发起人:蝗虫  回复数:1   浏览数:2869   最后更新:2006/07/25 15:59:01 by 顶帖超人
[楼主] 牧羊人 2006-07-24 21:08:25

2007年2月25日至3月8日由王宝菊策划的挪威女艺术家马瑞安(Marian Heyerdahl)艺术展将在798SPACE时态空间举行,届时将展出她最新制作的约40尊“秦佣”, 这些佣从婴儿、儿童、成年到老年,主要表现战争中的妇女儿童,他们有微笑、痛苦、尖叫等表情。开幕酒会时间:25日下午3时。

Marian Heyerdahl Art Exhibition

Curator : Wang Baoju

Artist: Marian Heyerdahl

Date :25th February -----8th March 2007

Reception: 3:00pm Sunday February 25, 2007

Venue: 798 SPACE

4.Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, China

Tel/Fax: (+8610) 64376248

Website: [url]www.798space.com

E-mail: [email]info@798space.com

798 SPACE will show Norway artist Marian Heyerdahl more than 40 terracotta women and children from 25th February to 8thMarch,2007. the exhibition curator is Wang Baoju. The terracotta men dressed as Qin Dynasty soldiers, officers and generals, to symbolize the fate of war victims.
[沙发:1楼] guest 2007-01-28 03:55:31