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[楼主] 小白小白 2014-03-21 17:19:16


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艺术家近期的玻璃作品在几个大型作品包括Preclude, Raptor I, Raptor IIRogue Star中有所呈现。艺术家有长达20年的玻璃制作经历,近期的一些公共项目包括2012年艺术作品基金会的装置Kiki Smith’s Chorus和Eldridge Street博物馆的East Window让她重新专注于这一媒介。

展出的天体作品中包括用铝或青铜制成的月蚀、流星、月亮。一组提花挂毯描绘了伊甸园般的场景:鹿、女子、倒木、繁复又脆弱的蜘蛛网共同编织成一幅幅赞美自然壮丽的图画。青铜雕塑Crest and Crown也描绘了同样的主题。

奇奇·史密斯1954年生于德国纽伦堡的一个艺术之家。她的父亲是知名极简主义雕塑家托尼·史密斯(Tony Smith),母亲是歌剧演员珍妮·史密斯(Jenny Smith)。在20世纪80年代奇奇就开始了她的艺术生涯并以自己对人类哲学、社会、精神等层面的深刻理解成为世界范围内负有盛名的艺术家。

Creating Wonder: Kiki Smith

"Kiki Smith's art, ranging over a diverse array of creative (often craft-oriented) media and continuously shifting between the conceptual and literal, formal and idiomatic, scientific and spiritual, political and personal, as well as clinically precise and abstractly metaphorical in her attitudes and expressions, has remained dedicated throughout the eighties and into this decade to a tireless, and obsessively demanding investigation the vast territory of nature and human experience."

Pace Gallery is pleased to present Kiki Smith: Wonder, a major exhibition that presents the artist’s investigation of the natural and spiritual worlds through works made of aluminum, bronze, fine silver, textile, stained and hand-blown antique glass, and paint. Kiki Smith: Wonder is the artist’s first major New York gallery show in four years and marks the 20th anniversary of the artist’s first solo exhibition at the Pace Gallery.

In a series of works from 2011 to 2014, Smith again explores the rich terrain of expressions of human and animal forms as well as celestial bodies and nature. Decay, rebirth, and eternal cycles of the seasons, nature, and eclipses recur throughout Kiki Smith: Wonder in works that illustrate Smith’s ability to move fluidly between materials with vastly different characteristics and properties.

Among the works in the exhibition are a series of sculptures, up to 13-feet across, of hoarfrost, the cyclically recurring crystallization of water vapor. Where artists for decades have rendered depictions of hoarfrost as decorations of landscape, Smith makes the ephemeral phenomenon the subject of works themselves. Fabricated from fine silver or stainless steel, the interlocking two-dimensional panels are arranged in seemingly random formations and reflect on the passage of winter to spring.

Smith’s current glassworks are seen in several major pieces that extend up to 16 feet across: Prelude, of felled trees, Raptor I and Raptor II, of birds in flight, and Rogue Stars, a series of eight stars made of opal white and antique glass. Although Smith has worked with glass for 20 years, she has refocused on the medium though recent public commissions, including her Art Production Fund installation of 2012, Kiki Smith’s Chorus, and the 16-foot East Window for the Museum at Eldridge Street / Eldridge Street Synagogue, both in New York and from 2012.

Lunar eclipses, shooting stars, moons, and orbs – of aluminum or bronze – are among the celestial works, some monumental, in the exhibition. Eden-like scenes are presented in a series of jacquard tapestries showing deer, a woman, fallen trees, and the fleeting intricacy of spider webs: images that suggest the majesty of nature, a subject reflected also in roughly 13-foot unique bronze sculptures,Crest and Crown.

Kiki Smith was born in 1954 in Nurembery, Germany, the daughter of American sculptor Tony Smith and opera single Jenny smith. She launched her artist career in 1980s and now becomes a leading figure among artists addressing philosophical, social, and spiritual aspects of human nature.
