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[楼主] heiheihaha 2007-12-13 08:07:49
A quick reminder:
Fast levels are [6, 13, 19, 26, 32] Are is [8, 17, 27] Immune are [10, 21, 32] The boss levels are [11, 22, 33] You get wood every 7 levels. More information on the Home / About page

[沙发:1楼] heiheihaha 2007-11-29 09:22:27

If you are the sort of person who just want's to play the game then click here to play now .如果你是那种人,只是想的,以玩游戏,然后点击这里发挥。 If you want to know how to play the game please read on.如果你想知道如何玩这个游戏请阅读。

To build towers first click on the one you want to build on the right, then click on the map where you want it to be built. 建水塔先点击就一个,你想在已建立的权利,然后你可以按住地图,你要它兴建。 Once built you can click on them to upgrade or sell.建成后,你可以点击他们提升或出售。

At the start of the game the only towers you can build are the "Basic Towes".在开始比赛唯一的水塔,你可以建立,是"基本towes " 。 These include the Arrow, Cannon and Air towers.这些措施包括箭,火炮和防空塔。 The Arrow tower is a good all-rounder as it will shoot at both air and ground based creeps.箭头塔是一个很好的所有通才,因为这会射击,空中和地面逐渐为基础。 It can hit one target at a time.它可以打一靶,在一段时间。 The cannon tower does "splash damage" this means that its shot will do damage to all creeps around the target as well as the target itself.该炮塔是否"溅损害" ,这意味着它开枪,将破坏所有周围逐渐目标以及目标本身。 The only problem is the cannon does not fire at air creeps.唯一的问题是景隆不火,在空中逐渐。 The air tower is just that, it only attacks air creeps, use this if you are having problems with the air levels.空气塔只是,它不仅攻击逐渐空气中,使用这个如果你的问题是与空气的水平。

To build "Elemental Towers" you must first research the 3 elements.构筑"元素水塔" ,你必须首先研究了3个单元。 Research costs wood.研究成本木材。 You are given 1 wood every 7 levels.给你一木材每7水平。 Once researched you can build as many "Elemental Towers" of the type you have researched as you can afford.曾经研究了,你可以建立起许多"元素水塔"的类型,你有研究,因为你可以负担得起的。 The combo tower is only available if you have researched all 3 elements.混合型大楼,是唯一可行,如果你有研究所有3个要素。

To get a high score try and keep as much of your gold in the bank as possible because at the end of each round you earn interest on the gold in the bank. 以获得较高的评分 ,试图保持尽可能多贵金在银行作为可能的,因为在去年底的每一轮你赚取利息对金在银行。 You can use your wood to increase your interest rate.你可以用你的木材增加你的利息。

Special levels include FAST [6, 13, 19, 26, 32] AIR [8, 17, 27] IMMUNE [10, 21, 32] and BOSS [11, 22, 33] You get wood every 7 levels use wood to research upgrades. 特别层次包括快速[ 6 , 13 , 19 , 26 , 32 ]空气[ 8 , 17 , 27 ]免疫[ 10 , 21 , 32 ]和老板[ 11 , 22 , 33 ] ,你得到的木材每7各级使用木材研究升级。 For more game info & tips visit the Instructions & Tips section更多游戏信息&小贴士参观指示&小费节

A more comprohensive guide is available in the forum, which has been put together by a Flash Element TD addict called 'mo0h'. 更comprohensive指导 ,可在论坛上,它已经放在一起,由快闪记忆体元件运输署吸毒者所谓' mo0h ' 。 If you want to get that high score I can recommend looking at some of the 80+ videos on youTube submitted by players showing their build orders and tips.如果你想拿到高分,我可以推荐看,部分的80 +录影带youtube提交的球员显示出他们建立订单及小费。

So, that's enough reading, go play the game already!所以,那足够读时, 那场比赛,比赛胜负已经!
[板凳:2楼] guest 2007-11-29 13:14:27
[地板:3楼] zhiyuan731 2007-12-01 09:19:19