发起人:乐乐迷  回复数:26   浏览数:3798   最后更新:2007/06/26 09:37:06 by
[楼主] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 15:23:32
Central International Exhibition

Think with the Senses - Feel with the Mind
Art in the Present Tense


Arsenale: Corderie and Artiglierie
Italian Pavilion at the Giardini

Robert Storr

Artistic director, curator:
Robert Storr

On the concept of his exhibition, Robert Storr declared, among other things: "This exhibition is not based on an all-inclusive ideological or theoretical proposal. It is rather founded on a fundamental approach to art aimed at presuming that analytical dichotomies between perceptual and conceptual, thought and feeling, pleasure and pain, intuition and criticality, too often obscure and deny the complex presence of all these aspects in our experience of the world, as well as the presence of all these dimensions in the resulting art."
[沙发:1楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 11:21:42
Africa  非洲
Check List Luanda Pop


地点 Venue:
Artiglierie at the Arsenale

Fernando Alvim
Simon Njami
策展人 Curators:
Fernando Alvim and Simon Njami

30位参展艺术家 30 artists:

Works from the Sindika Dokolo African Collection of Contemporary Art in Luanda, Angola

Ghada Amer  (Egypt)
Oladélé Bamgboyé  (Nigeria)
Miquel Barcelo  (Spain)
Jean Michel Basquiat  (USA)
Mario Benjamin  (Haiti)
Bili Bidjocka  (Cameroon)
Zoulikha Bouabdellah  (Algeria)
Loulou Cherinet  (Ethiopia)
Marlène Dumas  (South Africa)
Mounir Fatmi  (Marocco)
Kendell Geers  (South Africa)
Ihosvanny  (Angola)
Alfredo Jaar  (Chile)
Paulo Kapela  (Angola)
Amal Kenawy  (Egypt)
Kiluanji Kia Henda  (Angola)
Paul D. Miller Aka DJ Spooky  (USA)
Santu Mofokeng  (South Africa)
Nastio Mosquito  (Angola)
Ndilo Mutima  (Angola)
Ingrid Mwangi  (Kenya)
Chris Ofili  (UK/Nigeria)
Olu Oguibe  (Nigeria)
Tracey Rose  (South Africa)
Ruth Sacks  (South Africa)
Yinka Shonibare, MBE,  (UK/ Nigeria)
Minnette Vári  (South Africa)
Viteix  (Angola)
Andy Warhol  (USA)
Yonamine  (Angola)

Contemporary African art is represented in the Arsenale as a special section of the 52. International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale. The concept for this section was chosen out of requested proposals by a jury of experts (see press release). They opted for the exhibition project of the Angolan artist Fernando Alvin and the France based curator Simon Njami from Cameroon. Titled "Check List", the concept consists of showing selected works from the Sindika Dokolo African Collection of Contemporary Art in Luanda, which was co-founded by Alvim and currently encompasses about 500 pieces by 140 artists from 28 African countries.
[板凳:2楼] guest 2007-06-04 11:37:16
[地板:3楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 13:12:47
Argentina  阿根廷


Ateneo Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
Campo San Fantin, 1897
(directly beside the
Teatro La Fenice)

Guillermo Kuitca

艺术家 Artist:
Guillermo Kuitca
* 1961 Buenos Aires, Argentina; lives there.

策展人 Curator: Inés Katzenstein

The national Argentinean presentation will be displayed at the Ateneo Veneto's Aula Magna, which is heavily decorated with murals and a coffered ceiling, and is located near the La Fenice opera building. As much as the baroque hall is a spectacular sight, it also poses a difficult ambiance for contemporary art.

Guillermo Kuitca will face the challenge and will display new works in this tricky location. The internationally well-known artist was presented already amongst others at the Biennials of São Paulo, Istanbul, Gwangju, as well as at the Documenta (1992).
[4楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 13:15:59
Brazil 巴西


地点 Venue:
National Pavilion
in the Biennial area
Giardini di Castello

艺术家 Artists:

José Damasceno
* 1968 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; lives there.

Detanico & Lain
Ângela Detanico: * 1974 Caxias do Sul, Brazil.
Rafael Lain: * 1973 Caxias do Sul, Brazil.
Both live in São Paulo, Brazil, and Paris, France.

Curator: Jacopo Crivelli Visconti
[5楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 13:20:16
China  中国

Everyday Miracles

[attachment=44347] [attachment=44348] 

地点 Venue:
Chinese Pavilion
Arsenale and Vergini Gardens

4 female artists:

沈远 Shen Yuan
* 1959 Fujian, China. Lives in France.

