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[楼主] baiheibaihezi 2011-12-22 10:09:30

由白盒子艺术馆主办,策展人戴卓群策划,60位活跃在中国当代艺术创作前沿的艺术家共同参与的“Christmas 义乌(Eve):2012微作品嘉年华”将于2011年12月24日星期六晚7点在798艺术区白盒子艺术馆开幕,这既是一次具有探索性的艺术展,又是一种对经济模式拷问的微型实验,同时也是一场欢度圣诞节平安夜的嘉年华派对。

Christmas Eve本是西方圣诞节的平安夜,在这个展览中,我们根据英文原始发音将其附会转译为“可持续模式,义乌”,也即关于“可持续的义乌模式”的一次开放性探讨。这里强调有两层意思,一是关于“义乌模式”,义乌是目前全球最大的小商品集散中心,也是堆砌中国经济神话的样板模式:小商品、低成本、廉价、劳动密集、粗放式、规模化、山寨抄袭、低科技含量、漠视创意与品质;二是关于“可持续”概念,今天,以义乌为代表的中国生产模式面临越来越严峻的挑战,这个展览即出发于对已有物质生产模式的概念性反思,开放诸多可能性的边界,探讨“义乌模式”可持续性的能指与所指。




史金淞,计洲,焦兴涛,胡庆雁,胡晓媛,何翔宇,仇晓飞,黎薇,李颂华,梁冰,卢征远,掉队(周翊、陈昕鹏、董菁、梁硕、邵康、王光乐、张兆宏、),舒昊,满宇,裴丽,彭汉钦,邱启敬,石心宁,桂杨帆,宋建树,王思顺, 王振虎,韦加,夏国,徐小国,闫冰,袁欣,张小涛,赵光辉,赵能智,赵一浅,赵赵,郑无邪,朱殿琼,代化,爱国,卜桦,史晶,黄宇兴,孙建伟,他们艺术小组(杨晓刚+赖圣),陈文华,邓大非,多兰,史文飞,方上,冯良鸿,付泓,高海清,高磊,高翔,葛非+林缜,郭玲,何迟,侯雯,侯勇,胡庆泰,康靖,黄一山,绿校

公共关系:吴蔚、Sara Bortoletto(意大利)

主 办:白盒子艺术馆
协 办:美莱国际
赞助单位:马来西亚美食厨房、 玉川酒庄/ 思班干红
开放时间:星期二至星期日10:00 – 18:00

联系方式:+86-10-5978 4801

Christmas 义乌(Eve): a carnival of tiny things in 2012

Under the direction of White box museum and Dai Zhouqun's curatorial experience, 60 of the most outstanding contemporary Chinese artists will participate at "Christmas 义乌(Eve): a carnival of tiny things in 2012 ". The opening will be on The Christmas Eve of these Year (December 24th) at 7 p.m. at White Box Museum in 798 Art District. This exhibition is not only an original way to celebrate this Western Festivity but also a mini-experiment on torturing the business aspect of the art.

The 24th of December is commonly known as Christmas Eve. In this exhibition we played with the word “EVE” that phonologically sounds like yiwu [义乌], and we are trying to mix the sound and the particular commercial meaning of yiwu [义乌] using its model on an art exhibition. There are two reasons to do this: The First is the yiwu’s model. At Present the city of Yiwu has the biggest center of goods distribution in all China and actually includes all the legends about Chinese production style: small items, low cost, fake product, labor surplus, extensive and large-scale production, plagiarism, low technological level, low quality. The second one is the idea of “spread”. Yiwu represents the “Made in China” that nowadays is receiving a lot of critic from all over the world. The aim of this exhibition would like to reflect this idea that most of the people have about the Made in China, and enlarging its border not only in a productive meaning, we would like to show how the Yiwu’s model might indicate also other aspect of China and should spread itself.

