城市宿营 SHIFT来啦!!!!
发起人:大李飞刀  回复数:12   浏览数:3108   最后更新:2010/05/21 16:14:29 by guest
[楼主] 我的脑袋被门夹过 2010-05-19 18:15:50

群展《往返:北京- 纽约 现在》由多姆斯收藏精选作品构成,通过对跨区域的艺术创作的展现,力图为大众探寻当代艺术最有力的脉搏律动。收藏家张明(Richard Chang) 自1997 年开始收藏东西方的当代艺术品,并于2008 年建立多姆斯收藏,期盼能建立一个理想化的,跨文化的艺术视域。多姆斯收藏通过把个人收藏用于公众展览的形式,努力在中国建立起一个国际化的艺术平台。多姆斯收藏为在尤伦斯当代艺术中心举办的群展精选出5 位生活、工作于北京以及4位生活、工作于纽约的艺术家的作品。此次群展将呈现出的不仅仅是这些艺术家在思想上的碰撞,而更像是两个世界重要城市中美学表达的剪影。来自北京的艺术家杨福东、曹斐、刘韡、李晖、李松松,以及来自纽约的艺术家许汉威、莱恩·麦克金利、马修· 戴· 杰克逊和巴纳比· 弗纳斯将通过他们各自对创作材质独具匠心的运用为我们在尤伦斯当代艺术中心呈现一次与众不同的艺术对话。

A group show chosen from the Domus Collection, Roundtrip: Beijing – New York NOW places the finger on the pulse of contemporary art as it spans continental divisions. The Domus Collection seeks to develop the international platform of art within China through public and private acquisition and exhibition. They selected for UCCA work from five artists living and working in Beijing and four artists living and working in New York, not in a direct exchange of ideas, but rather as a snap polaroid of these two major cities' breaking aesthetic. Works from Beijing artists Yang Fudong, Cao Fei, Liu Wei, Li Hui and Li Songsong and from New York artists Terence Koh, Ryan McGinley, Matthew Day Jackson and Barnaby Furnas present an enigmatic discussion of art through a phenomenally unique and hugely varied use of materials spread across four of UCCA's exhibition halls.

DATE: May 30, 2010 - July 4, 2010
VENUE: UCCA Middle Room,White Cube & Black Box, Nave
Curators: Jérôme Sans, UCCA Director