本色美术馆9月展讯: 《边界》当代艺术展
发起人:tricychun  回复数:0   浏览数:2370   最后更新:2009/09/01 14:01:28 by tricychun
[楼主] tricychun 2009-09-01 14:01:28




时间:2009年9月12日 - 11月10日



艺术当代好比是创意产业园,在这个园子里创意和产业相得益彰。有无意义、有趣无趣尽在各显其能自行滋生或消失,只是产业化带来了动力,让生存变得如此地渴 望。创意成了与昨日的道别,只求不同凡响、简单快捷,超女、快男,让艺术的深奥和费解都变的通俗易懂,对于今天人们的生活这确实是好事。

在 思想的纬度里还想看到隐现的边界,这个界限可以理解为相形于忙着进化之下的退化,也可视为对于自我行为约束的本能的隔断。即它还是要退化到简单不过的感官
世界里,通过人来进行的表达和接受方式。这就让我们看到了一些执着的人,本能地行走在隐约、假设的边界上,思考着简单且原始的问题,不为得到答案只是留下 了印迹。


"Cutting Edge" Contemporary Chinese Art Show

Artists: Liu Qinghe, Zhen Zhiguang, Hai Chen,
He Zubin, Zeng Jianyong, Qu Weiwei, Jiao Yang, Li Yongfei, Zhu Zhengming

Curators: Liu Siyan Jiang Shan

Place:True Color Museum

Time: Sep 12,2009 - Nov 10,2009

Openning Reception: Sep 12, 2009 3:30pm

Cutting Edge

Contemporary art nowadays is like Creative Industrial Park
where creativity and industry comply with each other. Nothing is meaningful if
it’s not productive. Creativity now means saying goodbye to past ideas. Fast
food, “Super Girls” and ”Happy Boys” (Two popular TV show in China) make
people’s life so easy and enjoyable.

But there is still hope that we will connect with a depth
in our hearts which will keep us from losing ourselves in such a fast world. It
is very easy to live without reason in our lives, as the subject of life today
changes so fast and we don’t have time to figure it out before everything
shifts. The subject of this exhibition brings up a discussion of cutting edges.
That is what the artists are addressing.
