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[楼主] art-baba 2008-01-27 04:11:24
KU 艺术中心


[attachment=78166] 2008-1-25 22:34—— 中国青年艺术家联展

2008 年 1月26日“真当——中国青年艺术家联展”将开幕于中国北京环铁国际艺术的城韩国KU艺术中心。

本次联展共汇集了九位青年艺术家的作品,展现了这组艺术家们追求真实的历程和他们与真理的“对话”。从装置 (顾颖,刘辛夷,栾啸, 张如怡)到雕塑 (孟柏同),从摄影 (李彪,王一飞)到录像(孙慧源),从绘画到版画 (刘任)……此次参展的作品涵盖了多种创作媒体。这些作品超越了80后艺术家所“应该”遵循的创作方式,其中所蕴含的“假想答案”,凸显了艺术家们高度的个体主义精神以及他们为创建自身独特风格所做出的努力。

真当 -----中国青年艺术家联展
策展人:玛瑙 (Manuela Lietti)
展览地点:KU 艺术中心
邮编:100106  电话:84560850  网址:[url]www.kuartcenter.com  邮箱:[email]kuart@kuartcenter.com
开幕时间:2008 年 1 月 26 日 下午 4 点
展览时间:2008 年 1 月 26 日至 2 月 29 日

Huantie International Art District 

— An Exhibition of Young Chinese Artists

Korean Ku Art Center is proud to announce that the opening of “Authentic —An Exhibition of Young Chinese Artists” will take place on January 26, in the gallery space in Huantie Art District, Beijing.

Featuring the works of nine young Chinese artists, the exhibition tries to portray the manner in which they approach, question and challenge reality. The “imagery solutions” presented through their works emphasize their highly individualistic nature and their effort to create their own personal style, going beyond ready-made definitions of how art made by artists born in the 80s should look like.
The works featuring in the exhibition cover a wide range of media: from installation (Gu Ying, Liu Xinyi, Luan Xiao, Zhang Ruyi) to sculpture (Meng Botong), from photography (Li Biao, Wang Yifei) to video (Sun Huiyuan), from painting to printmaking (Liu Ren).
These works paradoxically make use of absurdity, incongruity, contradiction, the need to flee into introspection, both to testify the crisis of art as an overall cognitive issue, and the failure of mankind in approaching reality as a whole. Reality can be perceived only as a fragment and relying on the single’s fragmented and not necessarily unadulterated vision.
Under these circumstances, some questions may arise: are we witnessing the clever tricks artists played on the real thus reaffirming their art as “tool,” or are we answering authenticity’s summon with our own sense of helplessness? It seems that no definite answer is allowed.

Authentic—— An Exhibition of Young Chinese Artists
Curator: Manuela Lietti
Exhibition place: KU Art Center Beijing
Address: Ku Art Center B-006 Kufang Guojiyishucheng Huantie Road, Jiangtaixiang, Chaoyang District, 100106 Tel. 84560850 Website: [url]www.kuartcenter.com  E-mail: [email]kuart@kuartcenter.com
Opening reception: January, 26 2008    4 pm
Exhibition Time: January 26- February 29 2008
[沙发:1楼] baba 2008-01-28 15:43:09
