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发起人:store.ucca  回复数:0   浏览数:2201   最后更新:2009/12/10 11:28:25 by store.ucca
[楼主] store.ucca 2009-12-10 11:28:25

▍版本:50(ed.50+5 AP)

沈远是与尤伦斯当代艺术中心合作限量艺术品的第一位女性艺术家,“米尺”创作初衷来源于艺术家同期的个展“急促的话语”。展览中艺术家两件新创作的重要作品对象均与“头发”有关,是对日常用具的转换,更是对多重文化间对话的思考,这也是移民法国长达20年的沈远创作的焦点。作品《米尺》则是“梳子”的一种放大和夸张,长一米的作品为手工制作,由六个小竹梳子组成。为了确保形态的持久性,装置作品的盒子则采用进口的木材制作。 “‘米尺’,不是传统意义上的度量工具,度量标准是依据梳齿的宽窄,作品寓意着女性的随意和不严谨。”


Born 1959, Xianyou, Fujian province. Graduated from the Chinese painting department of the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts; lives and works in Paris. A participant in the “’85 New Wave” movement, she now works mainly in installation. Major works include Water Bed, Wasted Words, and The Morning of a World.

▌▌ Works
▍Title:”Meter Ruler”
▍Technique: Bamboo and Wooden
▍Year: 2009
▍Size: 1m
▍Edition: 50(ed.50+5 AP)
▍Works Statement:

Shen Yuan is the first woman artist UCCA works with in the production of limited edition artworks. The production of “Meter Ruler” is attributable to her solo exhibition of the same time period, “Hurried Words”. An enlargement and exaggeration of “Comb”, this handmade work comprises six small bamboo combs and measures one meter long. In order to make sure that it will endure, the box of the installation work is made of imported wood.

“'Meter Ruler' is based on the measurment of the width of the spaces between the teeth of a comb, implying that women are casual and non-critical.”
[沙发:1楼] store.ucca 2009-12-10 11:24:18

[板凳:2楼] guest 2009-12-10 11:32:39