发起人:ba-ba-ba  回复数:0   浏览数:2333   最后更新:2011/03/01 09:10:46 by ba-ba-ba
[楼主] 器空间 2011-03-01 09:10:46

International Video Art Festival——curated by MMX & Clemens Wilhelm in collaboration with Organhaus Art Space

策展人:MMX (Rebecca Loyche/Jonathan Gröger/Jason Burgess)
& Clemens Wilhelm

专题讲座:2011年3月4日 19:00

04 – 06 March 2011 • Organhaus Chongqing • each day from 3 – 5 pm

Mira Amadea, Juan Arata, Jason Burgess, Susanne Bürner, Dwayne Butcher, Johanna Bruckner, Michael Brynntrup, Cylixe, Meredith Davenport, Maurice Doherty, Stefan Ewald, Zachary Fabri, Eric Fleischauer, Andrew de Freitas, Cari Freno, Mikko Gaestel & Lilli Kuschel, Giulia Giannola, Carlos Godinho, Doron Golan, Alex Golden, Constantin Hartenstein, Jesper Just, Sylbee Kim, Ben Kinsley, Ellie Krakow, Lilli & Lola, Rebecca Loyche, Jonathan Monaghan, Francisco Montoya, Iris Musolf, Kelly Oliver & Keary Rosen, Iris Olsson, Annette Otto, Nicolas Provost, Jon Rafman, Reynold Reynolds, Tobias Rosenberger, Ole Schmidt, David Sherry, Carl Slater, Michelle Teran, Nicole Tschampel, Jacob Tonski, Cat Tyc, Inez de Vega, Olivia Verev, [video]Flâneu®, Hugh Walton, Clemens Wilhelm, Elizabeth Wurst

There is an old saying that the grass is always greener on the other side. It reminds us that desired destinations always look better when seen from a distance.
The intention of this festival is to connect these two sides: to bring international video art from the cultural melting pot Berlin over to Chongqing, one of China’s most independent and fastest growing art scenes.
This festival shows a selection of 55 videos made by 51 international artists. It wants to offer a taste of what is happening in the vibrant video art scene in Berlin at the moment. However, its aim is not to give an overview of the Berlin scene, but rather to give an opportunity to see the vast variety of ways in which artists use and define video as an art medium.

During the year 2010 the Berlin-based non-profit art space MMX staged seven exhibitions which presented the works of talented emerging artists. The main goal of MMX was to create a public space for art which is not usually shown in commercial galleries. Each exhibition had its special video screening program – curated by MMX founders Rebecca Loyche, Jonathan Gröger and Jason Burgess – which presented to large audiences the works of international video/film makers, many of them living and working in Berlin.
Four of the MMX screening programs are now shown at Organhaus Chongqing as the main part of this festival. The start-off is the CHINA BOX program selected by Organhaus resident artist Clemens Wilhelm which is showing 17 works of mainly Berlin artists working in the medium video. He invited 17 artist friends to choose one video work to travel to China with him. In a way, CHINA BOX is more a portrait of an artist network than a curated thematic program.
Greener on the other side presents a caleidoscopic image of life on the other side of the world: How do these Western artists see the world? How do they see themselves? How do they think, work and live? How do they define art?
So what is happening on the other side? In which ways is the other side different from this one? What are the connections? And after all, can we still speak of an other side in the age of internet and globalization?

在2010年柏林非营利艺术空间MMX举办了七个展览,呈现了许多天才新兴艺术家的作品。 MMX艺术空间的主要目标是建立一个为艺术而不是通常在商业画廊展示的公共空间。每个展览都有其特殊的录像放映节目 - 由Rebecca Loyche, Jonathan Gröger 和 Jason Burgess策划- 它呈现给广大观众很多在柏林生活和工作的国际影像/电影制片人的作品。
MMX艺术空间的四个放映节目正作为这次电影节的主要部分在重庆器•Haus空间进行。活动的开始是“中国盒子”项目,这是由器•Haus艺术空间的驻留柏林艺术家Clemens Wilhelm呈现的17个影像作品,主要是从柏林从事影像创作的艺术家作品中选择出来的。他邀请了17个艺术家朋友每人选择一个录像作品交于他带到中国。在某种程度上,“中国盒子”与其说是一个策划主题方案,不如说是一个艺术家肖像的传播网络。


curated by Clemens Wilhelm

1) Constantin Hartenstein „Just Sayin’“, 2010, 7 min
2) Elizabeth Wurst „Pop-Aktivismus“, 2010, 7 min
3) Maurice Doherty, „Stuck in the Avantgarde“, 2,1 min
4) Rebecca Loyche, „All is fair in love and war“, 9,2 min
5) Francisco Montoya „Das Bundesständchen“, 2010, 6 min
6) Lilli & Lola „Weiche Spalten, hart gebumst“, 2005, 7 min
7) Cylixe, „Nereid“, 2010, 4 min
8) Olivia Verev „Ohne titel“, 2 min


