发起人:ziyan813  回复数:1   浏览数:3079   最后更新:2010/03/04 12:03:13 by 大校
[楼主] 空间站 2010-01-22 15:43:03

Space Station New Exhibition

Conspiracy Theory 阴谋论
Wu Daxin 吴达新

Curator策展人: Eric C. Shiner(美国安迪·沃霍尔美术馆策展人)
Opening 开幕:2010.1.23 4:00pm


      2010年1月23日在798艺术区空间站将举办的“阴谋论”是旅美艺术家吴达新在北京举办的首次个展,由美国安迪·沃霍尔美术馆策展人Eric C.Shiner策展。 



Conspiracy Theory - New Works by Wu Daxin
For Immediate Release

      Space Station is pleased to present Conspiracy Theory by artist Wu Daxin, at Space Station on January 23, 2010, in Beijing's 798 art district. Curated by Eric C Shiner from the Andy Warhol Museum, the show marks the US-based artist’s first solo exhibition. 

      Since Popper proposed his "conspiracy theory of society", the search for evidence of conspiracy has been ceaseless. From illuminati to "the lunar landing”, from Currency Wars to 9/11, none of these events have escaped conspiracy theories put forth by certain individuals or groups. In general, their arguments do not require precise evidence or supporting logic, they can be absurdly baffling, and provocatively stimulating. Such power games, interests often driven by antagonism, all seem to project the conspirators' impenetrable ulterior motives through behind-the-scene manipulation and an information monopoly. As a consequence, complex coincidental factors are often explained away as the ultimate evidence of plots and schemes. 

      Unquestionably, the Green House Effect thus becomes a vehicle for politics and power games in the name of fate: the fate of our race, the fate of humanity and the fate of the planet. Terms such as carbon dioxide, global warming, glacial melting and the green revolution are revered as objectives of our new scientific belief, or as politically correct values endorsed by the media. The Kyoto Agreement and the Copenhagen Summit, beside their close ties to the fate of the global population, also reflect a poignant conflict between developed and developing nations on issues of low carbon economic growth, custom tax on coal, agricultural production and climate issues along with its setbacks and developments. In the current exhibition, Wu Daxin applies physical principles to construct a wall of ice measuring 10 x 5 meters. The wall does not show any physical distinctions from the other walled surfaces in the space, suggesting that nothing has taken place. However, a minimalist white wall, that continuously crystallizes and captures water molecules evaporating into the air, can be understood as condensing the often overlooked butterfly-effect affecting regional climate change within the global context. His proactive experiment to lower global temperature as an act of human intervention on the deteriorating ecosystem in Beijing – the highest carbon emission city in China in a nation ranked the second highest in the world – hopes to initiate a discussion with the audience on the environment, climate, energy, economy, politics, media, science, humanity and their relationship with the world and international diplomacy.

T: +86 10 59789671
W: www.space-station-art.com
E: spacestationart@163.com info@space-station-art.com
地点:空间站 北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区中一街
Venue: Space Station,NO.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd,798 Art District,Beijing 100015

[沙发:1楼] guest 2010-01-22 22:07:18