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[楼主] 嘿鬼妹 2007-02-07 04:23:00
International Artist Fellowship at Lakeside Arts Centre, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom funded by Arts Council England

英国诺丁汉艺术家居留项目 - 提出申请!!!

生),由2008 年1 月至3 月到我们这里来居住,并研究和发展他们利用任何方式
大学美丽的高田公园校园(Highfields Park campus)。由于诺丁汉大学率先在中国
在国际高等教育出色的表现。位于中国的大学已于2006 年在宁波开始运行。
及地区的艺术家和大学的职员及访客接触,交流他们的作品,以及在2008 年大学

•画室空间(建于2005 年)
体积:长13 米 X 阔5 米 X 高3.3 米


我们会给艺术家每月1,000 英镑的酬金(免税)


提供最多500 英镑购买材料


我们会给艺术家92 天,每天20 英镑的生活费

请于2007 年2 月23 日前,将您10 至20 件作品的图像,连同英文的履历和作品
Neil Walker 先生是湖畔的视像艺术主任,他会利用电邮确认收到所有申请,并打
我们会在四月对居留作最终决定,而获选的艺术家需于2007 年4 月27 日前确认

International Artist Fellowship at Lakeside Arts Centre, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom funded by Arts Council England

Lakeside Arts Centre is delighted to offer an exciting opportunity for a visual artist (post-graduate) from China to research and develop their art work in any medium during a 3-month residency to take place between January and March 2008.

The residency will be based at Lakeside Arts Centre ([url]www.lakesidearts.org.uk) at the University of Nottingham’s attractive Highfields Park campus. The University of Nottingham recently won the Times Higher Award for its outstanding performance in international Higher Education as a result of its pioneering developments of two international campuses in China and Malaysia. The China campus opened at Ningbo in 2006.

Lakeside Arts Centre is the University’s public arts centre and includes the Djanogly Art Gallery, Djanogly Recital Hall and Djanogly Theatre.

This residency is not intended to produce finished art work but the artist will be expected to have some contact with local and regional artists, University staff and visitors to the University, to talk about their work, and to contribute to the Chinese New Year celebrations at the University in 2008.  

Support offered to the artist by Lakeside Arts Centre:

• Studio space (built 2005)
On site artist’s studio located on the first floor (lift or stair access available)
Size: 13m long x 5 m wide x 3.3m high
Facilities provided: power and running water, natural light with option of blackout
• Administration/desk space
Separate administration/desk space is available in open-plan office accommodation in the same building
Facilities provided: desk top computer, dedicated email address and telephone; access to photocopier or fax within office
• Artist’s Fee
A fee of £1,000 per month (tax deductable) will be paid to the artist
• Accommodation
Paid accommodation is provided in supportive household, ideally with Chinese speakers
• Materials
A maximum of £500 will be available for materials
• Chinese/English speaking companion
Although we expect the artist to have some knowledge of English, some practical support will be provided for translation and understanding British culture
• Living Costs
Daily living expenses of £20 per day for 92 days will be paid to the artist
• Travel Costs – International and UK
We will pay for all travel costs from China to the United Kingdom and return, including insurance, visa, and work permit.
We will also pay for three return trips to London from Nottingham (a 2-hour train journey) including 2 nights in a hotel for the artist to visit galleries in the capital

Application Procedure
Email between 10 and 20 images of your recent work with a curriculum vitae and short statement about your work in English to [email]neil.walker@nottingham.ac.uk before 23 February 2007.

Neil Walker, Visual Arts Officer at Lakeside, will acknowledge receipt of all submissions via email. He intends to visit Shanghai and Beijing in March and hopes to meet as many artists as possible to see work.

A final decision regarding the residency will be made in April, and the artist will be required to confirm that they will take up the residency before 27 April 2007.
[沙发:1楼] guest 2007-03-18 03:13:19
[板凳:2楼] guest 2007-03-31 13:17:40