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[楼主] 想象力学实验室 2013-06-07 10:12:34

Irene Kung个展『Dreams of China』即将在杭开幕

地址:杭州西湖区文二西路83号3楼 想象力学实验室

开幕式:2013年6月10日 17:00

展期:2013年6月11-25日 10:30-16:30(逢周一闭馆)

Irene Kung的摄影展“中国梦”是她于2011年秋天环游中国一整月的成果。



Irene Kung生于瑞士,自小学习绘画。近年来,她将领域拓展到摄影方面并已获得国际范围认知。她的作品曾在比利时Bozar和意大利Capri的Certosa San Giacomo展出。并在许多国际性杂志上登载,如AD,星期日时代杂志和纽约时报杂志,并入选巴黎摄影2010国际评审团。

Irene Kung’s exhibition Dreams of China is the result of a month long trip across China that the artist took in the fall of 2011.

Her photographs are suspended evanescent visions extrapolated from their function and reaching an onyrical territory where gaze and thought are in conversation, spaces where photography loses its objective features and moves into the realm of the evocative capacity painting is known for. The point of view of the artist is transformed into a sequential plain able to line up only what is essential thus portraying the itinerary of a purely personal geography. In this way Irene Kung walks side by side with us in a silent Voyage autour de mon regard so as to reveal to us the soul of shapes inhabiting things and giving life to a journey through an ideal city which is dreamed rather than lived out – a new identity for places shrouded in myth and crystallized over time.

All the photographs share in common a research on light, now golden now dark, but always able through its mysterious energy to emerge distinctly from the monochrome background through its architectural or natural forms, as a mirage.

Irene Kung was born in Switzerland and trained as a painter. In recent years she expanded her repertoire to include photography and has achieved international recognition. She has recently exhibited at the Bozar in Belgium and in the spectacular surroundings of the Certosa San Giacomo in Capri, Italy. Her work has appeared in numerous international magazines such as AD, The Sunday Times Magazine and The New York Times Magazine and was selected by the international jury at ParisPhoto 2010.
