发起人:玛丽安  回复数:0   浏览数:3203   最后更新:2009/09/01 15:16:52 by 玛丽安
[楼主] artm2 2009-09-01 15:16:41
玉说-Katy Martin实验影像展
The Jade said - Katy Martin's Experimental Images Exhibition

Live interaction: Sep 12, 2009 (Saturday) at 15:00-18:00

Venue: B1, Building 1, No.696, Weihai Rd., Shanghai. (x Shanxi Bei Rd.)

美国实验影像艺术家Katy Martin是一位视觉艺术家,其艺术生涯始于20世纪70年代,她的作品把绘画、摄影、表演和数码版画复制结合在一起。Katy近年来致力于推动中美影像文化的交流,至今仍然活跃于世界艺术舞台。


美国纽约的唐人街、上海街头,一次次的邂逅,无数局部的捕捉,中、美华人的众生相与艺术家身体上抽象彩绘的并置,产生一种文化的交融与碰撞;此次展览, 将女性艺术家作品的温热与地下艺术空间的冷硬相融合,产生一种感觉上的交叉统一与强烈的视觉冲击力。艺术家企图用发自内在的经验或自己可控的经验来为艺术定位。

展览时间:2009年9月11日至9月13日 (11:00-19:00)

艺 术 家:Katy Martin (美国)

展览策划:张 莉
场地提供:B1LIVE 艺术场(上海)

Katy Martin is an experimental imaging artist from the United States who specializes in visual art. She started her art career in the 1970s, and her work combines painting, photography, performance and digital printmaking. In the past few years, Katy has been engaged in promoting exchange of imaging art between China and the United States. She continues to play an active role in the group of world class artists.
Katy’s work focuses on the ambiguity of boundaries. Placing herself on a standpoint that is changing, she moves toward the essence of an object by alternating its exterior image. The moving images transform into something abstract and set up optical illusions, patterns and afterimages. Perception, reality and illusion elide. She emphasizes the physical movement of painting and connects the act of making marks to cinema. Film becomes a context for the painterly gesture. Her combination of the forms of painting and photography shifts the expectations for each, as it questions the subjective nature of painting and the objectivity of photography. Her body is both the subject and object, the agent as well as the physical surface on which the viewer’s gaze and fantasy is projected. Her painting and photographing of her own body is to dramatize her narrative by acting out those pulls and conflicts.

From the Chinatown in New York City to the streets in Shanghai, Katy has captured numerous live moments and details of the Chinese. She puts them together with colored body painting, which brings about fusion and clash of cultures. This exhibition combines the softness and warmth in her work with the coolness and solidness of underground art space. It creates sensory crossing and unification, as well as a strong visual impact. The artist is trying to located art within visceral experience, or experience that she can verify.

Exhibition Date: Sep 11,2009-Sep 13,2009 (11:00am-19:00pm)
Venue: B1, Building 1, No.696, Weihai Rd., Shanghai. (x Shanxi Bei Rd.)
Live interaction: Sep 12, 2009 (Saturday) at 15:00-18:00

Artist: Katy Martin (USA)

Curator: Zhang Li
Art Director: A.Kong
Venue provider: B1LIVE Space, Shangha

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