发起人:站台中国  回复数:0   浏览数:2510   最后更新:2007/04/21 07:34:16 by
[楼主] 丽江工作室 2007-04-21 07:34:16
丽江工作室进驻艺术家Mariana Bacelar 和 Joybrata Sarker的连展3月16日下午4点在海东艺术空间举办。“全球化”趋势存在于任何一个国家,任何一个地方,包括在农田环绕自然风景甚佳的拉市海,越来越多的旅游开发,破坏了拉市海的的生态平衡。两位艺术家的作品均产生创作于拉市海,作品内容都关于拉市海村民每天的日常生活和周围的一些自然风景,探讨了拉市海的文化资源和“全球化”冲击下两者的生存关系。

地点: 丽江拉市海海东安下村丽江市民族文化发展研究会(邮局附近)
开放时间: 上午10——12点

网站: [url]www.lijiangstudio.org

Naxi Life in Lashihai

My work as a photographer concentrates the representation of traditional social practices within architectural heritage sites. My aim is to develop a visual record or testimony that can help contribute towards the preservation of these endangered forms of social life. I believe this is important because traditional social practices and architectural heritage sites are fast diminishing under the influence of corporate globalization. I believe there are qualities and values within traditional social life that are worth maintaining.

This body of photographic work is an initial result of a research project I have begun to develop in Lashihai about traditional Naxi culture and lifestyle. Despite the various modern adaptations such as the use of mobile phones, satellite TVs, pesticides, snooker playing, and globalized fashions, I found that the Naxi people in Lashihai still maintain most of their traditional way of life.

During my residency at Lijiang Studio, I focused my lens on making both a visual anthropological record and a representation of the aesthetic beauty and quality of contemporary Naxi life in Lashihai village. I feel the body of work I have created is quite limited and only a start for identifying key themes, which need to be explored in more depth. My inability to speak or understand Naxi or Mandarin played a key role in limiting my work.

My hope is that my images will someday help to generate more appreciation, within the international community, for maintaining those traditional social practices and architectural heritages which can lead towards healthier lifestyles.











Tales of Wrongdoing - Mariana Bacelar:

This body of work is about power and domination. I am addressing the theme of the master-slave relationship within normalized social roles and behavior. It is when someone chooses to impose unjust power over another. The master-slave theme can also be perceived on a global scale. In my journey that took me, by land, from Europe to China (from West to the East) I observed the negative effects of corporate globalization where nations, cultures and identities are being homogenized in the pursuit of profit and power.

Significant to this body of work is the painting entitled Cronos by Goya in which a giant is depicted consuming his son in fear of losing his power to him. Another motivation on this work is the story of the biblical figure Jonah and the whale. It is a story where the whale consumes Jonah in which he lives inside its stomach for three days but then survives. I see this story as metaphor for the possibility of rebirth. These two stories are of central concern to me because I see them as powerful allegories telling two different stories of struggle within the master-slave relationship.

In this body of work I employ the giant metaphor within different childhood scenarios. I try to use the condition of innocence within childhood as a way to represent vulnerability as well as processes of maturation within society and the individual. In many of my works I present a young heroine. This heroine originates from the memories of my childhood books. The heroines in these books are used as representations of roles models for socially acceptable behavior for young girls. In coming to China, I discovered that the images of the idealized western girl and eastern girl are identical with the exception of the shape of the eyes and the party ideologies of individualism and collectivism. I play with this icon and I try to give another life to these heroines where the unreal talks about the real.



