展览:不虚此行--2014.5.18星期日下午3点开幕 ON SPACE艺术空间
发起人:on_space  回复数:5   浏览数:2042   最后更新:2014/05/16 01:38:50 by guest
[楼主] 时代在召唤 2014-05-11 14:45:02


Artist Talk

Hosted by Am Art Space

2014年5月11日16:00 - 17:30


Date: May 11th 4pm - 5:30pm

Language: english with chinese translation


Vladimir Nikolic: As you are aware

上午艺术空间与比利安娜思瑞克(Biljana Ciric)将为您呈现来自贝尔格莱德的艺术家弗拉基米尔•尼科利奇Vladimir Nikolić的艺术家讲座。弗拉基米尔作为“礼物交换”网络的第一个驻场艺术家,由玛娅•思瑞克(Maja Ćirić)提名,现正于广东时代美术馆进行为期一个月的开放工作室项目。


同时,比利安娜还将借此活动对“礼物交换”项目作出较为详细的介绍,并宣布中国的入选艺术家,该艺术家将于今年九月前往贝尔格莱德,在Dom Omladine文化中心(DOB)Šumatovačka术教育中心开始艺术家驻留项目。

Vladimir Nikolić:  As you are aware

Am space and Biljana Ciric are proud to present artist talk by Vladimir Nikolic, artist based in Belgrade. Vladimir Nikolic is first artist in the Gift Exchange network and he is currently hosted by Times Museum for one month residency.

In Nikolic’s body of works, “there exists a complex of escaping the defining context of the art system as well as responding to its intrinsic question of what art is. By shifting perspectives in between representation, subjective narratives and spectatorship, he makes us aware of “those voices surrounding an artwork”.

Besides artists talk, Biljana Ciric will introduce Gift Exchange network and announce Chinese artists selected for residency in Belgrade in September this year who will be hosted by Dom Omladine and Sumatovacka.


Artist’s Biography


旁白”(博洛尼亚NT画廊及布尔格莱德当代美术馆沙龙,2009);“自画像”(马赛HO 画廊,2008);“韵律”(布加勒斯特2META画廊,2002)。他的代表性群展包括:第四届雅典双年展(2013);“待客的威力”(纽约国际艺术家工作室与策展中心,2011);波兹南“调解”双年展(2010);“情境”——第五十届贝尔格莱德“十月沙龙”展(2009);“超越理论”(圣地亚哥Sushi 画廊,2008);“新影像,新欧洲”(纽约厨房艺术机构,2006);“崭新过往”(首尔Maronnier当代艺术中心,2004);“在巴尔干峡谷——一份报告”(卡塞尔Fridericianum美术馆,2003等。

Vladimir Nikolić(1974) lives and works in Belgrade. Selected solo shows include: Voice-over, NT Gallery, Bologna, 2009; Voice-over, Salon of Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, 2009; Autoportraits, HO Gallery, Marseille, 2008; Rhythm, Gallery 2META, Bucarest 2002. Selected group shows include: 4th Athens Biennale, Athens, 2013; How to Tell a Story, Depo art gallery, Istanbul, 2013; The Power to host, ISCP, New York, 2011; Plug in II, Musée de l’île d’Oléron, Saint-Pierre d’Oléron, France, 2011; Mediations Biennale/Erased Walls, Poznan, 2010; Okolnosti, 50th Octobar Salon, Belgrade, 2009; Beyond Theory, Sushi Gallery, San Diego, 2008, New Europe, The Kitchen, New York, 2006; New Past, Maronnier Contemporary Art Center, Seoul, 2004; In the Gorges of the Balkans - A Report, Kunsthalle Fridericianum, Kassel, 2003,etc.

礼物交换”艺术家驻地计划由玛娅·思瑞克(Maja Ćirić) 及比利安娜·思瑞克 (Biljana Ćirić)共同策划,灵感来源于巴布亚新几内亚的库拉交换制度。本项目意在连结看似独立的各地文化生产,促进文化交流,彰显边缘地区展览的重要性,并从中酝酿未来的合作,以此探讨“礼物”这一概念。参加“礼物交换”项目的策展人将向主办机构提名数位本国艺术家,由主办机构的策展人决定每一期的驻馆艺术家。“礼物交换”项目不仅对艺术家来说是一次珍贵的机会,也为接纳艺术家驻留的城市、机构献上了一份厚礼,促进了不同地域之间的相互理解和沟通。“礼物交换”也是策展人比利安娜·思瑞克在广东时代美术馆2013年的展览“进一步,退两步——我们与机构/我们作为机构”中发起的项目,根据参展艺术家帕恰亚·菲因逢(Pratchaya Phinthong )付出多于收获”(2010-2013)项目的指示,思瑞克要为他在拉普兰采摘的500公斤浆果想出替代物。思瑞克提出的方案是从2014启动“礼物交换”驻地计划,直到艺术家的体重总和象征性地达到500公斤为止,通过建立艺术家驻留网络,艺术品得以延伸到展览之外。

Gift Exchange Residency is developed by Maja Ćirić and Biljana Ćirić and was inspired by the Kula Exchange, a ceremonial exchange system conducted in Papua New Guinea. Gift Exchange Residency explores the notion of gift through cultural exchange that would stimulate centrality of peripheral exhibitions, by drawing unpredictable connections between different locations and productions, future collaborations might thus be developed. The selection of artists is conceived through nominations by curators from the country of the artist’s origin, while the final decision is made by the curator related to the host institution. “Gift Exchangedoesn’t only symbolize a gift for the ones granted residency but also a gift for the host cities and institutions. In both ways the residency will contribute to the mutual understanding of different localities. “Gift Exchange is also initiated by Biljana Ćirić during the exhibition One Step Forward Two Steps Back - Us and Institution, 2013 presented at Times Museum. According to instructions of the piece Give More Than You Take, Ćirić was supposed to propose a replacement for 500 kg of berries that the artist Pratchaya Phinthong has picked. Biljana Ćirić proposed a residency that will start in 2014 and will continue till symbolic weight of artists fulfills 500 kg. By establishing an artist residency network, the existence of the artwork was thus extended beyond the exhibition period.
