发起人:弥撒  回复数:0   浏览数:2710   最后更新:2008/12/24 10:53:59 by 弥撒
[楼主] salome7 2008-12-24 10:53:57
“李尤松” 个展
开幕时间:2008年12月27日, 16:00
展览地点:北京朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区, 北京公社
电 话: +86-10-84562862
网 站: qqwww.beijingcommune.com

“Li Yousong”Solo Exhibition
Exhibition Dates: December 27, 2008 - February 15, 2009
Opening Time: 16:00, December 27, 2008
Artist: Li Yousong
Venue: Beijing Commune, 798 Art District, 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Phone: +86-10-84562862
E-mail: info@beijingcommune.com
Website: www.beijingcommune.com


Li Yousong is a peculiar artist in China’s contemporary art scene. The works on show in his solo exhibition at Beijing Commune this time are all painted after the old photographs taken in the country’s Great Cultural Revolution. Living in a society that develops speedily with all the things changing every minute, Li sticks to his own ideal of art. His paintings are permeated by an aspiring mood that seems rising gradually and an exaggerated, passionate vitality that are very similar to the highly formalized worship to lofty ideals. In a sense, Li Yousong’s paintings bear the features of Baroque art and, what Li has constructed throughout his works may be called a “Baroque Socialism”. It carries a sense of vanity, but such vanity is something above reality and loaded with sublimity. It is a fantasy about a utopian socialist China.

[沙发:1楼] guest 2008-12-24 11:57:41
北京公社开始做这个了 ?
[板凳:2楼] guest 2008-12-24 15:34:25
Pace Beijing 得学会打肿脸充胖子, 这是想到北京来发艺术横财的订金. 北京公社拖洋人下水,拉了个垫背的, 这是求生有道.
[地板:3楼] guest 2008-12-24 16:16:01

[4楼] guest 2008-12-27 14:31:34
[5楼] guest 2008-12-27 15:03:11