伊秀珍 Yin Xiuzhen
* 1963 Beijing, China.

阚萱 Kan Xuan
* 1972 Anhui, China. Lives in Beijing, China, and Amsterdam, Netherlands.

曹菲 Cao Fei
* 1978 Guangdong, China.

[attachment=44349] [attachment=44350]
侯翰如 hou hanru 

策展人 Curator: Hou Hanru 侯翰如

Having already curated the 2003 exhibition "Z.U.O." in the context of the 50. Venice Biennale headed by Francesco Bonami, Hou Hanru will now highlight the women's contribution to Chinese contemporary art in the national Pavillon of China. Four female artists will create site specific works in the building and the Vergini Gardens.
[6楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 13:24:35
China - Hong Kong

中国 - 香港



地点 Venue:
Calle della Tana
Castello 2126
(Right in front of the main access to the exhibition halls of the Arsenale)

艺术家 Artists:
Amy Cheung

Map Office
Laurent Gutierrez & Valerie Portefaix

Hiram To

策展人 Curator: Norman Ford

About the theme of the exhibition one can read in the press release:
"STAR FAIRY asks: How does Hong Kong show itself to the world? What sorts of strategies does it use to say 'This is Hong Kong,' when showing ads, tourist promotion, cinema, design and so on? STAR FAIRY offers some playful and engaging responses to these questions."
[7楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 13:27:53
Central Asia  中亚

Media generation of contemporary artists from Central Asia

[attachment=44354] [attachment=44355] 
艺术家 Roman Maskalev 作品

地点 Venue:
Spiazzi, Associazione Culturale
Castello 3865

Media generation of contemporary artists from Central Asia

艺术家 Artists:
(preliminary list) (初步名单)

Natalya Dyu
* 1976 Kazakhstan; lives there.

Jamshed Kholikov

Gaukhar Kiyekbayeva

Roman Maskalev
* 1977 Kyrgyzstan. Lives in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Alexander Nikolaev
* 1968 Tashkent, Uzbekistan; lives there.

Aleksei Rumyantsev

Alexander Ugay
* 1978 Kyzilorda, Kazakhstan. Lives in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Vyacheslav Useinov

委员,策展人 Commissioner, curator: Yuliya Sorokina

副策展人 Co-curator: Ulan Djaparov

顾问 Consultant : Viktor Misiano
[8楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 13:31:20
Japan 日本


地点 Venue:
National Pavilion
in the Biennial area
Giardini di Castello

艺术家 Artists:

Masao Okabe
* 1942 Hokkaido, Japan.

委员 Commissioner: Chihiro Minato

Okabe will display 1.400 frottages from the port of Ujina in Hiroshima, as well as a 16 meters long row of frottages from the platform of the Ujina railway station with traces of the atomic bomb explosion.
[9楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 13:33:28
Korea 韩国


地点 Venue:
National Pavilion
in the Biennial area
Giardini di Castello

艺术家 Artists:

Lee Hyung-koo
* 1969 Pohang, Korea. Lives in in Seoul, Korea.

主办 Organizer:
韩国艺术协会 Arts Council Korea
[10楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 13:38:23
Latin America  拉丁美洲

Territories 领土

A Baroque building erected in 1690 by architect Antonio Gaspari for the Zenobio family. View of the courtyard garden
Palazzo Zenobio,一座巴罗克的建筑,建于1690年,是建筑师Antonio Gaspari 为Zenobio家族建造的。花园景观。

地点 Venue:
Palazzo Zenobio
Dorsoduro 2596
30123 Venezia

艺术家 Artists:

Narda Alvarado (Bolivia), Mónica Bengoa (Chile), Patricia Bueno (Peru), Pablo Cardoso (Ecuador), María Dolores Castellanos (Guatemala), Homage an Jorge Eduardo Eielson (Peru), Darío Escobar (Guatemala), Jonathan Harker (Panama), Andre Juste & Vladimir Cybil (Haiti), María Verónica León (Ecuador), Xenía Mejía (Honduras), Ronald Morán (El Salvador), Mario Opazo (Colombia), William Paats (Paraguay), Paola Parcerisa (Paraguay), Jorge Pineda (Dominican Republic), Wilfredo Prieto (Cuba), René Francisco (Cuba), Manuela Ribadeneira (Ecuador), Ernesto Salmerón (Nicaragua), Cinthya Soto (Costa Rica), Moico Yaker (Peru)

>> List of Artists
With brief biographies.

