发起人:光辉道路  回复数:30   浏览数:3259   最后更新:2009/07/06 12:12:11 by guest
[楼主] salome7 2009-03-17 14:51:08


开幕时间:2009年04月02日, 16:00
展览地点:北京朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区, 北京公社
电 话: +86-10-84562862
网 站:www.beijingcommune.com

Wang Guangle

Exhibition Da tes: April 02, 2009 - May 13, 2009
Opening Time: 16:00, April 02, 2009
Artist: Wang Guangle
Venue: Beijing Commune, 798 Art District, 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Phone: +86-10-84562862
E-mail: info@beijingcommune.com
Website: www.beijingcommune.com

中国的当代艺术总体而言具有较强的社会性以及时代特征,具象绘画尤其以叙事性为主。但是王光乐的绘画却从另一个角度出发, 像“水磨石”系列并没有明确的意义、内容的指向,而是仅仅将对象赋予一种形式,很难从具象或是抽象的角度来定义。“寿漆”这一系列中王光乐将一种观念与习俗,一种东方人的生命哲学转化成一种绘画的方式。其创作的过程暗含了一种时间与空间的纬度,而最终形成的画面却是抽象而形式化的。在王光乐的创作中,透着一种苦行僧般的自我参悟的精神,回归到对本体身份的思考,渗透着一种禅意。

Contemporary Chinese art bears a strong social characteristic of the time, and the figurative paintings particularly show a strong narrative tendency. Yet Wang Guangle has his own approach to painting. In his works like the Terrazzo series, Wang did not offer any definitive meaning or even content to the viewers, instead, the objects in these paintings are represented as the form itself, making it hard to define the works as “abstract” or “figurative”. In his Coffin Paint series, Wang transferred a conceptual tradition of Chinese life philosophy into a way of painting. The temporal and spatial dimensions during the process of making the Coffin Paint are finally frozen into abstract forms on the canvas. An ascetic self-reflection has permeated Wang Guangle’s art practice and his works renews the thoughts, in the way of Buddhist mediation, on the objects themselves.

[沙发:1楼] guest 2009-03-17 15:59:21
