肢体­ — 双人展:牟桓、Käthe Schönle新作
发起人:fqprojects  回复数:0   浏览数:2360   最后更新:2009/11/12 01:28:37 by fqprojects
[楼主] fqprojects 2009-11-12 01:28:37

肢体­ — 双人展:牟桓、Käthe Schönle新作

2009年11月15日 - 2010年1月14日

开幕式: 2009年11月14日 周六 下午4 - 6点

时间: 10 - 6 周三~周日, 周四晚至 9时

Tel:6466 2940 fqprojects@gmail.com www.fqprojects.com 


非青计划这次很高兴为大家带来中国旅德艺术家牟桓和德国访华青年艺术家Käthe Schönle的新作。两位艺术家都有在中德两国驻地创作的经历,在不同文化交融后的相互碰撞下,会塑造出怎样不同的艺术作品?

牟桓和Käthe Schönle的作品都借以人的身体为主体对象来实现对艺术家各自关心的主题的探究。牟桓作品通过他对人体简化的绘画表现手法再现人类精神性的气场和深邃悠远,动静相柔的中式哲学意境; Käthe的作品则是以挖掘肢体是如何在人不同精神状态下表现和被理解的,来探索人的内心极限。



牟桓曾参加首届中国油画展、88年西南现代艺术展、九十年代中国油画第一回展、北莱茵州冬季艺术大展、国际当代艺术展、上海多伦美术馆个展等,并且曾在世界多个地方的美术馆、博物馆以及画廊做过个展。我们很荣幸有机会展示他最近期创作的纸上作品。Käthe Schönle曾参加欧洲多个艺术机构以及画廊的展览,这次器空间力邀她来做驻地艺术家,我们也很高兴能展示她最新的在中国创作的作品。


FQ Projects is very pleased to show the latest artworks by Chinese artist Mou Huan who lived in Germany for ten years and German young artist Käthe Schönle. These two artists both have residency program experience in Germany and China, as the blend of different cultures collide, how different are the artworks created?

The works by Mou Huan and Käthe Schönle both borrow the human body as media for their exploration of the subjects they concern. The works by Mou Huan represent the aura from Chinese philosophy and deep human spirit by combining the dynamic movement and static position, exploiting simplified body shapes and language; Käthe through her art explores the human limit in our inner universe by catching the nuance of body language and how they are understood under various mental conditions.

Mou Huan is called “the artist walking between two cultures”. Graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Art in the 80s he has always been active in the art world. He was invited by a German foundation for further development of his art in the Dusseldorf Art Academy. A decade studying and living in Germany combining with a strong technique base and Chinese cultural background allows him to pick up the elite from two cultures, which formed his characterized art signature. The use of colour and light in his works express both the connotation of Chinese culture with a hint of German Expressionism.

After a decade studying and exploring art in Kassel Academy of Fine Arts, Käthe was invited by Organhaus to do a residency visit in China. Within a short time period, she has captured her own observation of the Chinese people as an outsider with the different life experience and cultural background from a sensitive woman's perspective.

Mou Huan has had numerous exhibitions including The First Chinese Oil Paintings Exhibition, China Southwest Contemporary Art Exhibition in 1988, First Chinese Oil Paintings Exhibition of 90’s, Great Art Exhibition NRW Art Palace, Shanghai Duolun Art Museum’s solo show and a lot of other Museums and galleries around world. We are honored to show his latest works on paper he finished recently. Käthe Schönle’s exhibitions have travelled around Europe at various institutions and galleries. This is the first time she is showing her recently produced works in China at same time with her exhibition in Ogan Haus who invited her to be a resident artist.

[沙发:1楼] guest 2010-05-09 02:15:44