我们继承了谁的文化? 文:王远
发起人:sanjiaowang  回复数:0   浏览数:2692   最后更新:2009/08/25 12:48:15 by sanjiaowang
[楼主] 玛丽安 2009-08-25 12:48:10
Alberto Giacometti fakes lead to 3 arrests

德国警方近日破获了1千件已故艺术家阿尔贝托·贾科梅蒂(Alberto Giacometti)铜制雕塑的伪造品,并已拘留3位嫌疑犯。其中一名59岁的疑犯以自己是艺术家兄弟的朋友的名义将这些赝品以千万欧元的价格出售个多位欧洲藏家,在作案时他声称这些“作品”是贾科梅蒂兄弟在一个秘密的储藏室里发现后捐赠的。而目前贾科梅蒂的作品价格不菲,去年一件拍卖会上的雕塑价格就达到了2千7百万美元。



Alberto Giacometti fakes lead to 3 arrests

(08-21) 04:00 PDT Berlin - --

German po:ice have confiscated hundreds of bronze and plaster statues alleged to be the works of Alberto Giacometti and arrested an art dealer and two others on suspicion of selling the fakes across the globe.

Prosecutors in Stuttgart said Wednesday a 59-year-old man in Frankfurt, as well as a 61-year-old art dealer and his wife have been held in detention since their arrest a week ago.

The trio face charges of collaborating since 2004 to offer and sell the forged artworks, complete with certificates of authentication, to buyers worldwide for tens of millions of dollars. None of the suspects were identified.

Prosecutors said the 61-year-old posed as a count who worked as a salesman offering the statues to potential buyers. His 59-year-old colleague then posed as a friend of the artist's brother, saying he had found the statues in a secret cache, found after his death in 1966.

Earlier this year, a Giacometti sculpture sold at a New York auction for $7.7 million, above its presale estimate. The bronze "Bust of Diego," which features the artist's brother, had not been exhibited for more than 35 years.

Giacometti is probably best known for his skeletal and elongated standing women and striding men, depicted on the current 100-Swiss franc bank note along with a portrait of the artist.