9) Stefan Ewald „Watching“, 2010, 6,1 min
10) Mikko Gaestel & Lilli Kuschel „14 Positions on a rock“, 2010, 6 min
11) Giulia Giannola „Clock“, 2007, 3 min
12) Iris Musolf „Elle/Shape yourself“, 2009,10 min
13) Jason Burgess, „It’s going to be burn so fast it’s gonna be gone“, 2010, 1 min
14) Konstantinos-Antonios Goutos „Nostalgia“, 2007, 7 min
15) Michael Brynntrup „Die Botschaft - Totentanz 8“, 1989, 10 min
16) Johanna Bruckner „The Angel", 2010, 4 min
17) Mira Amadea „One, Two, Three“, 2009, 16 min
18) Clemens Wilhelm "Spring Scream", 2009, 7 min.



MMX Screening Program 1 ( 45 min)
Curated by MMX

1) Juan Arata „Mosca“, 1 min
2) Alex Golden „Wenn Sie etwas sehen“, 7,3 min
3) Mikko Gaestel & Lilli Kuschel „St. Petersburg“, 3min
4) Cat Tyc „Umbrella“, 9,35 min
5) Meredith Davenport „Untitled“, 4,19 min
6) Ole Schmidt „Happy happy sad sad“, 1.3 min
7) Reynold Reynolds „Burn“, 10 min
8) Ellie Krakow „Shine“, 5 min
9) Susanne Bürner „Embodied Truth“, 5,3 min


MMX Screening Program 2 (44 min)

1) Jesper Just „Bliss and Heaven“, 7,42 min
2) Annette Otto „Kermis (Funfair a tribute to life)“, 11 min
3) Eric Fleischauer „Art Appreciation I“ , 1min
4) Carlos Godinho „Test Video“, 5,50 min
5) Iris Olsson „Between Dreams“, 10,3 min
6) Jonathan Monaghan „French Penguin“, 2,34 min
7) Eric Fleischauer „Art Appreciation II“ , 1min
8) Doron Golan „Tel Aviv/Jaffa“, 2,58 min
9) Nicolas Provost „Papillon d’amour“, 3.30 min
10) Eric Fleischauer „Art Appreciation III“ , 1min



MMX Screening Program 3 (39 min)
Curated by MMX

1) Andrew de Freitas „It’s three in the afternoon“, 1,21min
2) Jon Rafman „Kool-Aid Man in Second Life: In search of the Virtual Sublime“, 10,24 min
3) Zachary Fabri „High Balling“, 2,08 min
4) Inez de Vega „Tell me the truth“, 2.39 min
5) Michelle Teran „Buscando al Sr. Goodbar“, 5 min
6) Jacob Tonski „Balance Study“, 1 min
7) Hugh Walton „Puke Narration“, 4,18 min
8) Ben Kinsley „Gesichtsmusik“, 2,22 min
9) Cari Freno „Kiss (from the Pocahontas State Park Series), 1,5 min
10) David Sherry „Looking through Tom Cruise’s Eyes“, 3.5 min


MMX Screening Program 4 (45 min)

1) Carl Slater „A moment of unknown quantity“, 5,49 min
2) Oliver & Keary Rosen „Take My Life Please or A List of Things to Do Today in One Act“, 5,19
3) Tobias Rosenberger „Large Scale“, 6,06 min
4) Dwayne Butcher „Partagas“, 3,09 min
5) Clemens Wilhelm „Heim“, 15 min
6) Nicole Tschampel „The Russians are coming“, 0,45 min
7) Rebecca Loyche „Memory I“, 3,21
8) Sylbee Kim „Carols of Cockayne“, 7 min

[沙发:1楼] 器空间 2011-06-08 00:44:16
神马最给力??? http://www.art-ba-ba.com/mainframe.asp?ForumID=8&lange=cn
[板凳:2楼] guest 2011-08-28 12:26:23
