BTAP——作品进行时 东京画廊五周年庆典展览
发起人:嘿生活  回复数:2   浏览数:3623   最后更新:2007/10/28 05:45:17 by
[楼主] 嘿生活 2007-10-24 14:06:46
Marella Gallery Beijing is plaesed to invite you to the opening of our next show:


"I look inside myself at a museum of all that I've seen and loved in my life"
                                                    ---Andre' Malraux

Art is a kind of "love". You feel a hole inside and you look for something that can fit it perfectly. We try to forget about our sense of void searching for an art piece that could catch our sight, make trembling our body and touch our heart. Seldom it happens and when it happens it's a unsettling passion and a pleasant dependence. You enter a world that you can't leave anymore. It's your world, the artist's world or simply a world that changes according to everybody's feelings and experiences. But the more you get the more you are unsatisfied and you reach a point when it seems that you can't like anything anymore and nothing can meet your needs.

Nowadays in China everything happens so fast that people feel the need to consume and take advantage of everything. Nice places, smart people, fast cars, busy lives…… And then? The simple feeling that, after all, we are alone. There is a moment in which the time that passes becomes the time that lasts.

"Empty" is a state of mind, it's how to approach things, it's a condition that you can change every time. It is coldness and aspirations. It is a white sheet on which you can paint and leave a trace of yourself. It is the silence that let you express your idea.
We use art to avoid emptiness and only at the end we will understand if we wasted time or not.

CURATORS: Zhu Tong and Eleonora Battiston

ARTISTS: Dong Wensheng, Gao Shichang, Liu Wei, Qiu Zhijie, Xing Danwen, Xu Zhongming, Zhang Yue

OPENING RECEPTION: 27th October, 17:00-19:00

DATE OF THE SHOW: 27th October -14th December

VENUE: MARELLA GALLERY 798 Factory, n. 4 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang Dst. 100015 Beijing, China – Tel. +86 10 64334055 - [url]


"我在我的内心深处, 看见了一个博物馆, 那是我生命中所有体验过和爱过的种种 "               

                                                                                                            ---  安德烈·马尔罗


艺术类似於 "爱" 。你感觉内心深处有一个洞,所以你去寻找一些能够完美填补它的东西。我们尝试忘掉这种"空 "的感觉,寻找一些能捉住视线,让身体颤动并且感动我们心灵的艺术作品。然而,这种情况很少发生,即使发生了,也是一种不满足的激情和一种愉悦的依赖。你找到一个再也不能离开的世界。这是你的世界,艺术家的世界,或者也只是一个简单的能随著每个人的体验而变换的世界。然而,你获得的越多,你就越无法满足,就像是高处不胜寒,你可能到达了一个任何事物都无法让你喜悦的高度,再没有什麼可以满足你。


今天的中国,所有事情都在快速的发生变化,刺激人们对事物无尽的索取和消费。舒适的房子,聪明的人,高速的汽车,忙碌的生活 …….. 然后呢?其实,有时我们可以简单清楚的感受到,我们是孤单的。我们不断活过的时间,也不断的提醒我们还有多少延续的时间。

  "空的" 是一种心境,是一种如何接近事物的心态,也是一种你可以随时改变的状态。它是寒冷和渴望。它是一张白纸,你可以在上面画出你自己对艺术的想法,也就是你对自己生活的描绘。它是一种可以让你表达想法的寂静。我们试图借用艺术来消除空的感觉,也许只有直到最终,才能明白我们是否真正地浪费了时光。

策展人:朱彤 & 叶兰

艺术家:董文胜,高士强,刘韡,邱志杰, 邢丹文,许仲敏,张岳

开幕式:    2007年10 月27日 周六下午5-7 点

展览日期:2007年10 月27日至12 月14日

地点:玛蕊乐画廊 , 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 4 号798艺术区

电话&传真:+86 10 6433-4055


Marella Gallery 玛蕊乐画廊
4 Jiuxianqiao Rd., 798 Art District, Beijing
8610-6433 4055

[沙发:1楼] 二大爷 2007-10-24 16:48:40
[板凳:2楼] guest 2007-10-28 05:42:35