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[楼主] 玉衡艺术中心 2015-06-16 10:59:26

【玉衡•展讯】展览预告 | 我们山呼万岁从远古走来——林于思个展


VIVA PRIMITIVE——LIN Yusi Solo Exhibition


展览时间 DURATION | 2015.06.27——07.31

展览地点 VENUE | 玉衡艺术中心,上海市普陀区莫干山路50号6号楼101

Room 101,Building6,No.50 MoganshanRoad, Putuo District,Shanghai Alioth Art Center

媒体预展 MEDIA PREVIEW | 2015.06.27 3:30PM.

开幕式 OPENING | 2015.06.27  4PM.



Shanghai Alioth CultureArt Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou JoincapCulture&Communication Co., Ltd.





Lin Yusi’s first solo exhibition in Shanghai, “VivaPrimitive!”, will be held at Alioth Art Center from 27th June to31st July 2015, sponsored by Shanghai Alioth Culture Art Co., Ltd.and Joincap Holding Group .In this exhibition, linear narration is interspersed withnon-linear clues. Audience will get a fresh sensual experience from variousmediums including flat paper, sculpture, installation and video.

Lin Yusi, the artist, has been trained in traditional Chinese ink painting for many years, and grew up in a very typical way in which an ink painter would be raised. However, those conventional construction andcomposition of ink art are expressed in a brand new way in his works whichcombines both western and Chinese drawing languages perfectly and undemonstratively. The texture of ink and the sense of space can be found inhis every piece of his works—— the space is coherent with colors and ink, the existence andfeelings of the people and objects in the paintings can be sensed. Instead ofbeing lost in the mist of tradition, the artist seeks the method to observe andunderstand the world from our age and deep self-consciousness, then creates hisown pattern. He also extracts the concise words of our era, and mix them withhis life experience and understanding, tradition and modern, self and the era,even dreams and reality——it’s not only about the personal spirit of the artist, butalso the common experience of our generation. Taking the visual experience foraudience into consideration, Lin Yusi puts himself into the crowd of viewers tomake himself a “stranger”. The relationship between the objects in his worksreflects the multi-relation of inside and outside, individual and the world,experience and imagination ---- all these things are harmonious andwell-balanced.

The exhibitedartworks have four features ­—— First of all, the main body of the exhibition consists ofthe artist’s recent 50 Chinese rice paper paintings. Meanwhile, he will bring his very firstinstallation artwork—— <Viva Primitive>. Also the artist’s personaldocumentary, “Paradise in Everywhere” will be showed on the occasion.

The exhibit theme “Viva Primitive!”,also known as the name of his installation artwork, actually has nothing to dowith the real meaning of the word “Viva”. The artist sees himself as one ofthose “primitives”, implying that we are all the same. This self-mockery andsarcasm aims to inspire people to rethink about blind worship and so-calledtradition ---- just like what the artist says, “there’s no crime on our planetbecause we, as advanced creatures, are able to tell right from wrong and wewon’t do anything that is commonly believed not right…”










《当我想你的时候》When I think of you  193×170cm  纸本设色Ink and Colour on Paper   2014

《外面的世界》Outside World  80×69cm  纸本设色Ink and Colour on Paper  2015

《子时随笔NO.15》Sketch at Midnight NO.15  46×35cm  纸本设色Ink and Colour on Paper  2015

《子时随笔NO.4》Sketch at Midnight NO.4  46×35cm  纸本设色Ink and Colour on Paper  2015

《小吉象》The Little Elephant  70×70cm  纸本设色Ink and Colour on Paper  2015

《白圣诞》White Christmas  70×93cm  纸本设色Ink and Colour on Paper  2015

《霓赞》The Paean of Neon  140×70cm  纸本设色Ink and Colour on Paper  2015

《梅兰梅兰我爱你》I Love You Wintersweet and Orchid  140×70cm  纸本设色Ink and Colour on Paper  2015

《圣光》The Holy Light  140×70cm  纸本设色Ink and Colour on Paper  2015

《百年孤独》One Hundred Years of Solitude  70×140cm  纸本设色Ink and Colour on Paper  2013



Stay tuned...
