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[楼主] 广州画廊 2020-01-09 14:10:32


Guo Cheng: Down To Earth

2019.12.28 - 2020.02.23


Rm 102, Building No.10,

Quantang Rd No.38,

Haizhu Dist, Guangzhou, China

一个被恰当重塑的过往  A Felicitous Neo-past

单频录像,彩色,有声  Single channel video, color, sound

6’41”  2017

狗屎铲子  “Doggy Poop Removing Device”

摄影,无酸纸收藏级打印  Photography, giclee on acid-free photo-rag

60×90cm  2017

向下挖,直到河床  Digging Down Untill the River Bed

摄影,无酸纸收藏级打印  Photography, giclee on acid-free photo-rag

18×13cm×3  2017

新的过往 / 过往  The New Past / The Past

摄影,无酸纸收藏级打印  Photography, giclee on acid-free photo-rag

285×112cm  2017

桶  Buckets

摄影,无酸纸收藏级打印  Photography, giclee on acid-free photo-rag

52×38cm  2017

(临时的)小器具 No.5  The (Temporary) Gadget No.5


Arduino, custom circuit, Geiger Muller tube, carbon fiber tube, felt bag, scindapsus

40×40×250cm  2019

无题  Untitled

摄影,无酸纸收藏级打印  Photography, giclee on acid-free photo-rag

18×26cm  2017

琥珀 No.2  Amber No.2


50×10×13cm  2019

琥珀 No.4  Amber No.4


9×9×3cm  2019

溪流  Bach

灯箱  Light box

30×11cm  2019

(临时的)小器具 No.6  The (Temporary) Gadget No.6


Arduino, custom circuit, Geiger Muller tube, carbon fiber tube, pot, cactus

40×40×120cm  2019

建设中  Under Construction

摄影,无酸纸收藏级打印  Photography, giclee on acid-free photo-rag

110×70cm  2017

无题  Untitled

摄影,无酸纸收藏级打印  Photography, giclee on acid-free photo-rag

52×36.5cm  2017


郭城,1988年生于北京,现工作生活于上海。先后获得上海同济大学学士学位 (2010)与英国皇家艺术学院硕士学位 (2012)。他的作品大多关注主流或新兴科技对社会与文化方面的冲击与影响,以及置身其中的个体与社会生活之间的关系。

郭城近期的展览包括:“平行,似存在,未完成:行进的艺术工具”,当代艺术博物馆,上海(2019);“真新镇日志”,UCCA 沙丘美术馆,秦皇岛(2019);“机器人·间”,今日美术馆,北京(2019);“开放代码.连接机器人”,新时线媒体艺术中心,上海(2019);“追踪末日松茸”,泰康空间,北京(2019);“卡拉卡拉大浴场”,广州画廊,广州(2019);“魔都の鼓動”,当代艺术博物馆,日本熊本(2018);“Life Time”, MU空间,荷兰埃因霍温(2017);“时间的狂喜”,何香凝美术馆,深圳(2017)。曾获得华宇青年奖评委会特别奖(2018)、生物艺术奖,荷兰海牙(2017)。

Guo Cheng  (b.1988, Beijing), currently lives and works in Shanghai. He was graduated from MA Design Products at Royal College of Art (London, UK) and obtained his BE in Industrial Design at Tongji University (Shanghai, China). Currently based in Shanghai. His practice mainly focuses on exploring the interrelation between mainstream/emerging technologies and individuals under the context of culture and social life.

His recent exhibitions include: “The Process of Art: TOOLS AT WORK”, Power Station of Art, Shanghai, China (2019); “Notes from Pallet Town”, UCCA Dune, Qinhuangdao, China (2019); “Dej***u”, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China (2019); “Open Codes. Connected Bots”, Chronus Art Center, Shanghai, China (2019); “Free Panorama”, Pingshan Culture Center, Shenzhen, China (2019); “Tracing the Mushroom at the End of the World”, Taikang Space, Beijing, China (2019); “Bath of Caracalla”, Canton Gallery, Guangzhou, China (2019); “Shanghai Beat”, Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto, Japan (2018); “Machines Are Not Alone: A Mechanic Trilogy”, Chronus Art Center, Shanghai (2018); “Life Time”, Mu Art Space, Eindhoven (2017); “The Ecstasy of Time”, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen (2017) etc. He won the Special Jury Prize of Huayu Youth Award (Sanya, 2018), and the BADaward (The Hague, 2017).
