十分人生TEN MINUTES LIFE --- 十分钟的人生影像记忆
发起人:chinacheese  回复数:0   浏览数:2435   最后更新:2007/11/15 10:05:49 by
[楼主] 妍妍乖 2007-11-15 10:05:49
前  言

1、    格布来自几何抽象,只是由于中国没有经历这个过程,直接引进的格布,所以感到打格的几何抽象像格布。
2、    在西方,油画从它产生那一天起就是装饰墙面用的,并且有华丽的画框,包括最著名的作品。中国人接触油画主要是通过展览和印刷品,创作长期为政治和文化变革服务,只适合在美术馆或画廊展览,不适合进入生活空间,因此适合进入生活空间的油画就被认为是装饰画。

The co-works of Wang Chunyan and Li Jiang are color compositions derived from Chinese traditional paintings. The original images of ladies and flowers are re-built in geographic abstract paintings which take crossed check as basic elements and chessboard pattern as structure, and sound female because of the original issues. This effort adds a new style to the raising geographic abstract art in Sichuan Fine-Arts Institute. Just like all other experimenter in that direction, these two co-works had a very difficult beginning and still face challenge in this figurative art tradition and value system in china. Abstract art is over in the west but is never alive in the Center Empire.
These exhibited works might looks like check cloth or decorative paintings in state of art work, for Chinese public, therefore, I should give some explanations. 
1.    Check cloth came from geographic abstract art in the West, but came to china long before the latter which was long time considered as harmful western modernism,that’s why we think Wang Chunyan and Li Jiang’s geographic abstract art works look like check cloth. The correct answer is just the opposite: check cloth looks like geographic abstract art.
2.    In the West, oil painting was born for the decoration of room, that’s why frame of painting share the same style of furniture, especially frame of mirror. Well in China, it used to appear in art exhibitions and publications, and long time used for political and cultural reform purposes, that made oil painting only good for art exhibition but not for space decoration. Therefore, when works fit well the need of living space, they are easily considered as decoration in state of art.
Wang Chunyan and Li Jiang not only work together, but also live together, in this situation, the cooperation is often female oriented in the South-West China, and I do know the choice of ancient female issues and Cross-stitch drawing in checks came from Wang Chunyan, , and then Li Jiang come to work and think together with her..
2006年:作品《时空-等待NO.1》入选“GAME TIME”实验艺术展





Personal Information
Name::Wang Chunyan
Birth:1982 in Guangyuan,Sichuan province

2000:graduated from Guangyuan Normal Institute
2003:admitted into Sichuan Fine Arts Institute
2006:Body of Man , in 'Jie Du Xian Shi' drawing exhibition
2006:Space Time Waiting NO.1 , in ‘GAME TIME’ experimental art exhibition
2007:Fish Rain, in First Session of China College Students Art Opus Annual
2007:Series of Fish, in Anglo-Chinese art teaching exhibition, then in Fools’ picture show
2007: take part into the Fools’ Day’s Painting Exhibition

Speech of artist

Cross-stitch has been into my life for a long time. I always saw my mother embroidering different kinds of patterns when I was very young. I was infatuated with it and learning to embroider when I was older, cross-stitch has always inspired my inspirations although these old things came away from me farther and farther.

Sometimes I talked about those memories to my boy friend Li Jiang, and a new idea grossed up unconsciously. Then I carried it out, I hoped that my art would be changed by the inspirations that the cross-stitch gave to me. I think art is a course of trying and attempting continuously, so I have never stop communicating with cross-stitch and carrying out my new ideas. More communication, more ideas, then I try to implement the ideas, it comes a circle. I gained a lot from the course, confirming the styles, expressing the skills, choosing the themes. The course is rough and difficult, but I feel very satisfied. It is a accomplishment of both cross-stitch and me.

Other than the cross-stitch, we tried our best to add some new elements into our works. Such as the thought about the history, the technical of computer .As we know, everything neonatal becomes with great courage. So when we confirm our new style, we deal with it unhesitatingly. No matter it is right or wrong. It will be afraid for him and me to face such a attempt alone, but it will not for us. When we get together, we have enough courage to accomplish our attempt. Our works are finished at the moment, and it's the best quittance for our efforts. We hope everyone could tell your opinions to us, and we believe that we will make our works more and more preferable through your valuable opinions. Thank you!


[沙发:1楼] guest 2007-11-16 03:34:20
形式大于内容!很 牵强!学丁乙,也想结合本土文化,很有卖相!更谈不上对中国艺术贡献。