委员 Commissioner: Irma Arestizabal
委员助理 Assistant Commissioner: Alessandra Bonanni

The leitmotif will be the idea of territory as a given, circumscribed space shaping us as persons and reflected in everything we do and create. But, beyond this geographical sense of the term, various other aspects will be explored such as the concept of nation, history, nature, politics, domestic space and childhood.
[11楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 13:42:09
Lebanon  黎巴嫩

Foreword  前言


地点 Venue:
Former Birreria Deher
Giudecca Island

Fouad Elkoury
On War and Love. 2006
Photography (33 visual compositions)

Lamia Joreige
Je d'Histoires. 2006
Interactive video Installation

艺术家 Artists:

Fouad Elkoury
* 1952 Paris, France; Lebanese origin. Lives in Paris and Beirut, Lebanon.

Lamia Joreige
* 1972 Beirut, Lebanon; lives there.

Walid Sadek
* 1966 Beirut, Lebanon; lives there.

Mounira Al Solh
* 1978 Beirut, Lebanon. Lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Akram Zaatari
* 1966 Saida, Lebanon. Lives in Beirut, Lebanon.

委员 Commissioners: Saleh Barakat, Sandra Dagher, Vittorio Urbani
策展人 Curators: Saleh Barakat & Sandra Dagher

The exhibition "Foreword", the first-ever Pavilion of Lebanon, gathers five artists, whose work covers a number of artistic practices: personal narratives, acts of bearing witness, collecting testimonies, and cutting through the skin of political turmoil and historical events to hit the bone of intimate expression.
[12楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 13:48:06
Macau  澳门


地点 Venue:
Infopoint Arte Communications
Riva S. Biagio, Castello 2145, 30122 Venice

[attachment=44365] [attachment=44366] 
艺术家Konstantin Bessmertny

艺术家Lui Chak Keong

艺术家 Lui Chak Hong

Lui Chak Keong 和  Lui Chak Hong
Macao's Gondola  澳门小船
Installation 装置

艺术家 Artists:
Lui Chak Keong & Lui Chak Hong
Lui Chak Hong: * 1971 Macao
Lui Chak Keong: * 1978 Macao; both live there.

Konstantin Bessmertny
*1964 Blagovesthensk, former USSR. Lives in Macao.

委员 Commissioner: Ung Vai Meng
策展人 Curator: Ng Fong Chao

In order to introduce Macao art to the world and facilitate local creation of art, the Macao Museum of Art presents 3 artists selected by a professional judging panel from an open submission. The exhibited artworks are "Macao's Gondola" created by Lui Chak Hong and Lui Chak Keong, and "Si monumentum requiris, circumspice" created by Konstantin Bessmertny.
[13楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 13:55:37
Mexico  墨西哥

Some things happen more often
than all of the time

In the center background of the photo, the exhibition venue of Mexico, the Palazzo Soranzo van Axel, built 1473-79. Right, the Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli.
位于照片的中心,Palazzo Soranzo van Axel 建于1473年-79年。

地点 Venue:
Palazzo van Axel
Cannaregio 6099
(beside the church Santa Maria dei Miracoli)

[attachment=44371] [attachment=44372] [attachment=44373] 

Lozano-Hemmer with his interactiven installation at the art fair ARCO in Madrid, 2005:
30 bottles on a motorized table controlled by neural simulation algorithms. The bottles turn according to the location of the person near the table.
艺术家 Lozano-Hemmer 和他的互动装置。 30个酒瓶由仿真的神经运算法则控制,瓶子会根据人的运动旋转。

艺术家 Artist:

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer
* 1967 Mexico-City. Lives in Montréal, Canada, and in Madrid, Spain.

策展人 Curators: Príamo Lozada, Barbara Perea

For the first time Mexico is exhibiting at the Venice Biennale with a national presentation.

Lozano-Hemmer is an electronic artist that develops interactive installations that are at the intersection of architecture and performance art. His main interest is in creating platforms for public participation, by perverting technologies such as robotics, computerized surveillance or telematic networks. Inspired by phantasmagoria, carnival and animatronics, his huge light and shadow works are "antimonuments for alien agency".
[14楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 13:59:28
Migration Addicts



地点 Venue:
Various venues in public space, Venice

展期 Duration of the presentation:
2007年6月6日至15日  6 - 15 June 2007


Belén Cerezo
* 1977 Vitoria, Spain.

Hasan Elahi
* Bangladesh. Lives in USA.

Huang Kui
* 1977 Rensgou, Sichuan Province, China.

Htein Lin
* 1966 Mezaligon, Myanmar.

