发起人:lmjart  回复数:4   浏览数:1458   最后更新:2013/07/31 06:59:51 by guest
[楼主] 器空间 2013-07-30 22:10:48



三大威胁 第一集:金皇宫



艺术家:Tommy Ting(加拿大)

艺术总监:杨述  项目策划:倪昆  策展助理:王仕元

器·Huas空间 重庆市九龙坡区黄桷坪正街126号

Tel:+86 23 86181823








三大威 第一集:金皇


,中国展的城市之一,其迅速的城市化远远我去的其他城市。了融入新的境,我了中国四大名著三国演并乘船顺扬子江下到三峡大。将童年的记忆和现在的经历作为项目的分界点,我阐述了由新故事构建的我眼中的中国。在文学角度来看,“重庆”的 意思是“双庆”或“再次庆祝”。淳熙16年(1189年)南宋皇子赵惇继承王位,认为这是“双重庆祝”,重庆也因此得名。基于以上历史典故,我将这次在重庆展览的背景设定为宴会。




Tommy Ting

Triple Threat Part I: Golden Emperor Palace

Growing up in Vancouver in the 90s, I had what they called an Astronaut Family, whereby the mother and children live overseas and the father earns a living for his family in Asia. Although this was typical for many overseas Chinese children, I also had a very atypical childhood. Every summer holiday my mother would take me back to Guangzhou to visit my dad, where he was one of the owners of a nightclub called Golden Emperor Palace. I spent many nights of my summer holidays at my dads nightclub, running around spraying random club goers on the dance floor with silly string. A few years later, Golden Emperor Palace was closed due to its popularity with drug dealers and drug users.

Transfer to Chongqing, one of the emerging megacities in China where rapid urbanization is even more exaggerated than any other city I have been. To immerse into my new environment, I read the classic Chinese epic Romance of th e Three Kingdomsand took a boat down the Yangtze to the Three Gorges Dam. Using my childhood memories and my current experiences as a departure point for my project, I unraveled the constructed new stories of my China. The name Chongqingliterally means, double celebrationor to celebrate againand was named so in 1189 when Prince Zhao Dun of the Southern Song Dynasty was crowned Emperor Guangzong. With this fact, I thought it was apt to set the premise of this exhibition in Chongqing as a party.

The installation is loosely set up as a scene from a nightclub by creating references such as dance poles, neon lights, ribbons, and statues of David. There is also has a large-scale print of the Three Gorges with two inflatable dolphins and a clock that doesnt tell time hanging on the print. The photograph is hung as six vertical strips with slits and openings between each strip. Close to the print is punching bag made with clear plastic and filled with half-inflated inflatable toys. Two main themes run throughout the installation. One is a rule in comedy called Rule of Threethat is, things that come in threes are inherently funnier, more satisfying or more effective than other numbers of things. The other is the smiley face, a symbol of happiness but also a symbol of Wal-Mart and ecstasy. The smiley face when used repeatedly, gives off an eerie sense of hollowness of a capitalistic society.

As you enter the installation Golden Emperor Palace, you may realize that there is a party, but what you dont know if whether the party is yet to begin or that it is already over.

Triple Threat is a project of three parts and Golden Emperor Palace is the first.

Tommy Ting





[沙发:1楼] guest 2013-07-31 06:21:15