发起人:无责任记者  回复数:43   浏览数:4040   最后更新:2007/10/05 06:27:08 by
[楼主] 工人的回声 2007-09-23 04:47:43

[沙发:1楼] 工人的回声 2007-09-22 18:09:39

an exploration of contemporary landscape using sound

Saturday 22 September 2007, 6 – 7.30pm

Grain Power Station, Isle of Grain, Kent


The expanse of extraordinary, estuarine flatlands that lies in the shadows of Grain Power Station sees the first broadcast of six specially commissioned sound works by internationally recognised artists Jordan Baseman, Andrew Dodds, Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard, Yue Luping, Jeremy Millar and Lee Patterson.

On the evening of 22 September these new works will be broadcast in the landscape alongside existing audio works, addressing the conflicting perceptions of the ‘rural’ that often exist within the popular imagination. Now that global insecurity and ecological breakdown are embedded in the collective consciousness, GRAIN poses questions about our relationship with our environment at the beginning of the 21st century. The event takes a critical look at how these liminal places come to be defined by society, reflecting on the intricate relationships between the built environment and the ‘natural’, and the historical and contemporary influences, that have shaped large areas of this otherwise uncelebrated landscape.

With only one road in and out, through an eerie mix of post-industrial brownfield space, abandoned wartime architecture and natural Sites of Special Scientific Interest, the Isle of Grain is one of the most remote locations in South East England - the final stop at the end of a long peninsula, a former island and a place to which few visitors venture. And yet, in contrast to its remoteness, the area is at a thriving intersection of global energy suppliers and international trade. Eschewing visual interruptions, GRAIN seeks to heighten the viewers’ experience of moving through this politically charged landscape using sound only. The works will be presented in a number of arrangements and directed vistas, engaging our experience of the site in subtle and visceral ways. These assembled elements will form a kind of ‘performance’ and as the audience navigates the environment they will become participants in a new, ephemeral ‘work’. Broadcast as dusk turns to night, atmospheric fluctuations in the environment itself will be the catalyst for the sound works taking on altered forms.

Jordan Baseman’s ‘Good Afternoon National Grid’ is made from a series of recorded telephone calls to the National Grid, combined with the soundtracks from promotional, industrial films from British Nuclear Fuels Limited and General Electric. This highly edited work is full of menace and doom (after an initially bright start) and reflects our insecurity about the future that we have created through our consumption-driven lifestyles. Andrew Dodds has collaborated with teenage musicians from Trinity College of Music and composer Kerry Andrew to create an original soundtrack that explores the cultural resonances of the horror film genre. Tracing associations between adolescence and clandestine uses of the site at Grain, ‘Alive!’ is the unsettling score to an imagined ‘teen slasher’ film set in the landscape that hints at a broader malaise. Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard seek to tap into the latent energy of the performance space at Grain by pursuing the psychological experiments initiated by ‘Silent Sound’, their project for the Liverpool Biennial 2006. ‘Far Gone And Out’ is a sonic limbo, bringing together recordings of each of the artists undergoing a personal session of Past Life Regression with clinical hypnotist Barry Cooper. Yue Luping, who is becoming widely acclaimed in China, has been commissioned to make a work remotely. Using information about the Isle of Grain gleaned from the internet and sources sent by the event organisers, he is responding with a piece that echoes the voices of redundant factory workers in Shaanxi Province in China into the derelict spaces around the power plant. Jeremy Millar was awarded a unique placement at Grain Power Station and his new work is inspired by the similarity between Grain and the setting of Andrei Tarkovsky’s film Stalker. Using material recorded in both locations he has created a work, ‘Time-Mirror’ that can be experienced while walking through the landscape, and acts as a sonic reflection of another place. Lee Patterson uses recording devices to capture the hidden sounds of ‘natural’ and man-made environments. Recordings of normally inaudible pond life and resonances in fences and other structures found in the Grain landscape will be amplified and broadcast live at the event.

The event is free, but please confirm your attendance by email. Coaches will travel to the site from central London on the evening of 22 September and reservations can be made by email.

For further information and press images see [url]www.grain244.com or contact:


[板凳:2楼] guest 2007-09-23 16:26:45

[地板:3楼] 二大爷 2007-09-23 16:52:05
[4楼] guest 2007-09-23 19:49:29
[5楼] guest 2007-09-24 16:51:12
[6楼] guest 2007-09-24 18:10:22
    ,·´ ¸,·´`)                                 
   (¸,·´  (¸*♥顶个♥〃´`)                                 
                    ,·´ ¸,·´`)                                 
                 (¸,·´ (¸走人*♥ 
[7楼] 工人的回声 2007-10-19 08:28:41

[8楼] guest 2007-10-19 11:25:52
[9楼] guest 2007-10-19 16:48:05
[quote]引用第8楼guest于2007-10-19 19:25发表的  :

[10楼] guest 2007-10-20 04:38:20
[11楼] guest 2007-10-20 07:03:53
[quote]引用第10楼guest于2007-10-20 12:38发表的  :


[12楼] 工人的回声 2007-11-13 15:04:43

[13楼] 工人的回声 2007-12-06 14:47:11