Jin Shan
* 1977 Jiangsu, China. Lives in Shanghai, China.

Li Pinghu
* 1976 Nan-Chong, Sichuan Province, China.

Mogas Station
Artists' group, founded 2005 in Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt, Vietnam.

Josefina Posch
* Götheborg, Sweden. Lives in San Francisco & Miami, USA.

Rizman Putra
* 1978 Singapur; lives there.

Miljohn Ruperto


Yap Sau Bin
* 1974 Kuala Lumpur; lives there.

Migration Addicts has been selected from hundreds of submissions from around the world for the Collateral Events of the Venice Biennial

Migration Addicts began as an ongoing project two years ago in Shanghai, investigating how migration re-determines issues related to human identity, gender and spiritual needs. (...)

The structure of the exhibition is based on a series of interventions that will take place throughout the public space in Venice.
[15楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 14:07:39
Portugal 葡萄牙

Fondaco Marcello

地点 Venue:
Fondaco Marcello
San Marco, 3666

Ângela Ferreira and Jürgen Bock

艺术家 Artist:

Ângela Ferreira
* 1958 Maputo (Lourenço Marques), Mozambique. Lives in Lisbon, Portugal.

策展人 Curator: Jürgen Bock

Born in 1958 in Maputo ..., capital of Mozambique, Ângela Ferreira lived in the city until 1973, then moving to Lisbon, where she lived through the intense revolutionary period following on from 25 April 1974. In 1976 ... she moved to South Africa, studying visual arts in Cape Town. The years she spent in South Africa were decisive for the development of Ângela Ferreira's cultural conscience...

Geo-political questions are the starting point for all of Ferreira's work. They become vehicles for the investigation of the definition of "objective truths" in certain fields of art, history, and gender politics, or even for interrogating the cultural definitions of countries and their societies. . To put it in extreme terms, one might say that Ferreira uses and analyses the normative structures of Modernism to, from a two-fold perspective, African and European, question their necessity or uselessness.
[16楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 14:13:44
Roma Pavilion 罗马馆

Paradise Lost  迷失的天堂


地点 Venue:
Palazzo Pisani
San Marina
Calle delle Erbe, Cannaregio 6103

开放时间 Open to the public:
10 June - 21 November 2007
Tuesday - Sunday, 10 am - 6 pm

记者招待会 Press conference:
Thursday, 7 June, 3 pm

策展人 Curator: Tímea Junghaus

艺术家 Artists:

Daniel Baker, Tibor Balogh, Mihaela Ionela Cimpeanu, Gabi Jimenez, András Kállai, Damian Le Bas, Delaine Le Bas, Kiba Lumberg, Omara, Marian Petre, Nihad Nino Pušija, Jenő André Raatzsch, Dusan Ristic, István Szentandrássy, Norbert Szirmai & János Révész

>> List with brief biographies

组织方 Organizers:

Roma Cultural Participation Project
Arts and Culture Network Program
Open Society Institute - Budapest

European Cultural Foundation
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Allianz Kulturstiftung
Munich, Germany

联系 Contact:

Open Society Institute
H-1397 Budapest
P. O. Box 519

Tel.: (+36-1) 327-3100
Fax: (+36-1) 327-3101

Website: [url]www.soros.org

"Paradise Lost" is the first contemporary show representing an international selection of Roma contemporary artists.

The exhibition showcases the visual art talents of the largest European ethnic minority. The artists embrace and transform, deny and deconstruct, oppose and analyze, challenge and overwrite the existing stereotypes in a confident intellectual manner, reinventing the Roma tradition and its elements as contemporary culture.

The archetypical motives provide a firm underlying sentiment, but the result unexpectedly suggests a new interpretation, one that is created by the Roma artists themselves. The envisioned alternative identity highlights the strengths of Roma, the capacity for fusion, the sense of glamour, humor and irony, adaptability, mobility and transnationalism.

The intention of opposing and denying the existing (mis)representations and promoting the contrary carry an irresolvable dichotomy, which embodies in art unfree from sorrowful beauty, paranoia, schizophrenia, and post traumatic syndromes.

If the terra incognita of exotic gypsies has been the target of escape since 19th century modernism for Europe, have we all lost our search for Paradise?

