发起人:巫巫女  回复数:0   浏览数:1977   最后更新:2010/10/27 11:29:00 by 巫巫女
[楼主] 莫里斯 2010-10-27 11:29:00

2010.9.25 – 2011.1.16


这件巨大的装置作品是宋冬与其母亲赵湘源的一次合作。作品包含了其母亲此前居住过的房屋框架,和她多年来本着物尽其用的原则保留下来的一万多件生活物品——如衣服、书籍、厨房厕所用具、购物袋、锅碗瓢盆、玩具娃娃等。这些物品被分类摆放在展厅,展现了中国一代人的人生哲学。这种哲学与高速运转的现代社会的生产消费模式是相违背的,但在物资匮乏年代却是生存的先决条件。作品在当地引起热烈反响,并引发广泛讨论,加拿大重要媒体《环球邮报》(The Globe and Mail)、《温哥华太阳报》(Vancouver Sun)等对此均有报道。


Song Dong at the Vancouver Art Gallery

September 25, 2010 - January 16, 2011

Song Dong’s Waste Not travels to the Vancouver Art Gallery this September. Spread out over the second floor of the gallery across three large rooms, this will also be the first major solo exhibition by Song Dong in Canada.

The monumental installation is a collaboration between the artist and his mother, Zhao Xiangyuan. The installation comprises the frame of his mother’s house along with all of the everyday objects she meticulously collected over the course of her lifetime: a collection of over ten thousand worn and broken objects. Together, the assembled materials – clothes, books, kitchen utensils, toiletries, school supplies, shopping bags, rice bowls, dolls – were used, recycled, and saved. Meticulously arranged in careful groupings throughout the exhibition space, “Waste Not” – or wu jin qi gong in Chinese – reflects a life philosophy common amongst China’s older generation. Though hard to imagine in a modern society with high-speed production and flourishing consumerism, the philosophy was a requisite guideline for survival in leaner times.

The show or the artwork was first exhibited at Beijing Tokyo Art Project, Beijing (2005), then toured from 6th Gwangju Biennial, Gwangju (2006), the Berlin World Culture Pavilion, Berlin (2008), the New Art Gallery, Walsall (2009) to the Museum of Modern Art, New York (2009).

[沙发:1楼] 莫里斯 2010-10-27 12:23:09
