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发起人:似海非鳥  回复数:0   浏览数:2799   最后更新:2013/08/26 17:16:45 by 似海非鳥
[楼主] amuse 2013-08-26 17:16:45













陈侗   陈天灼  关小  高波   何倩彤(香港)   JNA   赖志盛(台湾)   廖斐   梁昊鹏   牟雪(荷兰)   尚一心   孙逊   宋拓   唐晖   王韬程   谢墨凛   徐喆   烟囱   于艾君   周轶伦    




让·多米尼克·安格尔    让·安托万·华托   马克斯·贝克曼    圭多·雷尼   奥托·迪克斯   乔治·格罗茨   巴尔塔扎·克洛索夫斯基(巴尔蒂斯)   乔凡尼·阿戈斯蒂诺·洛迪   加埃塔诺·甘多尔菲   乔凡尼·弗朗切斯科·巴比   卡洛·马拉蒂   乔凡尼·阿尔伯蒂   皮耶托·贝萊埃提尼 佚名艺术家(罗马学院 ,18世纪)   佚名艺术家(意大利学院 ,约1700)   洛维斯·柯林特   卡斯帕·大卫·弗里德里希   奥斯卡·科柯施卡  安东尼·奥斯特拉    陶冷月   古斯塔夫·克林姆特    凯绥·珂勒惠支   乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔皮亚泽塔    乔治·莫兰迪



教育项目/素描作业 2013年9月18日—10月10日

AMNUA Drawing Show Series /

Ⅰ Drawing·Expression and Limit  

Ⅱ Great Drawings·Dancing with Virtuoso

Producer / Li Xiaoshan

Curator / Wang Yamin

Duration&Participating  Artists/

Ⅰ Drawing·Expression and Limit

September 18, 2013 - October 10, 2013

Chen Tong   Chen Tianzhuo   Guan Xiao    Gao Bo   He Qiantong(Hong Kong)    

JNA   Lai Chih-Sheng(Taiwan)   Liao Fei   Liang Haopeng   Mu Xue( the Netherlands)  Shang Yixin   Sun Xun   Song Ta   Tang Hui   Wang Taocheng   Xie Molin   Xu Zhe  Yan Cong   Yu  Aijun    Zhou Yilun  

Ⅱ Great Drawings·Dancing with Virtuoso

September 18, 2013 -November 20,2013

Balthus   Giovanni Agostino da LodiGuido ReniGaetano Gandolfi

Giovanni Francesco BarbieriCarlo MarattiGiovanni Alberti

Pietro BerrettiniRoman School(18th Century )   Italian School(circa 1700)Lovis CorinthCaspar David FriedrichOskar KokoschkaAntonio Balestra  

Tao Lenyue   Otto Dix   George Grosz   Gustav Klimt   Kathe Kollwitz

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingers   Giovanni BaTTISTA  Piazzetta  

Jean-Antoine WatteauGiorgio MorandiMax Beckmann

Venue / Hall of 25  of Art Museum of Nanjing Nanjing University of the Arts

Exhibition and CatalogueMedia Releases / 15 :00  September 18, 2013

Education Project / Practices of  DrawingSeptember 18, 2013 - October 10, 2013









Ⅰ Drawing·Expression and Limit  

- Drawing Modes in Contemporary Chinese Art

By the way of drawings, the exhibition will bringing together artistss different pracices. Exhibited works could be painting, installation, video and other kinds of medias, which are the metamorphoses of drawing now. To install the drawing modes in contemporary art practices, Artists shows of their personal "drawing" systems will be relatively separate. By the perspective of expression and limit,exhibition will show the drawing modes in Chinese Contemporary Art with its ideas and practices. As for the drawing, The fundamentality of drawing,which we generally assume, should be re-implemented by tracing the idea history of drawing, which could result that drawing itself is essentially a way to express, a direct expression.The emphasis onself-consciousness of the expression and limit is represented by uninterrupted and indefinite indulgence or restraint of drawing modes, which is one of the conversions of stimulating models of contemporary expression.So, according to time, drawing modes is put into the contemporaryas "times comrades." On the drawing show, the exhibition will be placed into the show of western drawings from classical to modern Age(Great Drawings·Dancing with Virtuoso). The artists with their works will also be juxtaposed at the same time on the scene. Through many levels of time and space and the mosaic of individual systems and the overall system, the exhibition show a landscape of drawing by performing together, which aims at reconstructing drawing on the base of its ideas essence, namely drawing should to be contemporary.

Ⅱ Great Drawings·Dancing with Virtuoso

- Western Drawings From Classicalto Modern Age

Including more than 50 original drawings by western masters, the exhibition will be the first large-scale show in China with masterss drawings from The Renaissance to modern age,which will include but be not limited to Classicism,Mannerism,Romanticism and Exprisseonism, etc. There is no lack of wondeful works of masters such as Alberti, Ingres, Watteau, Friedrich, Beckman, Dix, Kokoschka, Klimt, Balthus and Morandi,etc.Presentingdrawing modes from classical to modern age,the exhibition will provide an interesting reference for drawing modes in contemporary art practices. Taking a sort of extremely important"Mannerism" spiritual clue throughout the exhibition as an example, Mannerisms "the fear and morbidity of the dramatic split between artistic language and life... suffered a change of arts function and going towards a painful practice with weightlessness", as well as Watteausart seems to worked for a form age,described by Let - Francois Lyotard, leads this spiritual clue toward Expressionism and "Pseudoclassicismespecially contemporary art practices. "Great Drwings" refer to not onlythese drawings exquisite skills, but also a spiritual resonance,namely, across space and history, the feeling and expression of our artistic existence. Dancing with Virtuoso, we try to experience a great resonance.

[沙发:1楼] guest 2013-08-29 19:52:54