发起人:叮当猫  回复数:0   浏览数:1357   最后更新:2014/06/17 21:58:06 by 叮当猫
[楼主] 展览预告 2014-06-17 21:58:06


策展人 | Curator:付晓东 | Fu Xiaodong

艺术家 | Artist :

陈昕鹏、董大为、窦卜、范西、高洁、何迟、贾淳、老木、厉槟源、梁半、梁硕、林科、栾雪雁、史金淞、孙少坤、王卫、辛云鹏、杨光南、杨健、杨心广、叶甫纳、赵赵 | Chen Xinpeng, Dong Dawei, Dou Bu, Fan Xi, Gao Jie, He Chi, Jia Chun, Lao Mu, Li Binyuan, Liang Ban, Liang Shuo, Lin Ke, Luan Xueyan, Shi Jinsong, Sun Shaokun, Wang Wei, Xin Yunpeng, Yang Guangnan, Yang Jian, Yang Xinguang, Ye Funa, Zhao Zhao

开幕 | Opening : 2014/6/21  16 : 00 PM

展览日期 | Exhibiting Time : 2014/6/21—2014/7/13

地点 | Venue : 空间站 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区中一街 SpaceStation,NO.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd,798 Art District,Beijing




A Room Not of One's Own

An experimental exhibition A Room Not of One’s Own is to be held by Space Station from June 21st to July 13th, 2014. The exhibition, organized by Fu Xiaodong, includes 22 artists’ works and aims to criticize the political rights of private space and to transform individual’s daily life. The SpaceStation and Carp Magazine cooperate to bring out this interdisciplinary art project, sponsored by JNBY. Participants include: Chen Xinpeng, Dong Dawei, Dou Bu, Fan Xi, Gao Jie, He Chi, Jia Chun, Lao Mu, Li Binyuan, Liang Ban, Liang Shuo, Lin Ke, Luan Xueyan, Shi Jinsong, Sun Shaokun, Wang Wei, Xin Yunpeng,Yang Guangnan, Yang Jian, Yang Xinguang, Ye Funa, Zhao Zhao. Within the mainstream living space of the city, the relation between man and space is stipulated, and this rigid living style further leads to the rigidity of body: a kind of invisible control that forms unperceived has become an inescapable power structure. How the artists think of their own private space under such spatial politics? Their resistance and rebellion, cooperation and disassociation are under serious consideration. Just like what Bruce Nauman has said, “if I am an artist, and I work in my studio, then everything done thereis art. Judging from this, art is more of an activity than a product.” The exhibiting works show how the artists think and implement towards the studios,the private living space; they are the process and result of the transformationof private space.

In the meantime, the Carp magazine edited by Zhang Yueran and many other writers is going to put forward a theme book on the same name, echoing the exhibition with literature. 30 copies finished with the readers are also goingto be presented. On the occasion, the organizer and the chief editor will invite a dialogue of literature and art between the participating artists and litterateurs on the opening ceremony. What will happen then? Your participation is most welcome.

“一间有想法的房间” 叶甫纳 录像 2014

A Room of My Thought,Ye Funa, Video, 2014

"渣庙" 陈昕鹏 木质 160x300x280cm 2014

The Temple of Dreg, Chen Xinpeng,Wood,160x300x280cm,2014

"渣藏" 梁硕 照片 尺寸可变 2014

The Collection of DregLiang ShuoPhotographySize Variable2014
