空间站:显露/相融:两种灵性 E(merge): two spiritualities
发起人:spacestation  回复数:0   浏览数:2398   最后更新:2011/06/25 14:22:31 by spacestation
[楼主] spacestation 2011-06-25 14:22:31
中国艺术项目 (中国/澳大利亚) 空间站(中国) 尼亚加拉画廊 (澳大利亚)


China Art Projects (China/Australia) Space Station(China) Niagara Galleries (Australia) Warmly

Invite You to E(merge): two spiritualities

展览于6月25日星期六下午3点于798艺术区空间站由澳大利亚驻中国大使馆文化参赞陈紫霞女士开幕Opening on Saturday 25 June 3pm at Space Station Gallery 798 Art District.By Jill Collins Cultural Councilor, Australian Embassy, Beijing


北京798艺术区空间站 2011年6月25日至7月10 Space Station , 798 Art District, Beijing. 25 June – 10 July 2011

澳大利亚墨尔本尼亚加拉画廊 2012年2月7日至 3月3日 Niagara Galleries, Melbourne, Australia. 7 February – 3 March


两位艺术家:安吉利娜波尔(Angelina Pwerle)来自澳大利亚,胡勤武来自中国,虽然影响两位艺术家的中澳两种文化表面上看似不同,但是时间空间交错中又有着文化上的关联。尤其表现在:现在与过去之间,精神上和祖辈的联系;身体与精神的关系蕴意在万物中。

牛睿智, 2011年,北京

The exhibition as part of the year of Australia in China festival Imagine Australia and NAIDOC week present a unique exhibition of two artists - Angelina Pwerle(Australian) and Hu Qinwu (China)

These two artists are from two ancient cultures which ostensibly appear to be radically different, but there is a strong cultural connection which cuts across timeand place. The spiritual and ancestral connection between the now and then and the relationship of the physicality and spirituality contained within all things is a commonality shared by both.

Reg Newitt Beijing 2011
