《慢走》— 辛云鹏 个展
发起人:慢走慢走  回复数:12   浏览数:2729   最后更新:2011/06/08 11:45:08 by 充电器
[楼主] rockbundart 2011-03-23 19:10:32





同时,这个项目也是继其早期的声音作品《探讨.探讨 1, 2, 3》(1999)和《让我休息一下》(2000)之后,第一次尝试以一个发言者的身份来回应关于这个世界的讨论。

◆ 活动安排
大约10分钟之后开始旅程,途径外滩,到达外滩三号,上至沪申画廊,旅程的终点为福州路上的船长酒吧(CAPTAIN BAR)。

◆ 艺术家简介

NG目前驻地于上海习艺堂。在此之前她曾于许多艺术机构工作,其中包括中国藕丽江艺术中心、 巴黎国际大学城玻璃盒艺术中心、法国美丽岛世界中心、比利时布鲁塞尔泡艺术实验中心、比利时安特惠普Lokaal 01艺术中心、法国马赛三角艺术中心、美国洛杉矶533画廊、法国尼斯当代艺术学校安特惠普AIR中心、法国尼斯安蒂•洛瓦的泡泡皇宫和美国纽约新浪潮工厂。


* 本活动与上海习艺堂合作举办

Performance: Speech of the 21st century
Travel with Artist NG for an Imagination of the Bund

Time: March 27th, 2011 (Sunday)16:00-18:00
Venue: 1F, XieJin Building, 169 Yuan Ming Yuan Road

Event Description:
The event is free of charge, please email info@rockbundartmuseum.org to RSVP, Thank You!
To explore, to see, to listen, and to discover the unknown world- the 21st century.
Try to understand some shapes, to belong to the 21st century and to perform this belonging.
Make a speech in Chinese, an unknown language to me.

NG was born in France. She has been working as an artist-in-residency in China for two months. Four years ago NG began a nomadic art project, going from one residence to another, in order to experiment all kinds of spaces, situations, and all kinds of ways of life.

During this period, through reading about botanic research in amazonia, NG understood that the world is unknown, all can be explored and discovered. Each project, be it a sound track, a video, a drawing, or a performance, is a peculiar expedition in a new context, person, tool, and place.

NG’s project for the Bund is not to understand, to interpret, but to listen, to contemplate, and to get some shapes. This project is also to tell, to make a speech, to perform her belonging to the 21st century, to write a speech as an answer to the visuals and sounds data that she gets everyday without trying to order.

To escape the mental structures of the 20 century, NG is writing this speech in a new language, a language unknown to her, Chinese. She continues her 'nomadic performance', her travel, to discover an unknown world, while trying to respect her slow rhythm: exploration, meetings, learning.

In addition, this project comes after NG’s first sounds pieces ('discours discours 1, 2, 3' (99) "give me a break" (2000), first try to be a 'spokesman' to answer the world's discourse, the world's speech.

◆ Schedule

16:00 NG introduces the project and her previous works;
The trip starts after about 10 minutes, approaching Shanghai Gallery of Art at 3 on the Bund via the Bund. The destination is the Captain Bar on Fu Zhou Road.

◆ Artist Bio

Four years ago NG began a nomadic art project, going from one residence to another, in order to experiment collective ways of life, to test utopic prototypes, and to live in all kinds of spaces, situations, and all kinds of ways of life.

NG is now at Xi Yi Tang Shanghai after Rhizome Lijiang (China), la Cité Internationale Universitaire Glassbox Paris, le Centre du Monde Belle-île, Bains connectives Brussels, Lokaal 01 Antwerp, Triangle Marseille, gallery 533 Los Angeles, AIR Antwerp Villa Arson Nice, Villa du lavoir Paris, the bubble house of Antti Lovag Nice, Quelle Vienna, Bad foundation Rotterdam, Flux Factory NY,...

In her latest research, NG explores the relationship between physical and mental space. Looking her own place in architecture prototypes, NG continues this project in LA, in order to test a new way to unhabit. NG thinks that the architecture transforms us totally and we are a different person living here or there.

* The event is co-sponsored by XiYiTang Shanghai

[沙发:1楼] guest 2011-03-25 15:02:27