Tímea Junghaus, curator

顾问 Consultants:

Viktor Misiano - art historian, curator and critic (Russia)
Thomas Acton - Professor of Romani Studies, University of Greenwich (UK)
Barnabás Bencsik - curator, director of the Agency of International Art Exchane (Hungary)
Dragan Klaic - scholar, cultural analyst, writer in the field of European cultural policy (The Netherlands)
Marketta Seppala - director of the Frame Foundation, commissioner of the Nordic Pavilion 2007 (Finland)
Katalin Székely - art historian, art critic (Hungary)
[17楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 14:21:02
Singapore  新加坡

Figments, Fictions and Fantasies  臆造、虚构、幻想

Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti

地点 Venue:
Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti
Campo S. Stefano, 2945
30124 Venezia


Lim Chwee Seng (视觉艺术总监,国家艺术协会,委员), Zulkifle Mahmod, Lindy Poh (策展人), Jason Lim, Vincent Leow

艺术家 Vincent Leow

艺术家 Jason Lim

艺术家 Zulkifle Mahmod

艺术家 Artists:

Vincent Leow
* 1961 Singapore; lives there.

Jason Lim
* 1966 Singapore; lives there.

Tang Dawu
* 1943 Singapore; lives there.

Zulkifle Mahmod
* 1975 Singapore; lives there.

Commissioner: Lim Chwee Seng
Curator: Lindy Poh

The Singapore showcase is themed Figments, Fictions and Fantasies. It reflects the common thread among the four artists to explore myth, imagination, illusion and altered realities in their works, which arose from their responses to the Pavilion site and the notion of the carnivalesque in Venice - the ultimate City of carnival and dreams.
(from the press release)

组织方 Organizer:
National Arts Council, Singapore
Singapore Art Museum
[18楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 14:34:22
Taiwan  台湾


地点 Venue:
Palazzo delle Prigioni
Castello 4209
San Marco

艺术家 Artists:

Shih-chieh Huang
* 1975
Kuo-min Lee
* 1969
Huang-chen Tang
* 1958
Ming-liang Tsai
* 1957
* 1975

策展人 Curator: Hongjohn Lin

组织方 Organizer:
Taipei Fine Arts Museum of Taiwan
[19楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 14:38:45
Thailand 泰国

Globalization... Please Slow Down  全球化.....请慢下来


地点  Venue:
Santa Croce 556

艺术家 Artists:

Amrit Chusuwan
* 1956 Nakhon Si Thammarat, South of Thailand. Lives in Bangkok, Thailand.

Nipan Oranniwesna
* Thailand. Lives in Bangkok, Thailand.

委员 Commissioner: Apinan Poshyananda
策展人 Curator: Apisak Sonjod

组织方 Organizer:
Office of Contemporary Art and Culture, Ministry of Culture, Thailand
[20楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 14:44:45
Turkey  土耳其

Don't Complain  别抱怨

地点 Venue:
Artiglierie, Arsenale

艺术家 Hüseyin Bahri Alptekin
作品 Bombay on my Mind. Dunaujvaros, Graz, Usti nad Labem, Leipzig. 2006
作品 Incident-Rio de Janeiro, Ipanema Beach. 2006

艺术家 Artist:
Hüseyin Bahri Alptekin
* 1957 Turkey. Lives in Istabul, Turkey

委员 Vasif Kortun

委员 Commissioner: Vasif Kortun

组织方 Organizer:
Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts
[21楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 14:47:19
Uruguay 乌拉圭

地点 Venue:
National Pavilion
in the Biennial area
Giardini di Castello

艺术家 Artist:

Ernesto Vila
* 1936 Montevideo, Uruguay; lives there

委员 Commissioner: Enrique Aguerre

组织方 Organizers:
Ministry of Education and Culture
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Uruguay
[22楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-04 14:48:53
Venezuela 维纳瑞拉


National Pavilion
in the Biennial area
Giardini di Castello

艺术家 Artists:

Antonio Briceño
* 1966 Caracas, Venezuela; lives there.

Vincent & Feria
Françoise Vincent: * 1954 France
Eloy Feria: * 1952 Venezuela
Live in Paris, France. Cooperation since 1996.

委员 Commissioner: Zuleiva Vivas
Co-Commissioner: Luis Ángel Duque

Antonio Briceño's photographs will be shown in the interior of the pavilion, and the interactive action of the Vincent & Feria duo, on the terrace and outdoor areas.

组织方 Organizers:
The People´s Power for Culture Ministry, through the National Museums Foundation and the Caracas Museum of Contemporary Art,
[23楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-05 05:09:30

[24楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-05 05:23:25

[25楼] 嘿乐乐 2007-06-05 05:29:07

[26楼] 中國少先隊 2007-06-05 16:47:19
這些展覽看完了腿都得直!  頂  闞萱  今年還來杭州不?