发起人:kingnd3  回复数:3   浏览数:3131   最后更新:2010/04/24 20:25:48 by guest
[楼主] 蜂蜜宝宝 2010-04-23 18:18:30

开幕:4月24日(周六),16:00- 18:00 / opening: 24 Apr., 4pm – 6pm

展期:2010年4月24日-5月23日 / dates: 24 Apr. – 23 May 2010

时间:周二-周日,10:00-18:00 / time: Tuesday – Sunday 10am – 6pm


Boers-Li Gallery is pleased to announce Yang Xinguang’s second solo exhibition, opening this saterday, April 24th. Yang Xinguang, who was born in Hunan Province, China and graduated from sculpture department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, lives and works now in Beijing. As one of the young and upcoming artists, Yang Xinguang’s work focuses on processes of transformation and revaluation of common, natural material like wood and stone. This exhibition will present Yang xinguang’s latest works from 2009 to 2010 In which he tries to find a challenging equilibrium between philosophical references of the material he found – tree branches, wooden shelves or pieces of stone - and todays human habits to adapt its physical appearance to his, often irrational, ‘practical needs.’


For more information on the coming exhibition, please feel free to contact us

展览报道: http://www.boersligallery.com/index.html

Or look on our website: http://www.boersligallery.com/index.html


Boers-li gallery

No. A8 Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing

+86-10-6432-2620 / info@boersligallery.com



[沙发:1楼] guest 2010-04-24 09:07:35