发起人:猜火车46  回复数:0   浏览数:2548   最后更新:2011/09/03 15:08:24 by 猜火车46
[楼主] 小牛花 2011-09-03 15:08:24

空间站诚邀您莅临未知博物馆——“图案-漩涡-遭遇”开幕 2011.9.3 16:00
Space Station cordially invites you to the opening of Museum of unknown exhibition "Pattern--Vortex--Encounter" on this Saturday, September 3rd, at 16:00


参展艺术家 | Artists:陈熹|Chen Xi 方弦|Fang Xuan 何意达|He Yida 纪坤|Ji Kun 金望|Jin Wang 廖斐|Liao Fei 刘一青|Liu Yiqing 桔子(刘旸)|Orange 李文|Li Wen 孟令|Ling Lore Vanelsande 倪有鱼|Ni Youyu 邱黯雄|Qiu Anxiong 吴鼎|Wu Ding 王光乐|Wang Guangle 伍毅|Wu Yi 许晟|Xu Sheng 郑焕|Zheng Huan

开幕 | Opening:16:00 September 3rd .2011(研讨会|Seminar)

展览日期 | Exhibiting Time:2011/09/03 -10/08

地点 | Venue:空间站Space Station 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区中一街
T: +86 10 59789671 W: www.space-station-art.com E: spacestationart@163.com








"Pattern--Vortex--Encounter" Press release

In the new project for unknown museum, according to the relations between art and science, the following issues have been discussed: 1. In what conditions, today we may discuss the relationship between art and science? 2. In what issues art and science can be talked with each other? 3. The possibility in theory for cooperation and exchange between art and science?

The basic frame for the exhibition is composed of six different themes, among which three themes are: pattern, whirlpool and disappearance, others are symmetry, encounter and geographical psychoanalysis. They will be shown in three different exhibitions. We also contact to the scientific researchers in scientific squirrel--Juzi and Fangxian, the art directors of the New Outlook magazine--Yang Penghui and Chen Jiaojiao and we will dialogue and discuss with them on these topics. Meantime art practices will be carried based on the discussion.

The relevance of these themes is not only established by interpretation, but also be formed by works and dialogue. In addition to that, the dialogues and relevance among these themes are to be set up by the new frame mode of exhibition. Generally speaking, the traditional exhibition takes a thematic concept as the core idea, then to proceed from this thought and find the suited works and artists to take part in. The artists usually also adapt this kind of mode, and they put forward to different concepts to form a net of different dimensionalities, in which artists and other participants can find their own positions, they can keep distance to these concepts while they are in contact to them, not only approach to them as usual.

In space station, the pattern is the core, and the main contents for exhibition are the documents on mathematics (geometry), physics and biology which related to pattern and the works created based on the exchanges between artists and scientists. We also invite a pattern album in an issue of New Outlook magazine to join us, from which we will display and show those which concerning to pattern and in themes on different regional cultures, sacred geometry, etc.

This project is not only a discussion about the relationship between art and science, but also a try of finding new exhibit forms.

Acknowledgment:Songshuhui.net、New Outlook magazine


空间站 | Space Station
T: +86 10 59789671
W: www.space-station-art.com
E: spacestationart@163.com info@space-station-art.com
地点:空间站 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区中一街
Venue: Space Station,NO.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd,798 Art District,Beijing 100015

小牛花使用手册: 1、口味三俗,请自带避雷针; 2、我真不是这个意思,您千万别往歪里想。
[沙发:1楼] 小牛花 2011-09-04 09:54:09

“艺术与科学”讨论会我这面能看到的部分全景图:@李淼在微博 @唐克扬工作室 @邱黯雄 @廖斐肥料 @郭芳u @郭宏蔚 @陈亮洁 陈朝 谢墨凛 @王光乐 何意达

回复@李淼在微博:很有趣的讨论~长见识了~李老师辛苦了~竟然有这么久么~我们还想以后继续请教~~都不好意思了~~ //@李淼在微博:回复@付晓东:讨论了近6个小时艺术,我现在用威士忌消除疲劳。今天真是开眼界了,认识了这么多活的艺术家。 
@邱黯雄:回复 @付晓东:线下完了线上继续,这样才有持续性

回复@邱黯雄:矮油,你们明明坐在对面,却在这儿讨论呢~~ //@邱黯雄:转发此微博:透视这个概念是在几何学的基础上建立的,中国没有透视的方法,只能说是一种自然的经验视觉观,跟透视没有关系,没必要跟透视拉关系,可以按中国自己的称呼习惯去命名,比如高远平远都很诗意。
同日见到了活的物理学家,脑切片专家~//@李淼在微博:见到了活的建筑师,装置艺术家,画家,雕塑家。 //@李淼在微博:我将携本大嘴前往。
@付晓东:今天下午四点,“图案”展,空间站,798中一街,@未知博物馆 @松鼠科学会 “艺术与科学”讨论会,各种偶像级名嘴大驾光临,欢迎前来围观~

@邱黯雄:在建筑是这样的,艺术大多不以科学为道路,科学的目的也不是艺术而是认识世界 //@李淼在微博:我喜欢这句话,艺术是目的,科学是道路。
难怪咱事先不知道这定论 ~唐老师说这话题先看贡布里希~//@马清运的微博:我刚编的,但千年人文史沽到我嘴里的。考证工作@唐克扬工作室 最可靠。 //@付晓东:这话的出处是?// @马清运的微博 :这事已经清楚、不要讨论了:艺术是目的、科学是道路!/art is purpose, science is process。

@邱黯雄:问题中包含了答案 //@马清运的微博 :听着很"阴谋"! // @唐克扬工作室 :purposeful processes processed purpose//
付晓东 回复@唐克扬工作室:突然发现,这话题除了唐克扬以外,我们都得冒着外行的风险~ (今天 01:03)
唐克扬工作室 回复@马清运的微博:purposeful processes processed purpose (今天 00:55)
Adrian_WH 艺术是开放的可能性——不同的流派与形式之间并无绝对的高低;而科学是可能性的开放——理论的差异在逻辑模型的不断完善下而趋于统一。

小牛花使用手册: 1、口味三俗,请自带避雷针; 2、我真不是这个意思,您千万别往歪里想。