, gallerists, auctioneers and collectors.

Trends this year include

Higher rankings and numbers for women in a market tradtionally dominated by men - Kathy Halbreich is first woman to appear on her own in the top 10. Ranked third, behind Hirst and gallerist Larry Gagosian, she is the newly appointed Associate Director of MoMA, New York.
Tumbling influence of banks - as the global credit contagion spreads, financial institutions take a tumble with both UBS and Deutsche Bank, longtime key art sponsors, ranked 62 and 63 respectively in 2007, falling off the Power 100 in 2008.
Asian participants showing momentum or appearing for the first time.
Takashi Murakami (28), a superbrand not dissimilar to Damien Hirst’s model comes in at 61 places above his 2007 ranking for a year that saw a major exhibition of his work, including a Louis Vuitton store selling Murakami’s own branded products, travel across the US and draw record numbers of museum goers.

Ongoing artistic and financial strength in emerging markets has seen new listings for collectors Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova (54) and a strong rise by Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang (69, from 99 in 2006), with first-time appearances by the Beijing-based Long March Project (93) and Delhi-based gallerist Peter Nagy (95).

Asian artists

Takashi Murakami no 28 (Japanese) wiki site
Ai Weiwei no 47 (Chinese)
Cai Guo Qiang 69 (Chinese) wiki
Subodh Gupta 92 (Indian) pics
The Long March Project 93 (Chinese) pics site

Collectors from Asia

Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan no 30
Roman Abromovich and Daria Zhukova no 54
Asia-based gallerists
Peter Nagy Artkrush interview
Entrants are judged on the following four criteria, each of which carries a 25 percent weighting.

1. Influence on art development: entrants must exert influence over the type, style and shape of contemporary art being produced in the previous 12 months.

2. International influence: as the list is international, entrants must exert influence on a global scale rather than as big fish in small-to-medium ponds.

3. Financial clout: entrants are judged on the extent to which they have shaped, moulded or dominated the art market, whether as artists, dealers or collectors.

4. Activity within the last 12 months: entrants are judged on having actually done something during the period September 2007 to August 2008. It’s not enough to sit on your powerful behind.

[28楼] guest 2008-10-28 11:18:18

欧洲艺术界享有较高威望的英国《艺术观察》(Art Review)杂志每年评选的“影响力100”即100位最有影响力的当代艺术人物排名榜昨天新鲜出炉,刚刚创下个人拍卖价格纪录的英国当代艺术家达明·赫斯特赫然位列榜首,华裔当代艺术家艾未未名列第47位,华裔艺术家蔡国强名列第69位,2003年,蔡国强在“影响力100”榜单中位列第92位。“影响力100”是对全球艺术世界中各种代表性力量的年度盘点,其范围涉及艺术家、建筑师、博物馆美术馆馆长、艺术批评家、策展人、拍卖收藏机构等,基本涵盖了当下艺术圈中的各种参与角色。尽管位列前十名的影响力人物中只有两位艺术家,其余为一位策展人,五位美术馆博物馆负责人,两位收藏家,但拔得头筹的达明·赫斯特比他的主要购买方——财大气粗的美国人、盖高山画廊主持人、位列第二的拉里·盖高山,位列第六的白色立方画廊主人杰·乔普林,还有泰特美术馆负责人——第四名的尼古拉斯·赛罗塔都要风光。赫斯特被评论普遍认为“具有极大的影响力,对于博物馆负责人、收藏家和艺术商人都是如此,因为他所拥有的巨大财富、艺术影响力、文化突破性,使他当之无愧地成为现当代艺术家中家喻户晓的人物”。



[29楼] guest 2008-10-29 11:51:18
[30楼] 嘿乐乐 2008-11-02 21:12:47



 Comment by Fiona Liberatore on 14 October 2008 at 5:28pm Great!!!!

 Comment by Hanna Watts on 14 October 2008 at 9:21pm ArtReview is a defining voice in the contemporary art scene, yes!!!

当代艺术界Art Review说了算,yes!!!
 Comment by Soheyla B. Fahimi on 14 October 2008 at 11:01pm FAN-TASTIC!!!

 Comment by Judit V. Dora on 15 October 2008 at 12:19am THIS IS WONDERFUL. www.artwanted.com/juditvdora

 Comment by Katherine Earp on 16 October 2008 at 4:37pm Art review enables artists to network and also enables emerging artists like myself to research what is going on in the art market. I recently watched an art programme on cannel 4 written and presented by art critic Robert Hughes which really inspired me he spoke about art and money, has art become too commercial have we lost our inner soul, food for thought?

