发起人:picark  回复数:7   浏览数:2662   最后更新:2009/05/01 02:33:18 by picark
[楼主] 大妖 2009-04-27 10:41:10


2009年5月9日—17日,在北京798-K艺术空间将举办由爱尔兰驻上海总领事馆和爱尔兰文化部联合举办的《 Drawing Eire 》的画展,届时将展出100位爱尔兰艺术家的百幅纸上绘画作品.


展览地点: 798-K艺术空间
联系电话:010-84599479 13164289828

Address:798-K Space
798 Art Zone, Main second street, No2, JiuXianQiao Road,Chaoyang District ,Beijing,China
Thursday—Sunday, AM10:30---PM18:30
Contact:010-84599479 13164289828

2009.5.9—17,798-K SPACE with the Irish Consulate in Shanghai and Culture Ireland presents the exhibition “Drawing Eire”. This exhibition presents the works of 100 Irish artists in the medium of drawing.
The exhibition will first open at the Times Plaza at 4 PM on the 7th of March. The exhibition will later move to the Equatorial Hotel on the 13th of March at 7 PM.
These days most artists make work using technology such as computers or editing systems. Fewer artists are presenting drawing as a finished artwork.
Most artists first foray into visual art is through the medium of drawing. We generally start drawing as small children and progress from there to a more formal style. Some artists leave drawing behind once they move into their chosen discipline. Other artists even photographers will continue to use drawing as preparatory work before making a finished art work.
The 411 Galleries challenged Irish artists to return to their roots in the world of drawing . We asked artists to present to a Chinese audience drawings of what ever they felt represented their current interests in their art practice.
Within this exhibition you will see a vast array of drawing from traditional portraits to experimental abstract drawing.
The works in this exhibition are all original with no copies and all are hand drawn. All the works are small in scale to ease the cost of transit of the works for the artists. Seeing artwork by so many people from one country is also a great way for the Chinese audience to see what contemporary Irish art is like. More importantly it will also show the artists baring their soul on paper. The interests of artists is always different and the methods of how the work is created is also different but all artists share a similar background growing up in Ireland in the last 20 – 50 years. The age of the artists varies from early 20’s to late 50’s and again this also adds to the kind of interests the artists have.
“ It is through Art ,and through Art only,that we can realise our perfection; through Art, and through Art only, that we can shield ourselves from the sordid perils of actual existence.”—by Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
[沙发:1楼] guest 2009-05-05 21:49:52

[板凳:2楼] guest 2009-05-05 23:56:50

[地板:3楼] guest 2009-05-15 13:31:29

[4楼] guest 2009-05-18 03:36:51