全艺社《树下无风-唐重新作展》 6月12日开幕
发起人:qys  回复数:0   浏览数:1995   最后更新:2010/06/06 17:23:23 by qys
[楼主] iberia_798 2010-06-06 17:23:23
展 览:我的大学(1990-2010):刘大鸿与双百工作室
艺 术 家:刘大鸿
策 展 人:左靖


出 品 人:高平、邱晨枫
馆 长:夏季风
主 办:伊比利亚当代艺术中心 西班牙国际文化艺术基金会


T + 86 10 5978 9530 / 5978 9531 F +86 10 5978 9537 info@iberiart.org www.iberiart.org
+86 (0) 59789030 media@iberiart.org

Exhibition Information | for Immediate Release
Exhibition: My University (1990-2010) Liu Dahong Shuangbai Studio
Artist: Liu Dahong
Curator: Zuo Jing
Opening: 20 Jun 2010, Sunday, 15:30p.m.
Dates: 2010.06.20 — 07.25
Venue: Iberia Center for Contemporary Art
(E06, 798 Art Zone, 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing)
Producers: Gao Ping, Qiu Chenfeng
Director: Xia Jifeng
Project Supervisor: Guo Cheng
Organizers: Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, International Art & Culture Foundation of Spain
Exhibition Introduction:
Iberia Center for Contemporary Art at Beijing 798 Art Zone will launch “My University (1990-2010) Liu Dahong Workshop”, a new exhibition by the artist Liu Dahong, on 20th June 2010 at 4 pm. The exhibition duration will last for one month.
Liu Dahong, known as an artist, professor and the director of “Liu Dahong Workshop”, has been teaching art at Shanghai Normal University in the last over twenty years since his graduation from Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts in 1985. Liu has authored unique works of art that bear his own trademark; also while at the university, the last fortress of planned economy in China, he has constructed a unique syllabus based on his teaching theory that uses “society as a model” to educate students. The persistent endeavor gave birth to the ambitious series on set subjects, including:Sour (New World Bai Duo Mosaic, Sweet(Qingpu Red Days), Bitter(New Cultural Revolution Bai Duo Mosaic), Spicy (New Dianshi Studio Illustrated), Salty (A Mosaic of Mores in New Shanghai), Pure (The New ‘Young Companion’ Pictorial). Among them, the trans-century “A Mosaic of Mores in New Shanghai” project has continued for a span of twenty years, providing a historical record of this World Expo host city Shanghai that resonates with “Old Shanghai Bai Duo Songs” from a century ago.
During the eventful twenty years, Liu Dahong and his Workshop had held onto their beliefs down the less trodden paths while experiencing all kinds of conflicts and frustrations that could possibly happen to every scholar and young student at colleges of China: layoff gate scandal, studio gate scandal, resignation gate scandal, class-dividing gate scandal, classroom gate scandal, dissertation gate scandal and more. These controversial incidents expose a stern reality that Chinese educational system has seriously deviated from the ultimate goal of college education — “freedom of soul”.
“My University (1990-2010) Liu Dahong Workshop” will use archival documents to recreate the scenes of various academic adventures and teaching experiments that Liu Dahong, his colleagues and his students had gone through over the past twenty years, revealing how a spiritual community aspiring for free expression fight for and defend their dignity in the face of challenges from old systems and out-dated conventional ideas, and how multi-layered cultural values advocated in the Maoist slogan “Give free reign to all styles of art and all schools of thought” are created in a limited space.
ICCA Enquiries & Guided Tour Reservation
T + 86 10 5978 9530 / 5978 9531 F+86 10 5978 9537 info@iberiart.org www.iberiart.org
Opening Hours: Tuesday—Sunday 10:00–18:00, closed on Mondays
For general media enquiries:
+86 (0) 59789030 media@iberiart.org
[沙发:1楼] guest 2010-06-06 16:55:25
[板凳:2楼] guest 2010-06-06 21:46:51
[地板:3楼] guest 2010-06-21 13:27:21