发起人:zhoulibo  回复数:0   浏览数:2089   最后更新:2010/02/19 00:07:30 by zhoulibo
[楼主] 夏奈尔 2010-02-19 00:07:30
Whitney Biennial 2010 Breakdown: The New York Kids
纽约讯——2010年美国最大的当代艺术盛会——惠特尼双年展将于下周开幕。本届双年展将向观众介绍颇具天赋的新秀,备受好评的艺术家以及策展人Francesco BonamiGary Carrion-Murayari认为那些作品与时下相关的艺术家们。与此同时,本届双年展还将向审查仔细的艺术界介绍55位艺术家,这批艺术家是一群备受争议的团体,通过这批艺术家本届双年展同样对双年展的艺术家选择机制进行了质疑。(在对1993年双年展的政治性挑衅中,《New York Times》的评论员Michael Kimmelman简短的写到:“我讨厌这场展览。”)
当然,双年展有更隐蔽的方式对这些评论进行背后的反击,它可以通过展览介绍与传播那些在当代 话语背景下显得至关重要的艺术家们以及艺术观念。(1993年的展览现在看来,似乎在探索艺术与政治的策略方面有先见之明。)关于本届展览的参加者,我们将艺术家划分为几个门类。首先是最具影响力的:一群联系密切的艺术家,40为住在纽约的艺术家,他们中的很多人都住在一公里半径之内的下东区或者是Williamsburg。

Aki Sasamoto

Born: 1980 in Yokohama, Japan
Resides in: Brooklyn, New York
Known for: Performance art pieces that combine whimsical, personal, and often humorous storytelling with physical challenges, like crawling through a narrow cardboard tube or slicing fruit on a tabletop with knife blades attached to her shoes. Frequently collaborates with Momus. Was featured in the 2008 Yokohama Triennial and in "Freeway Balconies" (curated by Collier Schorr) at Berlin's Deutsche Guggenheim in 2008.
Education: Wesleyan University, Columbia MFA
Represented by: No representation listed
Web site

Left: Aki Sasamoto, performance still from Cooking Show, 2007

Kate Gilmore

Born: 1975 in Washington, D.C.
Resides in: New York, New York
Known for: Performance-based video work characterized by toughly feminine physical challenges, like kicking through drywall in high heels or squeezing through a tight tunnel in a satin dress. Featured in "New Feminist Video" at the Brooklyn Museum.
Education: Bates College, School of Visual Arts MFA
Represented by: Smith-Stewart (N.Y.)
Web site

Left: Kate Gilmore, video still of Standing There, 2010

 Rashaad Newsome

Born: 1979 in New Orleans
Resides in: New York, NY
Known for: Collage and performance works borrowing aspects of splicing from hip-hop and hacker culture. Exhibited at Paris's Fondation Cartier and the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans.
Education: Tulane University, Film/Video Arts
Represented by: Galeria Ramis Barquet (N.Y. and Garza Garcia, Mexico)
Web site

Left: Rashad Newsome, Status Symbols #14, 2009. Collage on paper, image: 39.5 x 27.5 in., framed: 63 x 44 in.

Sharon Hayes

Born: 1970 in Baltimore
Resides in: New York, New York
Known for: Video, performance, and installation work concerned with collective political action and its relationship to personal lived experience. Was exhibited in Tate Modern's 2007 "Media Burn" show (curated by Ann Coxon and Amy Dickson). Contributed an interpretation of Allan Kaprow's Yard to Hauser & Wirth's inaugural New York show.
Education: Bowdoin, UCLA MFA, Whitney Independent Study Program
Represented by: Tanya Leighton Gallery (Berlin)
Web site

Left: Sharon Hayes, Yard (Sign), 1961/2009

The Bruce High Quality Foundation

Born: Late 1970s
Resides in: Brooklyn, New York
Known for: Videos, installations, stunts imbued with art-school conceptualism. Run a non-accredited "university" downtown, throw signature parties. Featured in Creative Time's "Plot/09: This World and Nearer Ones" (curated by Mark Beasley) and said to be in "Greater New York" 2010. Known to associate with Vito Schnabel.
Education: Cooper Union Represented by: Susan Inglett Gallery (N.Y.)
Web site

Left: The Bruce High Quality Foundation, What Happens in the Art World Stays in the Art World, 2009. Chalkboard with retireables, 84 x 75 x 22 1/2 in.

Daniel McDonald

Born: 1971 in L.A.
Resides in: New York, New York
Known for: Satirical figurine sculptures that often target the art economy. Also performs as the Star Wars-costumed cabaret singer Mindy Vale. Worked at Colin de Land's American Fine Arts gallery, co-founding Art Club 2000. Was exhibited in SculptureCenter's 2007 show "The Happiness of Objects" (curated by Sarina Basta).
Education: Cooper Union
Represented by: Broadway 1602 (N.Y.)
Web site

Left: Daniel McDonald, Available Space (Various Figures), 2008. Mixed media, 12 x 16 x 6.8 in.

Josh Brand

Born: 1980 in Milwaukee
Resides in: Brooklyn, New York
Known for: Process-oriented abstract photographic works. A member of the art collective Hurray. Had first solo show at White Columns in 2007.
Education: Art Institute of Chicago
Represented by: Herald St. (London)
Web site

Left: Josh Brand, Untitled (Green Cross), 2009. Unique C-print, 14 x 9 in.

