发起人:后下课  回复数:42   浏览数:4175   最后更新:2010/07/21 19:12:10 by 后下课
[楼主] huangxiaokou 2009-08-29 22:07:58
Hello, I’m not here. And neither are you. 你好,我不在,你也不在。

This exhibition uses a variety of media to consider the mind as a state or condition rather than as a manifest identity. The mind as paraphrase of reality. 这次展览借助不同的材料 主体和形式阐述有关思想是状态或者某形态;与身份无关。即思想很可能是现实的转述。

Most of the work is made from wood and paper. In a sense, a tree is a bridge – a transformative conduit connecting earth and sky. Wood and paper seem to retain something of that connection – perhaps as a kind of solidified breath. 作品的材料主要来源于木材和纸张。孩童时,总是幻象树是地面通向天空的桥梁,若能横着走很快就能到达天空。因为这样,木质和纸质总能让我感觉与天地保持着某种联系——如同呼吸凝固。

ash hempsall
