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[楼主] 牧羊人 2007-09-11 16:26:11

What Happened To Turner Prize Winners

What Happened To Turner Prize Winners
Charlotte Higgins tracks down 22 years of winners and talks to them about their experiences.
Who's shocking now?
'Likebeing a Holocaust survivor', 'All a bit crap', 'A homecoming', 'Nicefor the parents' - as a retrospective exhibition gathers up the work ofthe 22 winners of the Turner prize, Charlotte Higgins asked them allwhat it was really like to win the world's best known art award.
In pictures: This year's contenders

Tomma Abts
Winner 2006
'The whole thing is kind of cruel. It's cruel, too, for the people who don't win.'

Simon Starling
Winner 2005
'The Turner prize was like a homecoming in a nice way.'

Jeremy Deller
Winner 2004
'It blew me away, people's hunger to see what I'd done.'

Grayson Perry
Winner 2003
'I have loved being Grayson Perry, Turner prize winner.'

Keith Tyson
Winner 2002
'As an institution it has done wonders for British art.'

Martin Creed
Winner 2001
'OK, I got hurt by some of the criticism ... It was very exciting to be in the tabloids.'

Wolfgang Tillmans
Winner 2000
'It was three days of being really famous, not just art-world famous.'

Steve McQueen
Winner 1999
'It was nice for my parents that I won.'

Chris Ofili
Winner 1998
'It was a real milestone for me, and lots of positive things came out of it.'

Gillian Wearing
Winner 1997
'I thought there would be more occasions on which women would win.'

Douglas Gordon
Winner 1996
'I thought it was the doctor ringing with bad news or something.'

Damien Hirst
Winner 1995
'A media circus to raise money for the Tate and Channel 4.'

Antony Gormley
Winner 1994
'It would have been very painful had I not won.'

Rachel Whiteread
Winner 1993
'The Turner prize didn't change my life.'

Grenville Davey
Winner 1992
'Things got really noisy - I just had to get away.'

Anish Kapoor
Winner 1991
I remember thinking after getting the<
[沙发:1楼] hinohii 2007-09-15 02:42:07