Emily Roysdon

Born: 1977 in Easton, Maryland
Resides in: New York, New York and Stockholm, Sweden
Known for: Multidisciplinary work combining visual art with language and text. Founding editor of queer feminist publication and collective LTTR, contributor to Cabinet, and occasionally performer with the band MEN. Was exhibited in "Younger than Jesus" and held a residency at the International Artists Studio Program in Sweden (IASPIS).
Education: UCLA MFA, Whitney Independent Study Program
Represented by: No representation listed
Web site

Left: Emily Roysdon, The Piers Untitled (#5), 2010. Black and white silver gelatin print.

Richard Aldrich

Born: 1975 in Hampton, Virginia
Resides in: Brooklyn, New York
Known for: Paintings and assemblages that mix minimalist strategies with the legacy of Rauschenberg. Was in P.S.1's "Greater New York" survey in 2005.
Education: Ohio State
Represented by: Bortolami (N.Y.), Marc Foxx (L.A.), Corvi Mora (London)
Web site

Left: Richard Aldrich, Stranger in a strange land, 2009. Enamel silkscreen on linen, 84 x 58 in.

Alex Hubbard

Born: 1975 in Toledo
Resides in: Brooklyn, New York
Known for: Paintings and videos that confuse processes of production, disorienting the viewer with optical games. Has been exhibited at Paris's Palais de Tokyo and the Whitney's former Altria branch, as well as in last year's "Nothingness and Being" show at the Jumex Collection (curated by former Whitney Altria head Shamim Momin).
Education: Lewis and Clark College, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Whitney Independent Study Program
Represented by: Standard (Oslo), Maccarone (N.Y.)
Web site

Left: Alex Hubbard, Untitled, 2008. Oil paint on canvas / wooden stretcher, 164 x 122 cm.

 Tauba Auerbach

Born: 1981 in San Francisco
Resides in: New York and San Francisco
Known for: Paintings, trompe l'oeil compositions, memorably bizarro sound installations. Was in "Younger than Jesus" triennial at the New Museum. Dubbed a "visionary female artist" by Jerry Saltz.
Education: Stanford
Represented by: Deitch Projects (N.Y.), Jack Hanley Gallery (S.F.), Standard (Oslo)
Web site

Tauba Auerbach, 50/50 IX, 2007. Ink on paper, 50 x 38 in

Aurel Schmidt

Born: 1982 in Kamloops, British Columbia
Resides in: New York, NY
Known for: Intricate drawings and paintings that fuse disparate elements — body parts, animals, trash — into Archimboldo-like portraits. Has been shown by Deitch Projects, Peres Projects, and Spencer Brownstone Gallery. Collector Dakis Joannou was one of her first collectors, picking up work at a show curated by Schmidt's friend Tim Barber. A staple of Purple Diary and other fashion pages.
Education: Unknown
Represented by: No representation listed
No Web site

Left: Aurel Schmidt, Body Swallows World, 2006. Pencil, colour pencil, acrylic on paper, 46.4 x 72.4 cm.

Stephanie Sinclair

Born: 1973 in Miami
Resides in: New York, NY
Known for: Photography and photojournalism documenting points of crisis in the Middle East, from Gaza to Afghanistan. Worked for five years at the Chicago Tribune, covering the Iraq War and helping the team that won the paper's 2000 Pulitzer Prize for coverage of the airline industry. Winner of various photography awards, including France's Visa d'Or in 2004.
Education: University of Florida
Represented by: Vii Photo
Web site

Left: Photograph by Stephanie Sinclair. Caption: Faiz Mohammed, 40, and Ghulam Haider, 11, sit in her home prior to their wedding in the rural Damarda Village, Afghnanistan on Sept. 11, 2005. Ghulam said she is sad to be getting engaged as she wanted to be a teacher. Her favorite class was Dari, the local language, before she was made to drop out of school. Married girls are seldom found in school, limiting their economic and social opportunities. Parents sometimes remove their daughters from school to protect them from the possibility of sexual activity outside of wedlock. It is hard to say exactly how many young marriages take place, but according to the Afghan women's ministry and women's NGOs, approximately 57 percent of Afghan girls get married before the legal age of 16. In addition, once the girl's father has agreed to the engagement, she is pulled out of school immediately. Early pregnancies also result in an increase in complications during child birth.

Sarah Crowner

Born: 1974 in Philadelphia
Resides in: Brooklyn, New York
Known for: Elegant paintings, merging hard-edge abstraction with distaff craft elements of sewing; also pottery sculptures. Featured in Bob Nickas' book Painting Abstraction. Blinky Palermo's fabric works might be a starting point.
Education: University of California, Santa Cruz; Hunter College MFA
Represented by: Nicelle Beauchene Gallery (N.Y.)
Web site

Left: Sarah Crowner, Geometric Composition # 7, 2009. Oil on sewn canvas, cloth and linen, 18 x 14 in.

Marianne Vitale

Born: 1973 in New York
Resides in: New York, NY
Known for: Sculptures, installations, drawings, animated films, and video that sometimes detail a complex, diabolical cosmology involving a war between heaven and hell. Co-founded food/art collective Chop Shop with Agathe Snow and Anne Apparu. Her work has been exhibited at SculptureCenter in 2009 and White Columns in 2007.
Education: School of Visual Arts MFA
Represented by: IBID Projects (London)
Web site

Left: Marianne Vitale, video still of Patron , 2009. Video, 8.5 minutes.
作者:Andrew M. Goldstein