发起人:牧羊人  回复数:0   浏览数:2309   最后更新:2007/06/04 02:52:17 by
[楼主] 嗖嗖嗖嗖 2007-06-04 02:52:17




关于尤伦斯当代艺术中心 引言





北京,2007年5月29日—— 北京著名的大山子798艺术区即将迎来中国当代艺术的一个重要推动者。2007年11月2日,在世界当代艺术界声誉颇高的尤伦斯当代艺术中心将正式落成开馆。作为一座大型公益性的当代艺术展览机构,该中心将从事有关当代艺术的展览、学术、教育活动,以更为专业、更加自由的创作、交流和展览环境支持中国和国际当代艺术的创作与对话,致力于当代艺术在中国本土的普及和推广工作。

尤伦斯当代艺术中心由尤伦斯夫妇(Guy & Myriam Ullens)创立的尤伦斯基金会出资建造。尤伦斯夫妇在中国当代艺术收藏领域是全世界最早、藏品最有质量的收藏家之一。凭借着对中国当代艺术的无限热爱,他们长期无条件赞助中国艺术家在海外的艺术展示和创作,是中国当代艺术领域投入资金最大的私人赞助者,对推动中国当代艺术在国际上的知名度和影响力起着至关重要的作用。






Ullens Center for Contemporary Art to be launched in China

Beijing, 29th May 2007 – The Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) will celebrate its official opening on November 2, 2007 in the famed 798 art zone in Beijing’s Dashanzi District. UCCA’s mission is to become China’s most comprehensive center for contemporary art, providing a platform for exhibitions, education and dialogue to further the development of contemporary art in China.

The Ullens Center for Contemporary Art (UCCA) is a labour of love of Guy and Myriam Ullens, a couple with appreciation for Chinese culture and the owners of one of the world’s leading collections of Chinese contemporary art.

“Collecting is a passion for us and we feel that showing and sharing art and its richness with other art lovers is our obligation,” Guy & Myriam Ullens said,”We hope UCCA will be an open window to the wonderful world of contemporary art for everyone in China and that over time, UCCA will become a popular and well regarded international destination for all artists and art lovers.”

UCCA has appointed Fei Dawei, renowned Chinese art critic and curator, as its Artistic Director. Fei Dawei is best known for introducing Chinese contemporary art to the West in the 1980s. Over the last two decades, he has devoted himself to exhibiting Chinese contemporary art around the world.

UCCA’s exhibition program comprises three main areas: large-scale group exhibitions will rigorously explore current developments in contemporary art; solo exhibitions will feature important recent work and special commissions by leading artists from around China and the world; and a project room will provide a laboratory for the development and presentation of new, experimental works from emerging Chinese artists.

“China is fast emerging as a major player in the global art scene with Beijing on the cusp of becoming world art centre. UCCA is proud to be sited in such a vibrant location and we have developed an exhibition program that aims to convey the depth and vitality of contemporary visual culture today. We hope that what we have in store will inspire audiences to look and think in different and unusual ways;” said Fei Dawei, artistic director of UCCA.

UCCA will also offer an array of educational programs and public events, including gallery tours, screenings, lectures, seminars and hands-on activities, connecting with schools, universities, community groups and the public to help audiences develop a deeper understanding of contemporary art and the ideas that inform it.

UCCA will be housed in a Bauhaus styled factory building within the 798 arts zone in Beijing’s Dashanzi District—a unique and lively centre of Beijing’s cultural life and an ideal backdrop for cutting edge contemporary art. UCCA occupies a combined area of 6,500 metres and will have three exhibition halls, a 200-seat auditorium, a contemporary art reference library, a shop and café, as well as special VIP facilities.