发起人:MM18  回复数:0   浏览数:2146   最后更新:2012/03/30 17:38:27 by MM18
[楼主] 偏锋 2012-03-30 17:38:27



本次展览邀请了12位艺术家,他们是:Detlef Waschkau、高波、姜吉安、李岱昀、卢征远、马文甲、蒙志刚、田


“走出波浪”之后是“Everything”, 一切皆有可能,个个都可言说。正如“A+A”起始之初,不是因为风格手法






“Everything: The 6th A+A” open on March 23. Having begun as PIFO Gallery’s annual

exhibition, A+A adopted a biennial format in 2010. In seven years and six exhibitions, 92

artists have participated, and 25 have participated more than once. Many of these artists have

become known through the A+A platform.

This exhibition has invited 12 artists: Detlef Waschkau\Gao Bo\Jiang Ji’an\Li Daiyun\Lu

Zhengyuan\Ma Wenjia\Meng Zhigang\Tian Tian\Wang Junyi\Yuan Jia\Zhang Yexing\Zhong Zhao.

“Everything” is possible; all ideas are expressed. It’s not a convergence of style and

method, or a similarity in subject and content that makes this continuing exhibition possible.

It’s the attitude A+A conveys—facing head on individual independence and individual

differences. This is the attitude of the participating artists, the attitude of the curator in

choosing the pieces, and the attitude of the pieces A+A displays. As we move along on our

journey, we can’t just sit back and accept what comes; what we need to know now is how to

march to our own beat.

The exhibition will continue until April 21.