After the loss of Steve Jobs, Apple’s model that perfectly combines art and technology in a market product will determine an incomparable goal and, will become soon a worldwide standard for the future. This observation is not related just in a commercial field but as long as we live in a commercial society, can be connected mostly with everything. On the contrary, all that concern the “Made In China” is since long time ago a synonym of the “hard working production”, exhausted the idea of excessive consume of natural resources and low quality goods, influencing any attempt to give a real value of our industrial production.

During this exhibition we will present the work with shelves, and we will invite numerous artists to presents their works on them. To underline more the correspondence with the market product in the mall, we will also add some market signs inside the space, create an unused manner to arrange White Box Museum Space. But with an open attitude, we permit to the artists to personally intervene on the idea and the structure of Yiwu with performance or something else.

At the same time, in this exhibition, the artists work and the market products will be shown together. As a matter of fact every artists will present a piece of works (a painting, a sculpture, an installation, a performance on site) and one of their personal thing whit the artist’s sign will be offer on sale to the viewer. In this way we also try to talk about the consumer attitude of “Be what you buy” and “be a person itself”. If we consider the work of the artist as a normal object, probably its price will exceed the normal price of second hand product that is actually what can be indicated in the value of the person itself. This will be perfectly clear because we actually had invited a lot of artists with different background. A normal thing grows its value just because before belonged to a specific person, in this case an artist, and through the difference of prices we would like to show the difference of artistic and academic value between those artists. An object that belonged to an artist, marked with his sign and that have participate to an exhibition of course grow its personal value for its unique Authenticity. For this we stressed more the relation between a label value and a personal value, hope to create an inspirational effect.

ARTISTS:Shi Jinsong,Ji Zhou,Jiao Xingtao,Hu Qinyan,Hu Xiaoyuan,He Xiangyu, Qiu Xiaofei,Li Wei,Li Songhua,Liang Bing,Liang Bing,Lu Zhengyuan,OUT(Zhou Yi、Chen Xinpeng、Dong Qing、Liang Shuo、Shao Kang、Wang Guangle、Zhang Zhaohong), Shu Hao,Man Yu,Pei Li,Peng Hanqin,Qiu Qijing,Shi Xinning,Gui Yangfan,Song Jianshu, Wang Sishun,Wang Zhenhu,Wei Jia,Xia Guo,Xu Xiaoguo,Yan Bing,Yuan Xin,Zhang Xiaotao,Zhao Guanghui,Zhao Nengzhi,Zhao Yiqian,Zhao Zhao,Zheng Wuxie, Zhu Dianqiong,Dai Hua,Ai Guo,Pu Hua,Shi Jin,Huang Yuxing,Sun Jianwei,Z(Yang Xiaogang + Lai Sheng),Chen Wenhua,Deng Dafei,Duo Lan,Shi Wenfei,Fang Shang,Feng Lianghong,Fu Hong,Gao Haiqing,Gao Lei,Gao Xiang,Ge Fei+Lin Zhen,Guo Ling,He Chi,Hou Wen,Hou Yong,Hu Qintai,Kang Jing,Huang Yishan,Lv Xiao

CURATOR: Dai Zhuoqun
PRESENTED BY: Sun Yongzeng
ASSISTANT CURATOR: Li Yunxia、 Xie Jinyuan
PUBLIC RELATIONS: Wu Wei, Sara Bortoletto (Italy)

ORGANIZER: White Box Museum Of Art
CO-ORGANIZER:Melly International
MEDIA PARTNER: Hotspot Weekly, Trends,Lifestyle
SPONSOR: Malaysia Kitchen,Jade Valley/Spamwine
OPENING: Saturday, December 24, 2011, 7p.m.
DATES: December 24, 2011 - January 12, 2012
MUSEUM OPENING HOURS: 10:00 - 18:00, Tuesday - Sunday
VENUE: WHITE BOX MUSEUM OF ART, 798 Art Dist., NO.2 Jiu Xianqiao Road, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing, China

CONTACT US: +86-10-5978 4801
[沙发:1楼] guest 2011-12-22 11:35:51
[板凳:2楼] guest 2011-12-24 01:37:48
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