发起人:我靠!  回复数:3   浏览数:3126   最后更新:2008/05/02 15:12:32 by
[楼主] halcyon 2008-05-01 17:52:12



Arrow Factory is an independently run alternative storefront space that seeks to advance artistic collaboration, exploration and experimentation across different cultural contexts and viewing publics. Located in a small hutong in Beijing’s city center, Arrow Factory reclaims an existing commercial space to present artworks that engage and stimulate dialogue between art and contemporary urban space. Aimed at reaching a diverse public made up of local residents, as well as local and international art audiences, our modestly sized space (approx 10 square meters or 100 square feet) is intended to create new avenues for artistic production in China and further aesthetic relationships between contemporary art and everyday life. Arrow Factory will invite artists living inside and outside of China to create site-specific installations and projects that will be available for view in its storefront location 7 days a week.
[沙发:1楼] halcyon 2008-05-02 02:11:20