老金的 -- “金锋过手”印章
发起人:小黑妞  回复数:11   浏览数:2670   最后更新:2008/06/30 06:41:59 by
[楼主] 双飞飞 2008-06-27 15:00:19
一个6月28日在英国开幕的展览 - Far West  (西方)

参展名单:(中国艺术家)徐冰、刘鼎、曹斐、Umask 小组

其他国外艺术家有小野洋子、Pierre huyghe 等...


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[沙发:1楼] 双飞飞 2008-06-27 16:15:32
Far West


Sat 28 Jun - Sun 31 Aug, 10am - 6pm (Except Mondays)


Xu Bing, David Blandy, Liu Ding, Cao Fei, Pierre Huyghe & Philippe Parreno, Unmask Group, Gunilla Klingberg, Surasi Kusolwong, Michael Lin, Yoko Ono, Maverick Press, SOI Project, Seven Samurai, Janek Simon and Support Stucture.

Far West is an experimental project that will transform Arnolfini from an arts venue into a distinctive ‘concept store’, that explores the shifting of the economic centre of the world to the East.

The Far West concept store will provide customers with the experience of interacting with, producing, and then purchasing, a selection of specially branded products, designed by artists or inspired by artists’ projects from ornaments to music, comics, food, toys, and artworks. In the process, customers will gain an insight into the nature of economy, cultural hegemony, the history of certain products, and the marketing potential of regional identities.

The project includes context-led participation projects, off-site presentations, discussion forums, live art, literature and film.

The design of the store will be produced in collaboration with London-based architects Markus Miessen & Ralf Pflugfelder.

There will also be a ‘franchise store’, Far West Metro, sited at The Mall Bristol, in Broadmead shopping centre.

Far West will be the first in the CONCEPT STORE series of projects at Arnolfini exploring the interlinked notions of marketing, design, and experience economy.

For more about the Far West project, pick up the Far West brochure from Arnolfini and Far West Metro or go to [url]www.farwest.cn

T: +44 (0)117 9172300 / 01

E: [email]boxoffice@arnolfini.org.uk

16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA

[板凳:2楼] 双飞飞 2008-06-27 16:17:07
Liu Ding, Samples from Transition Products


[地板:3楼] guest 2008-06-28 03:33:12
[quote]引用第2楼双飞飞于2008-06-28 00:17发表的  :
Liu Ding, Samples from Transition Products


[4楼] guest 2008-06-28 03:39:58
[5楼] guest 2008-06-28 16:34:27
[6楼] guest 2008-06-29 09:36:19