非青计划 荷尔蒙 戴牟雨个展 Impetus Dai Mouyu Solo Exhibition
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[楼主] fqprojects 2009-04-08 22:09:04
戴牟雨 个展
2009年4月12日 - 2009年6月11日
开幕式: 2009年4月11日 周六 下午4 - 6点
时间: 10 - 6  周三~周日, 周四晚至 9时
Tel:6466 2940   fqprojects@gmail.com     www.fqprojects.com
 浮沉 8,2000      Drift No.8, 2000 

牟雨称自己只有游刃于两者之间才能感觉平衡。他的摄影作品趋于感性,绘画则是在感性的外衣下深藏理性。初看画作,能感受到艺术家强烈的情绪,在细看良久后又能感受到作品内的理性以及艺术家对宇宙万物的思考——从微观入手表现宏观。荷尔蒙,即激素, “激素”一词又来源于希腊文,意为“奋起”或“激起”。戴牟雨的绘画如同生物细胞的兴奋活动或分子结构的变异,在表面静止、不动声色的事物下,暗藏着汹涌的动势,随时随地、一触即发。
Dai Mouyu Solo Exhibition
Apr 12 2009 – Jun 11 2009
Opening Reception: Apr 11 Sat 4-6pm
Hours: 10 - 6  Wed - Sun, Thur till 9pm
Tel:6466 2940   fqprojects@gmail.com    www.fqprojects.com
*Please make appointment before visit

荷尔蒙1号,2007    Hormone No.1, 2007

Dai Mouyu’s works on paper consist of two parts: Photography and Drawing. Photography has a long relationship with painting since it was invented in the 19th century. While there is similarity between western painting and photography, such as the recording of events, pictorial elements, use of perspective and the pursuit of reality; In the East, painting and photography are distinct as eastern painting usually sets out to capture one’s spiritual world, yet the principle of photography is its materialism. In contrast Dai Mouyu produces sensitive and abstract works with both drawing and photography, the artworks containing the same substance although differing in form.
Mouyu says that only by combining these two art forms can he be in balance. His photography tends to be more sensitive, while his drawing has a surface sensitivity that belies an underlying strong rationality. At first glance at Mouyu’s drawings, one may feel his strong emotion and sensitivity, after a while, one can start to be immersed within his work and see the different world, either from a micro or macro perspective, and start to wonder the truth within the universe. “Hormone”, derived from a Greek word “impetus”, meaning “rouse” or “excite”, Mouyu ‘s drawings are kind of similar to this scientific activity of cells and variations in molecular structure, capturing the moments that impetus hidden inside of the stillness, and any second to be explode.
The artist studies the relationship between movement and stillness, invisible inside and visible surface, peace and danger to discover the universal truth. The spectator can imagine how much the sense of order, the ability of analysis, rigorous, patient and penetrating the artist needs to complete these artworks. This almost obsessive compulsive attention to detail can drive the artist mad thus drawing him to the use of the modern device of photography for the visible side of his artwork to keep himself balanced. However it is hard to mark the difference between his drawing and photography works in terms of the art works’ content.
Dai Mouyu was born in Guangdong province in 1975 and now lives and works in Shanghai. His photography work has been exhibited in several major exhibitions: Lianzhou International Photography Festival, Guangzhou Photography Biannual, Taipei MoCA, Shanghai Duolun Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum etc. FQ Projects is delighted to show his photography work and his new drawings.