Art Review 让艺术家网络化,也给了我这样的年轻艺术家了解艺术市场动静的机会。最近在Channel 4 (英国第四频道)看了艺术评论家Rober Hughes(罗伯特·休斯)主持的一个艺术节目,他谈到艺术跟金钱,使我感慨,难道艺术已如此商业化了吗!!我们难道都丧失了思想的食粮和我们的灵魂吗?
 Comment by Miguel Westerberg on 18 October 2008 at 12:55pm NICE AND FANTASTIC ....

 Comment by Alexander on 20 October 2008 at 11:18pm Your ArtReview Power 100 Award (Science/Damien Hirst tops the 2008 ArtReview Power 100, ArtReview, November 2008) is an auto-deconstruction of the contemporary art scene which is all about spin, self-promotion, media, marketing, and making money and absolutely nothing to do with art as aptly confirmed by Hirst/Science who came first.

Damien Hirst makes money not art as Hirst cannot (literally) make art: Hirst cannot draw, Hirst cannot paint, Hirst cannot sculpt but Hirst can make money. Conversely, Van Gogh could make art but could not make money so would not have even qualified for the careerist-capitalist criteria of ArtReview’s Power 100 Award.

Donald Kuspit sees art today as a slave to money: "Money no longer serves and supports art, art serves and supports money... Money has completely conquered art, indeed, art has become a species of money... Marshall McLuhan famously said 'art is what you can get away with.' Today art is what price you can get away with... Today art's importance is that it creates money... Both art and criticism have been defeated by money." (Donald Kuspit, Art Values or Money Values: An Analysis of Art Prices in 2006, New York Studio School, 2007).

And Robert Hughes talking about Damien Hirst’s kitsch skull, For the Love of God, insightfully stated: "Art like this stripped of everything but its market value. If art can’t tell us about the world we live in then I don’t believe there’s much point in having it; and that is something we’re going to have to face more and more as the years go on - that nasty question which never used to be asked because the assumption was always that it was answered long ago: What good is art? What use is art? What does it do? Is what it does actually worth doing? And an art which is completely monetarised in the way that it’s getting these days is going to have to answer these questions or it’s going to die.” (Robert Hughes, The Mona Lisa Curse, Channel 4 TV, 2008.) Hirst’s For the Love of God should be rebaptised For the Love of Money.

If one does not play the money-game, the market-game, the media-game then one cannot play the art-game (which has nothing to do with art). But with the current credit crunch the days of the money-game (disguised as the art-game) are almost over and art can reclaim its true value which is always alien to monetary value. Art -as a Gift of Being - cannot (really) be bought or sold for giving is not selling and buying is not giving: Art is (only) for Nothing.

Hegel’s prophecy of the end of art and Marx’s thesis of the demise of capitalism will not happen as art - like capitalism - always survives and thrives off its own deaths where so-called crisis is creation itself.

Martin Heidegger’s urgent Question regarding our Forgetting of Being now becomes the Question concerning our Forgetting of Art. 你们的 《艺术评论》100强榜(科学艺术公司/达明·赫斯特居2008艺术评论一百强榜首,《艺术评论》,2008年11月)是当代艺术的自毁,一切都是炒作、自我推销、媒体、市场以及赚钱,与艺术边都不沾,赫斯特/科学公司高踞榜首就充分说明了这点。达明·赫斯特只会搞钱不会搞艺术因为赫斯特不会(大实话)艺术创作:赫斯特不会描,不会画,也不会雕刻,但赫斯特能挣钱。反过来,梵高会搞艺术但不会搞钱,所以达不上ArtReview100强的野心资本家的标准。Donald Kuspit(唐纳德·库斯比特)视今日艺术为金钱的奴隶:“钱不再用来服务和资助艺术,反而是艺术资助和服务于钱… 金钱已经完全征服艺术,的确,艺术开始变成钱的一个类属…… 马歇尔·麦克卢汉有句名言,‘只要有认同者你的作品就是艺术’。而今艺术变成了什么价钱可以卖…… 今天的艺术的重要性就是它是否能创造财富…… 艺术和批评已经被钱打败了。”<

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