沪申画廊The Couple Show!现场
发起人:叮当猫  回复数:7   浏览数:1638   最后更新:2011/03/13 12:50:32 by 叮当猫
[楼主] sail 2011-03-13 07:51:56

开幕时间:2011年3月19日 下午3:00


"Circadian rhythm " ——Cheng Ran's Solo Exhibition
“Open time: 2011 March 19 - April 8 exhibition
location: Hangzhou qingbomen 465 number
Organizer: Qingying Gallery

Young artist Cheng Ran's solo exhibition will be held at Qingying Gallery (清影画廊): "Circadian rhythm " (昼夜之渐). By means of make-ups and editings, the artist quotes the elements from the horror films. Using the basic film languages like zombies to create a group of whole new videos, installations and stage photos, he has represented a inhuman figure (portrait) without any expressions or thoughts, fighting alone in the midst of isolated wasteland. In the composition, the artist tries to express the tiny fractures and deadlocks in the reality, emotional and spiritual worlds via metaphors of personal understandings of phobias and formalist esthetics.
程然,生于1981年,现居杭州。最近参加的展览有:完美世界 Meulensteen 画廊(纽约,2011),心境-当代艺术文献双年展 MOCA当代艺术馆(上海,2010),泄密的心,詹姆斯科恩画廊(纽约,上海 2010),蒙古360-地景艺术双年展 (乌兰巴托,2010),沉浸与远离,尤伦斯艺术中心(北京,2009),中国当代录像 V2媒体艺术中心(鹿特丹,2010),与后殖民说再见-第三届广州三年展,广东美术馆(广州,2008),团队并非一切-中国当代艺术展(纽卡斯尔,2008)
Cheng Ran,born in 1981,living in Hangzhou.Recent exhibitions are as followed:In a Perfect World(Newyork , 2011 )Reflection of Minds MoCA Envisage Biennale (Moca Shanghai ,2010),the-tell-tale-heart James Cohan Gallery(Shanghai and Newyork,2010) Mongolia 360°1st Land Art Biennal(Ulaanbaatar,2010),Immersion and Distance Ullens Center for Contemporary Art(Beijing,2009)3rd i program: compilation of Chinese video art,V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media(Rotterdam,2010)Farewell to Post-colonialism: The Third Guangzhou Triennial(Guangzhou,2008)There Is No I in Team - Contemporary Chinese Artists' Work(Newcastle Upon Tyne,2008)